Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Lunch. The most dreaded place for a new person. Not me. I was so hungry. I would sit anywhere and not wait. I thought I'd be sitting alone, but as soon as I entered the cafeteria Jack called me to his table and slapped a twenty in my hand for my lunch. I grinned at him thankfully. I came to school with empty pockets. 

He laughed at me and I rushed in line feeling a pair of eyes boring into my face but I was looking at my phone on WattPad not worried about the person. I stuck my phone in my pocket and looked up to see the main source of all my problems. Snake Bites. "Hey Rebbin." He grinned at me playfully, but I just frowned at him.

"My name isn't Rebbin." I said. He'd only though that because everyone screamed Rebbin when I walked in. What I mean by everyone my stepbrothers and brothers. It was so horribly humiliating. "It's Robbin. Snake-Rachel what do you want?" I asked not really confirm what his name was.

"Rachel-My name isn't Rachel." He started laughing a twinkle of playfulness in his eyes. "It's Marcus Steel." He said. He grinned at me and held out his hand for me to shake it. I shook my head. I was scared to touch him. He put it down and covered his expression but not before I seen. It was all to familiar something I used all the time. Hurt.

"I just don't touch people I don't know." I tried making up a lame excuse. I wasn't very good at lying when weird situations came up. I sighed heavily. "I'm just scared to touch you. Well people in general. " Well not completely true just him, but he'd never know. 

"Come to the front of the line." He grinned. I shook my head. "Please. They'll let me skip." I knew I was getting dirty looks, and I tried to brush them off, but they were really getting to me.

I grabbed everything I wanted, and moved up to the register with him. He shook his head and held out his money. "Let me buy your lunch." He winked at me and made my insides tingle. He walked away leaving me speechless and very uncomfortable. 

I headed to the table in a daze. I could see everyone giving me a weird look. Their whole table was filled with boys and also Snakes Bites. I refused to called him Marcus. I love the name Snake Bites. Of course there were a few girls. Only a few and they where mated up. You could tell every couple at the table love each other. Every person at the table was freakishly handsome. Nothing out of beat. They all looked like models. 

I would stick out like a red rose in a dozen of white ones.  I sat down hesitatingly and sat next to Jack. He grinned at me mischievously. "Rebbin." He stated.

"Seth." I said dryly. I grabbed my burger and took a big bite from it. I heard a snicker from someone on the other end of the table; I could feel every eye at the table looking at me. Our food was never this good at our school. I blushed. I just ate so un lady like. The whole table started laughing even Jack. "Not funny." I mumbled and took a bug gulp form my strawberry-lemonade. My favorite drink flavour, juice flavor in the whole wide world. 

They table went back talking some occasionally grinning me and my un lady like poster. So what. Who was I trying to impress. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I couldn't suppress the grin that slipped on my face. I had a special vibrating ring tone for WattPad. Vibrate. Pause, Vibrate, vibrate. Pause.... Vibrate.........vibrate, vibrate and vibrate. I know I was weird, but whatever.

I heard a low growl from the other end of the table. It was so inhuman. My eyes almost grew big at it, but I stopped because anyone could sound like that. Even me. I saw someone had commented on my story begging for an update. I also saw a post from one my WattPad friends. I grinned at it. I busted out laughing when I read the rest. Yet again I could feel the whole table staring at me. 

"So Rebbin." A girl at the table asked. She was really pretty she had big beautiful blue eyes and long black hair that shined in the sunlight coming from the window nearby. Her face was shaped like a heart and she had a cute button nose. "Do you have a boyfriend back home?" She abruptly stopped talking and her eyes grew big and stared at Snake Bites. Like she knew something and she grinned. "Not for long." She mumbled under her breath.

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