They treated him badly, also regretted adopting Jungkook. They pampered their little baby but neglected kookie. And literally started to being abusive.

Now Jungkook was 23 years old and both of his step parents started to get burdened by Jungkook.

"Lea-- leave me... Hurts so b-bad"
Jungkook hiccuped.

Step mother threw the belt somewhere else and left to her room, she called her husband.

"I am fed up of him!! I can't focus on my child because of him!! Get rid of him anyhow!!"
She yelled in irritation.

Her husband thought for a while and smirked.

"I know what to do?!"
"We will marry him off"
"It will cost--"
"I will sell him by marrying him to the person who does human trafficking."
Jungkook eavesdropped their conversation.
He gasped in fear.

'They a-are going to sell m-me?'
Jungkook shook his head frantically.

"No, no! I can't let them sell me... I can't let m-my guards down!"
Jungkook whispered yelled.

He immediately went to his room. Thinking of the plan from escaping from this hell hole.

It was midnight and Jungkook packed his luggage, ready to leave.

He tiptoed out of the room, confirming that everyone slept peacefully, smart kookie added sleeping pills in the dinner. As the stupid of step parents made our sweet kookie to cook, so he took it as a golden (⁠⌐⁠■-■⁠) opportunity.

He successfully made his way out of the hell hole. But struggles are yet to be start...

He ran as fast as he can. When he was confirmed that he was on the safe place as in far away from the hell hole he stopped.

Jungkook panted heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead. He took out his handkerchief on which a small bunny was engraved, the only thing he is having as a memory of his true parents, he wiped his sweat.

"Oh my goodness! Alone guy at the midnight.... Strange isn't it?"
The anonymous guy whispered darkly.

Jungkookie stood frozen, he gulped the lump formed in his throat.

'Do not worry Jungkook. Ignore him'
Jungkook started to walk fast.

"Oh oh!! Where are you going? I can drop you"
The anonymous guy started to follow Jungkook.

Koo increased the pace as he sensed the danger. But unfortunately clumsiness led him to fall down on the ground.

The man started to laugh darkly. Jungkook started to shiver in fear.

"L-listen, get lost..."
Jungkook warned, tried to be strong but his insides were scared as hell.

"Uhu, I can't, unless I take that precious bag and that small kind of jewelry"
He approached koo who started to back off.

"I don't have anything pr-precious"
The man snatched koo's bag from his grasp and broke the chain, which was golden 😎 in colour... I repeat colour but stupid thief thought that it's real gold chain.

"Give me my bag!"
Jungkook stand up tried to snatch the bag but the man pushed Jungkook and ran away.

Koo was panicking already.

"Now what should I do? There was money inside the bag!! How will I live now"

"I don't even know how to work as I never came o-outside... I'm h-helpless!! I grew up by the hate from that couple inside of the house now when I c-came out.... I still have to face s-struggle! Argh!!"
Jungkook yelled.

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