🐶Alchemy of the Heart🐶

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•Crewel Divus x Male teacher|Reader•

Within the halls of the renowned academy, Professor Crewel Divus stands as a figure of both scientific expertise and mystical knowledge. His lectures on the intricate amalgamation of science and potionology captivate students, yet his enigmatic persona remains an enigma to most. Among the faculty, [Name], a dedicated teacher with an ardor for both science and magic, finds themselves increasingly intrigued by Divus's teachings and mystique.

One day, during an experiment blending scientific principles with magical ingredients, Divus and [Name] find themselves working together. Amidst bubbling cauldrons and crackling vials, their contrasting teaching styles harmonize, igniting an unexpected synergy.

As their collaboration progresses, [Name] glimpses behind Divus's impassive facade, discovering the weight of his past and the loneliness that shrouds his present. The combination of science and potionology becomes a bridge, allowing them to delve deeper into each other's worlds.

In the after-hours of an experimental session, [Name] stumbles upon Divus in the laboratory, lost in contemplation. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Divus confides in [Name], sharing the struggles of blending science and magic and the burdens he carries from his past experiments.

Through shared moments amidst bubbling concoctions and scientific marvels, their connection transcends the boundaries of academia. They bond over the complexities of teaching a curriculum that intertwines the rationality of science with the wonder of potionology.

In the hushed ambience of the laboratory, amid the faint hum of magical apparatuses, a profound understanding blossoms between Professor Crewel Divus and [Name], revealing that sometimes the most magical connections arise from the fusion of rationality and wonder.


This revision incorporates the intertwined nature of science and potionology, emphasizing the connection between Divus and [Name] through their shared passion for these disciplines.

(I have been trying some writing styles such as using [Name] and Y/N and some 1st and 2nd POV not just 3rd POV's but im still working on long conversation within characters but im still glad that you guys read my book even its just a few but im very happy)

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