👑Fragile Resilience: Vil's Shelter👑

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•Vil schoenheit x cry baby male | reader•

In the grand halls of Pomefiore, where opulence intertwined with sorcery, [ Name], a soul adorned with delicate sensitivity, navigated the corridors as a cry baby not by choice but by the haunting echoes of a troubled past. The scars he bore were not visible to the naked eye, yet they etched profound wounds within him.

The air within Night Raven College carried whispers of cruelty, and [ Name] found himself ensnared in a web of bullying. Books were thrown, water was poured, but the climax of torment awaited him—an unforgiving humiliation in front of a sea of judgmental eyes. Cold water and ice rained down upon him, the shards of frozen cruelty piercing through the fragile sanctuary he had tried to construct.

His friends—Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu—bear witness to the heart-wrenching spectacle. The symphony of cruelty, the cacophony of mockery, left [ Name] shattered, his cries echoing through the corridors. As the tormentors reveled in their cruelty, the quartet of friends, a beacon of support, intervened.

Ace, his fiery spirit fueled by righteous anger, led the way. Deuce, with unwavering loyalty, stood by [ Name]'s side. Grim, the silent sentinel, observed with a gaze that promised retribution. Yuu, the compassionate soul, felt the weight of [ Name]'s pain and resolved to bring him solace.

Together, they ushered the broken [ Name] to the haven of Pomefiore, where Vil Schoenheit, the epitome of elegance and poise, awaited in regal splendor. Yuu, the messenger of empathy, approached Vil and recounted the torment inflicted upon their fragile companion.

Vil's demeanor, usually draped in sophistication, contorted with unmasked anger at the injustice. With a nod of acknowledgment, he allowed Yuu to tend to [ Name]. The pained soul, soaked and shivering, entered the sanctum of [ Name]'s room within Pomefiore Dorm.

Yuu, with gentle hands and a heart overflowing with compassion, helped [ Name] peel away the layers of drenched clothing. The icy water had clung to him, a cruel reminder of the torment endured. With a soft touch, Yuu guided [ Name] through the process of drying and changing.

Vil, having donned an expression that transcended his usual aloofness, entered the room. He witnessed the vulnerability of [ Name]—a cry baby not by choice but by the haunting echoes of a troubled past. Without a word, Vil approached, his elegant fingers finding solace in brushing [ Name]'s wet hair.

In the quietude of the room, where the echoes of cruelty still lingered, Vil offered a gesture of silent comfort. He cradled [ Name] in a comforting embrace, the warmth of his presence becoming a shield against the lingering cold.

"[ Name], you are not alone. You are valued, cherished, and deserving of kindness," Vil whispered, his words a balm to [ Name]'s wounded spirit.

As the night unfolded, the fragile soul found refuge in the haven of Pomefiore. Vil, Yuu, Ace, Deuce, and Grim became the pillars of support, rebuilding what cruelty had sought to dismantle. In the sanctuary of warmth and empathy, [ Name] discovered that vulnerability could coexist with resilience.

And as the dawn painted the skies with hues of hope, [ Name], once shattered, stood amidst the fragments of his pain, held aloft by the unwavering support of those who saw beyond the tears—the tears that now bore testament to a strength forged in the crucible of empathy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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