4} 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4: 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅

3𝒓𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏

The cafe smells of pastries and coffee, with hints of mint here and there. Koemi runs around the cafe, serving and taking up orders. Whoever said that running a cafe was easy was a liar. Just because she's wearing roller skates and knee pads doesn't mean that her legs hurt any less. Sure, the small space that is her cafe isn't always busy. But today's just one of those days she supposes.

Right before Koemi was gonna go to the back kitchen and whip up some more croissants and coffees, she sees a messy fluff of purple hair walk through her door. Along with two other adults, Hitoshi takes one step through her door and she's on him like white on rice.

"HITOSHI!" Koemi exclaims with delight.

She practically forgot that she was wearing her skates when she ran (wheeled) over and bearhugged him. Koemi smiles big and brightly at her friend. Hitoshi struggles to get out of the hug, clearly embarrassed to be hugged by a girl in front of his parents.

Yamada and Aizawa just stare at the two in confusion. Aizawa rolls his eyes and sighs, it's too early for this (it's an hour before noon). He takes a seat at a table that's near the front counter, dropping his head on the table and power napping (a very Aizawa-thing to do). Yamada decides to do the same, excluding the napping. Instead he watches the two with curious eyes.

Once Hitoshi manages to peel Koemi's arms off of him, he glares at her. Koemi tilts her head and smiles innocently.

"How's my favorite kiddo, huh?" She asks with a small smirk as she slowly skates herself back to the kitchen.

Hitoshi moves a vacant chair near the opening of the counter and sits in it, folding his arms in front of his chest and slouching forward. He huffs an annoyed sigh.

"Miserable," Hitoshi drawled out sarcastically.

Koemi sticks her arm out of the doorway and flicks Hitoshi's forehead. She gives him a deadpan look then goes back to baking the croissants. Hitoshi frowns at the small bruise that's slowly forming on his forehead, another one for the collection he supposes. Then Koemi yells something from the kitchen.

"Mind seeing what your parents want? Kind of forgot you were with 'em," She asks loudly as she bobs her head to the faint music that's playing in her cafe.

Hitoshi sighs tiredly, and lazily asks his parents what they would like. Aizawa, clearly amused by the whole situation, asks for a simple black coffee with as many espresso shots as possible. Yamada, pretty confused with the entire situation, asks for a... more in-depth drink. The drink even sounds crazy, so crazy that Hitoshi isn't even gonna try and remember it.

"Just tell Koe," Hitoshi lazily drawls out, "I'm not even gonna try." He mutters out while sitting beside Aizawa.

Koemi has a very calm demeanor. She can bake and cook, not sleep for several days, travel through time, sleep paralysis, alcohol, stab and gunshot wounds; it's all no problem. But what is a problem is that she completely forgot that THE Present Mic is in her cafe. In his civilian attire, sure, but still. Yes, she knows that Hitoshi's parents are heroes. Yes, she still almost freaks out when seeing them.

Is it strange to say that Koemi absolutely loves Present Mic? Or the fact that there's a couple posters (at least 15) of him in her cafe? And the thing is, Koemi doesn't even know how she's still breathing right now! Because her two favorite kiddos decided it was a good idea to spar without her, she should be furious! And her hero is just sitting in her cafe as if all of this is absolutely normal!

Koemi knows that she is still an adult. She can't run around the city like some wild animal anymore. But that's besides the point, the point is that THE Present Mic is talking to her right now. He's asking for a really complicated order that she really doesn't want to do, because THE Present Mic can never have a simple coffee.

Present Mic smiles at her brightly, soft green eyes meeting her hyper cyan ones. If anything, Koemi could die happy now. Throughout her time traveling years, Koemi has definitely seen him at least a dozen times (more than a dozen). Though if she were to actually interact with him in any other timeline, she's positive she'd screw up the world as they know it.

"One iced venti caramel macchiato, 15 pumps of vanilla syrup, heavy whipping cream, barely any ice, one shot of espresso, and extra caramel drizzle please!" the hero asks politely.

Now that's something Koemi loves to drink, but fucking hates making it.

"Coming right up!" She says with a bounce.

Koemi races back to the kitchen, grabs a black coffee and swings herself using one of the support beams, and sets it on the front counter. This order, the ice venti whatever- you know what? She's not even gonna say it. (A/N: fear the crackhead drink, actual its super good but very sweet)

Her thoughts are a whirl while making such a thing. She knows that she is an adult now, and that she can't freak out or get too excited over such things. Koemi sometimes forgets she's friends with almost everyone. Popular, unpopular, vigilantes, even villains. Well, she considers anyone who walks into her cafe to be a friend. Though, Koemi knows that it doesn't exactly work that way. She's just a nurse and a tech lady. Nothing more.

(everything she truly is)

Izuku is back to jumping fences, running from a pack of stray dogs. Usually, the strays are very friendly. But something tells Izuku that these strays aren't friendly nor normal. These ones look juiced up. Probably some testing lab threw them out as "failed subjects."

But this big and bad vigilante is getting chased by a bunch of dogs, and it's not a fun experience. Pitbulls to be exact. Pitbulls that have jaws that extend and pull apart, opening to reveal rows upon rows of teeth. Like that one creature from Stranger Things, a demogorgon right? Except make it a dog. A fast pack of dogs.

(No hate against pitbulls in particular. Or the singer. Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room)

Just as one is about to lock onto his leg, he jumps off the ground and scales the side of a building, getting onto the roof for safety. Look, Izuku never wants to hurt an animal. He's just like them after all, just wanting and needing and taking and hunting and all alone- let's not go down that rabbit hole. But Izuku is so close to just shooting said dogs, because oh my lord they are terrifying. Why for Kami's sake, would anybody do such things to those poor puppies?

(Headcanon: Izuku is not an animal person in general)

Izuku starts hopping from rooftop to rooftop, earbuds blasting whatever music in his ears (On The Floor by Lumi Athena). Enhancer, one of his many quirks, coursing through his veins and the wind ruffling through his curls. It's Izuku's favorite high, sprinting so fast to where he can barely breathe. The gas mask covering half his face gives him a way to actually breathe, but other than that the struggle is still there.

The sound of cloth ripping through the air is heard behind him, causing him to skid to a halt with half lidded eyes and smirk hidden by the mask. Upon hearing a man land with a soft grunt.

"Emerald?" said man whispers.




Hell yeah, i'm alive. and officially updated something. Sry abt the wait, my brain keeps throwing more fanfic ideas at me even tho i have at least 3 unfinished ones.... haha :D

Am I still editing this? Yes I am. 

Besides my inner turmoil, I love all my dear readers and wish you all a wonder rest of your night/day! <3

Love, Amnesia *v*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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