👑 Harmonious Reverie👑

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•Vil Schoenheit x male idol|Reader•

In the opulent halls of Pomefiore, Vil Schoenheit, the poised and refined dorm leader, found himself intrigued by a fellow artist—a male idol whose charismatic performances and magnetic stage presence captured hearts across the realm.

You, a renowned male idol known for your captivating performances and melodious voice, caught Vil's attention with your ethereal stage presence and the mesmerizing way you commanded the audience's emotions.

One eventful evening, during a prestigious gala hosted at Night Raven College, Vil found himself entranced by your performance, a symphony of emotions and melodies that resonated through the grand hall. Your stage presence, a fusion of elegance and passion, struck a chord within him.

Intrigued by your artistry, Vil sought to converse with you beyond the boundaries of the stage. His elegant demeanor and genuine interest in your craft led to a series of encounters that deepened the bond between the refined dorm leader and the charismatic idol.

Amidst shared discussions about artistic pursuits and the nuances of performance, Vil discovered a kindred spirit in you—a fellow artist who understood the weight of creative expression and the depth of emotion woven into every note and movement.

As your interactions continued, a unique camaraderie blossomed between the two of you. Vil, typically reserved, found comfort in your presence, appreciating the understanding you held for the intricate world of performance and artistry.

In turn, you admired Vil's unwavering dedication to refinement and artistic expression, recognizing the depth of his passion and the beauty in his meticulous approach to his craft.

As the gala season drew to a close, Vil extended an invitation to collaborate on a project, a harmonious blend of your vocal prowess and his artistic vision. The prospect of collaborating on a project ignited a spark of excitement and anticipation between the two of you.

With the promise of a harmonious collaboration on the horizon, Vil and you exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding that transcended the realm of mere acquaintanceship, fostering a bond of mutual admiration and artistic synergy.


I hope you enjoy this tale of artistic connection and camaraderie between Vil Schoenheit and a male idol reader, where their shared appreciation for artistry leads to a blossoming collaboration and a bond grounded in mutual admiration!

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