🐉Enchanted Union: Between Duty and Desire Part 2:🐉

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•Malleus Draconia x arrange married| Reader part 2 •

As the echoes of their unspoken emotions linger in the hallowed corridors of Night Raven College, Malleus and [ Name] grapple with the weight of expectation and the undeniable bond growing between them.

Their shared moments, once laced with formality, now carry an unspoken understanding. Malleus finds solace in [ Name]'s unwavering support and intuitive grasp of the complexities surrounding their union. Likewise, [ Name] discovers a depth to Malleus that transcends his regal demeanor-a vulnerability that tugs at their heartstrings.

However, the intricacies of their arrangement loom large. The expectations of their families and the traditions governing their union cast shadows on the blossoming affection between them.

In the heart of Night Raven College, a pivotal event unfolds-an ancient ceremony steeped in tradition. It's a moment that not only commemorates their union but also serves as a testament to their magical lineage and the revered legacies they carry.

As the ceremony progresses, Malleus and [ Name] are bound together in a spell woven from centuries-old enchantments. In the midst of the ritual's mystic aura, they exchange fleeting glances, silently acknowledging the burgeoning emotions that defy the constraints of duty.

In the aftermath of the ceremony, amidst the ethereal ambiance of the NRC, Malleus and [ Name] steal fleeting moments, seeking solace in each other's company. Their conversations stray from matters of tradition to dreams, aspirations, and the whispered promises that linger in the enchanted air.

Yet, amidst the tender moments, conflicts arise. The weight of responsibility tugs at Malleus's resolve, while [ Name] grapples with reconciling their own desires with the expectations laid upon them.

In a secluded alcove within the college's labyrinthine walls, beneath the starlit skies that mirror the glimmering enchantments of their world, Malleus and [ Name] confront the labyrinthine emotions entwining their hearts.

In a whispered exchange of heartfelt truths and unspoken confessions, they acknowledge the love burgeoning between them-a love born not solely from duty but from the depths of their shared experiences and understanding.

With a tender touch and a promise whispered on the wings of the night, Malleus and [ Name] vow to navigate the complexities of tradition while fostering a love that transcends the boundaries set by their lineage.

Their union, once forged in the fires of obligation, now stands as a testament to the indomitable power of love-bridging worlds, rewriting destinies, and enchanting the very fabric of Night Raven College.


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