Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

So, I got on punishment for a week. It's so old fashion I know. It's just a banishment from any type of junk food. And she has Jack and everyone looking out for me.

I really hate this. I hadn't had a ruffle in one hour. This really sucks. I looked at the time. ten a.m. It was way to early anyway. I was suppose to go school shopping or something since I needed new elegant clothes for all the parties and get togethers. 

I really am gonna hate all those things except the food. This is really going to suck big time. I was suppose to have been ready an hour ago. I stood up quickly and took a shower and got dress before Kyra, Laylie and Lisa came to do it their self. They where down stairs eating breakfast with everyone, but I slept in an extra hour because the sugar hangover.I bet you don't know how that feels. Like shit and rainbows.

I grabbed everything on my checklist. Which included my ipod, phone, keys, and my purse. I skipped down the stairs. I'm sick of these stairs. I sat on the railing and tempted the slid down them. They where so tricky and irritating. 

I eventually got tired of trying to ride the railings like Jack and the others. I huffed when I got to the bottom of stairs. I just stared at the site before me. They where laughing at something Richard said. They where pretty funny. Jack was staring at Lisa not taking his eyes off her. All the boys where digging in their food like a bunch of pigs. 

"Jack? Earth to Jack?" My mom said and Chris started waving his hand in front of his face, but he still didn't budge. My mom and Richard started grinning happily like they knew something. 

"Jack?" Lisa said amusement written all over her face. She reminded me of Snake Bites. Jack shook his head and stared at us blushing deeply. This was the perfect time to get him back for what he did to me last night. Yeah he put honey and feather all over me in my sleep. I have to start locking my door at night. 

"Jack?" I cooed. "Are you really blushing? How cute. Awww. Your just so cute when you blush. I've seen you blush." I pinched his cheek and took a seat at the table to eat a bit. I didn't eat much because of last night and took a quick look at Lisa and Jack. I grinned at them both and grabbed my bag which was extra heavy because of everything on my checklist. I also had a book in there because I might be gone for longer than I want to. 

"You guys ready?" I asked them.

"The correct question is are you ready?" Kyra asked with a grin. 

"I've been waiting on you three." I said in a 'duh' tone and glared at them. They all grinned at me. 

I shook my head and they got up and we left. We drove forty five minutes to some mall Haylie was talking. Hehe. I was sitting in the front seat rubbing my hands together mischievously. Then I stopped before Kyra had seen me who was driving. Reckless might I add She was doing ninety in a 40 zone.

"Wheres the music? I like pulling in a parking lot with loud speakers." I said and reached for the radio and turning it up loud and hooking my ipod to it playing Neon Trees In the Next Room. I grinned and nodded my head in time with the beat.

I got so into the music. I shaking my head wildly and singing the music out of Toon. Eventually me stopped and I was so out of it I had no idea we did and that everyone was staring. Keep in mind that this mall was suppose to be amazingly popular. Don't get me wrong I love shopping, when I'm not being forced to do it. 

Kyra removed the keys, but the music was still playing. I grinned triumphantly and they opened the door and the music cut off. My smile instantly dropped and theirs lifted. I grumbled amd stomped out the car. 

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