🐶Threads of Devotion🐶

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•Divus Crewel x Wife|Reader•

In the vibrant halls of Night Raven College, Crewel, the meticulous and esteemed Potion's teacher, often found refuge within the walls of his laboratory, surrounded by bubbling cauldrons and mystical concoctions. You, his beloved wife, brought a sense of tranquility and comfort to his otherwise bustling life with your gentle demeanor and unwavering support.

One serene evening, Crewel returned from a demanding day of instructing eager students in the art of potion making. Sensing his contemplative mood, you welcomed him with a comforting embrace, recognizing the subtle signs of weariness that marked his features.

"Welcome home, my love," you greeted him tenderly, guiding him to a quiet corner of your home where he could unwind and find solace.

Crewel, normally consumed by the intricacies of potion brewing, found respite in your presence. As he settled into the familiar comfort of your shared space, he shared the challenges and triumphs of his day, finding solace in your attentive ears and comforting words.

Recognizing the weight of his responsibilities, you insisted on a moment of relaxation, guiding Crewel to release the stresses of the day. Amidst the soothing ambiance of your sanctuary, you brewed a calming elixir, easing his weary mind and allowing him to savor a moment of tranquility.

In the gentle glow of candlelight, you prepared a nourishing meal, catering to Crewel's preferences and offering him a respite from the rigors of his work. The aroma of familiar dishes filled the air, creating an atmosphere of domestic comfort and serenity.

Crewel, usually stoic and composed, visibly relaxed in your presence, his heart warmed by the care and understanding you provided. Your unwavering support became his sanctuary, a source of strength amidst the challenges he faced as an esteemed potion's teacher.

As the evening waned, Crewel turned to you with a gaze filled with gratitude and affection. "Thank you for being my anchor," he expressed sincerely, his voice echoing the depth of his appreciation.

Embracing the moment, you reassured him with words of love and encouragement, reaffirming the unbreakable bond that tethered your hearts together. In the haven of your affectionate embrace, Crewel found not just solace but unwavering devotion.


I hope this revised tale captures the essence of domestic comfort and love between Crewel, the Potion's teacher, and his beloved wife, filled with warmth, understanding, and unwavering support!

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