💪Harmony in Flight: Ashton's Lesson💪

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•Ashton Vargas twisted wonderland x pregnant wife  | reader•

In the whimsical halls of Night Raven College, where magic and wonder converged, Ashton Vargas, the charismatic professor in Physical Education, found himself at the center of attention. Today's lesson was no ordinary one; it involved flying on brooms without a hitch—a skill vital for any student at the prestigious academy.

Amidst the eager students, [ Name], a beloved teacher of music, arts, and health, watched from the sidelines. She was six months pregnant, her gentle aura radiating a warmth that resonated with the life growing within her.

Ashton, his vibrant crimson hair contrasting against the clear blue sky, took command of the lesson with an infectious enthusiasm. His broom hovered effortlessly beneath him as he demonstrated the intricacies of maintaining balance and control. The students observed with a mix of awe and determination.

[ Name], her hands cradling her baby bump, couldn't help but smile at the sight of her husband in his element. The harmonious blend of magic and physical prowess unfolded before her, creating a spectacle that mirrored the enchantment of their world.

As Ashton guided the students through the exercises, he occasionally glanced toward [ Name], a silent exchange of shared joy and pride passing between them. It was a connection that transcended the magical lessons of the academy—a connection rooted in the journey they were embarking on together.

When the lesson reached its peak, Ashton gracefully landed on the ground, his students applauding his skillful display. As he approached [ Name], a spark of mischief twinkled in his eyes.

"[ Name], care to join me for a brief flight?" he suggested, extending his hand.

[ Name], a twinkle of excitement in her eyes, hesitated for a moment before nodding. Ashton gently helped her onto a broom, ensuring she was securely seated before taking to the sky together.

The students, now gathered around in anticipation, watched as Ashton and [ Name] soared through the air. It was a testament to trust and love, a dance between magic and the undeniable connection shared by the couple.

As they gently descended, Ashton landed with the grace of a seasoned flier. The students erupted into applause, appreciating the magical spectacle and the heartwarming moment shared by their beloved professors.

Back on solid ground, Ashton turned to [ Name] with a tender smile. "Thank you for joining me in the skies, my love. Our little one seemed to enjoy the journey as well."

[ Name] chuckled, feeling the gentle flutter of their baby within. "It was a magical experience, Ashton. I'm glad we could share it together."

The lesson concluded with a sense of enchantment lingering in the air. The students dispersed, and as Ashton and [ Name] walked back to the academy together, hand in hand, the beauty of their connection became a melody that echoed through the whimsical corridors of Night Raven College.

In this magical haven, where lessons transcended textbooks and love soared on broomsticks, Ashton and [ Name] reveled in the harmony of their shared journey—a journey that promised new beginnings and a future filled with enchantment.


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