15. Ice Cold, Yet Still Warm - Stiles

Start from the beginning

“You’re a weak man,” I say, waving a sugary snake at him. 

“No,” Scott argues, “I’m a caring man, who shares their food. Unlike some people.”

“Hey, I share.”


“I gave you gummy worms, didn’t I?” I look at Percy for help, “tell scott I share.”

Percy hums, taping a finger on his chin. “I don’t know Stiles. I don’t think you do, but I’m up for bribery to sway my beliefs.” he looks purposefully at the lollies.

I lob a few at him. 

“Scott, Stiles is a very selfless person,” Percy says in the poshest most poncy little accent ever.

“You know what, shut up,” I scowl. He thinks he’s so funny, the sarcasm in his tone was so obvious I could’ve noticed it from a mile away. “Ungrateful, all of you.”

Water splashes, and I nearly snap my neck turning to see what caused it. The lake surface ripples, a small ring spreading out from five metres away, its rings travelling over to hit the posts holding the boat shed up. 

“Just a fish, don’t worry.” Scott says. 

I nearly believe him. Nearly return to our (now subdued) conversation. But Percy is still staring at the water, his eyes wide and face paler than it was before. His hand twitches and he drops his food down to the floor before standing up and walking to the edge. 

“Percy?” I ask, standing up too. 

“What’s at the other end of the lake, where all the trees are growing out of the water?”

I squint, trying to see. The trees in the water are miles away, I can hardly see them as it is. But it sounds like Percy has better vision than I do. 

“I don’t know. No ones been to the end for ages —few people go fishing here now and when they do they stay up this end.” I tilt my head sideways, thinking. What is up the other end? And why does it matter?

“Are there any canoes here we could use?” Percy asks randomly, and he spins on the spot, looking back into the shed.

“No, they all got taken out.”


Percy doesn’t move back to his seat, so we both face the lake quietly. I’m curious to see what’s at the other end. From what I know, and what I’ve seen, there’s only a bunch of massive trees that grow there. It’s really deep there too, because for trees so big, only a little less than half stick out on the surface. 

“You should go check it out.”

I’m not sure if I heard it, but I'm dead certain someone just spoke beside Percy and I. Looking behind me though, Liam and Scott are still in their seats, talking between themselves. 

“...swim underwater, when … they’re not paying attention.”

Okay, that voice sounds like a little shit. It’s there, quiet, barely louder than the breeze, but it’s there. It’s not coming from anyone visible, and I check the water to make sure no magical fucking fish popped up to have a conversation. 

When I look at the floorboards beneath us, there’s three pairs of shoe imprints trailing up to where we stand. One of them is on the other side of Percy. 

“Percy,” I grab his arm, “let’s go sit down, yeah.”

“Uh, you can, I’m alright here.” Percy tries to stay there, and I tug him a little harder. 

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