Chapter 2

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Recap on last times chapter...

I woke up to random noises outside my door. Y/n looked at the time then got up to check on the suspicious activity, it was coming from the art study room. "Trixx? Lina? Genie? If that's you I swear to god you aren't living another day. You just woke me up from the best sleep I've had in ages!" The strange noises continued. Starting to get a little anxious, I grabbed a random sandal on the floor and walked closer to the room hearing the noises getting louder and louder. I slowly turned the door knob creeping into the room, it went silent. Y/n sighed and went into the room inspecting it.


The door slammed shut locking her in. "Guys... this isn't funny! I'm about to hit you with a sandal if you don't come out now." Shaking looking around the pitch black room but can't seem to find anything off. She sighed and headed to the door again to try to open it.

"Leaving so soon...?"


Y/N tensed up and instantly turned her body to face whoever was behind her. When she saw a figure around her height staring deep into her eyes she shrieked loudly.

"WOAH THERE, KEEP IT DOWN" The mysterious figure cried out holding it's ears then snapping his fingers to make light appear. " Don't be frightened calm down." The figure smiled.

I backed into the door frightened by the random spawning figure in my house, in the same room as me, right in front of me. I looked this thing up and down, he was my height with pale skin, blonde hair, a white top hat with a red ribbon and a crown on it and is that an apple? It was wearing a fancy suit attire color coded in white and red with small gold buttons and a black bow tie. I widened my eyes and slightly yelled out, "WHO THE F*** ARE YOU?! HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

He stared at me confused then put on a big smile,

"Well well well, greetings to you! My names Lucifer, ya knowww the king of hell! The boss." He said leaning most of his weight on a cane that had an apple on the top. "You summoned me during a busy fiasco I was in so I couldn't come and do my amazing work right away." He chuckled. "My apologies if I frightened you, that is never my intention... maybe... maybe it was.." He said with a devilish smile. "It actually worked. The summoning... please tell me you are joking." I responded going a little pale and covering my mouth.

"Yup! Definitely a dream. Wake up." He said with a smile being or trying to sound sarcastic.

I stared at him dumb founded, "You don't look like a king... well like I mean the king of hell.." I blurted out. oops.

His smiled faded and put his hand where his heart would be, "Ouch, that was harsh." Then he shined a sharp teeth grin at me. "Any who blah blah blah I introduced myself, what do you wish for or want?" 

"..Uhh sorry to burst your bubble but.. me and my friends maybe summoned you by accident- YA by accident." I nervously said.

His eye twitched, "BUT" he pointed at the pentagram that was basically engraved into my floor, "You did the steps to summon me and used YOUR blood. This was no mistake." He said raising his voice.

"It was for the plot. We had a sleepover and got bored, so you can please and kindly leave now." I plead with my hands together.

"WELL SORRY TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE DARLING BUT-" he inhaled. "I can not leave unless you make a deal with me. Rules sorry, sucks I know" He said the last part like her was a theater nerd. I scoffed. "Well then, I don't need anything so leave and go back to hell" I got a little comfortable feeling and crossed my arms. He huffed. "Trust me when I say this, you can not get rid of me unless you make a deal. We will meet again very VERY soon." He took a deep breath then vanished with flames circling upwards.

I stood there in disbelief. "That was interesting.." I ran to my room and called my friend group. 

Only Trixx and Genie picked up

Trixx: "Whats uppp girl-'

Y/N: " I hate you Trixx "

Trixx: "The hell I do?"

Genie: "I'm confused what's happening?"

Y/N: "You know that little thing we all did at the sleepover for "Funzies"?"

Trixx and Genie: "yaaaa.. what about it?"

Y/N: I sighed, "well it worked, I met Lucifer and now I have to make a deal with him to get rid of him thanks to you, Trixx."

Genie: "Are you on something, Y/N"

Trixx: "I agree with Genie, what are you on because I want some. It was a joke I know you are trying to fuck with us right now." She laughed.


Trixx: "mhmmm sure you are just paranoid."

Genie: "Ya calm down you are fine."

Y/N: "YOU- I swear to god I'm not joking this is serious."

Trixx: "Just go back to bed because I'm gonna go hit the hay. NIGHTT" she said quickly and left the call

Genie: "Just get some rest Y/n, I bet you are just seeing and hearing things after that night. You're just paranoid."

Y/N: "Genie I fuckin-"

Genie: "NIGHTTT" she left the call

I sighed and laid in my bed under my fluffy covers. "Maybe I am just going crazy because im paranoid..." I mumbled to myself. I decided to search up Lucifer summoning on search but nothing comes up. "Ya I'm just crazy at this point."

I yawned then turned on my side playing music closing my eyes. Was I just seeing things? Am I hearing things correctly? Am I dreaming? This is so frustrating.

I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep just to calm myself down from the event that just happening praying it was just my imagination and I'm just going insane. I opened my eyes scanning the room then closed them again. Might as well just sleep it off, maybe tomorrow will be better and this will all just blow over. Hopefully..

After laying there for awhile, Y/N soon falls asleep listening to calm music, little does she know the dark shadows around her, someone was watching and listening. She wasn't alone. 



I type a lot of details when writing a story so let me know if you guys just want me to cut to the chase some or most times, or ya know make it shorter. I hopeeee you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you at the next chapter. PEACE AND GOODNIGHT

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