1. Fifth grade - Stiles

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Am I writing another fanfic about a Percy Jackson and TeenWolf crossover? Yes. 
Will it be better than the last one? Prob’ly not. Less people might die though, you know.

This story is going to be incredibly non-canon compliant. Prepare for a million things that didn’t happen in the show or books, facts that are probably important but aren’t included. I’m warning you now, and if you complain about it then just don’t read the story. Because I don’t care.

1. Fifth Grade - Stiles

We hopped off the bus in a single line, the teacher tapped each of us on the head as we passed. “Nine … ten … eleven …” Mr Dran counted lazily, his hand smacked my head. 

I scowled at him. 

He gave my shoulder a nudge, “go on, go stand with Miss Lana.”

Students who’d already gotten off the bus stood behind the parent helper, holding onto a long rope. I ran over behind my mate Scott and some other kid who was drawing circles in the dirt with his sneakers. 

“Where are we?” I asked, grabbing the rope.

Scott shrugged, “we’re at war.” he pointed towards the line of war cannons and other large weapons set up in rows on the field. 

“Everyone holding onto the rope?” Miss Lana called, there was a small round of agreement. “Alright let’s go. Today we’re visiting the Saratoga Battlefield…”

We walked around the rows of weapon machines that the teachers took turns talking about. The students …we didn’t listen to a second of what they had to say. Two girls were playing several rounds of rock paper scissors, I was trying to kick Scott in the back of the knees, Jackson was tugging the rope backwards and forwards like a wiggling snake.

We went past a Revolutionary War Cannon and the kid in front of us dropped away from the line. Sharing a quick look with Scott, we followed. The three of us went around the canon and the kid jumped up with a look of excitement. 

“What are you doing?” Scott said curiously. 

The kid picked up a rope hanging from the barrel, “I dunno. Looking.”

I joined him behind the metal thing, sticking my head in the hole, “Does it still work?”

“Yes, so step away kids,” Mr Dran shouted, he and the rest of the class stood behind them with wide eyes. “Percy, put the rope down.”

Scott grabbed the back of my jumper and pulled me back. I reached for the kid, Percy, but my foot stumbled and we tumbled backwards. Miss Lana helped us up and led us back to our places on the rope. 

Percy still stood with the rope in his hand, and without thinking very hard on what would happen, he pulled the rope. 

It went off with a loud bang and my hands flew up to cover my ears. A second bang sounded, and dark smoke clouded –not just from the canon, but also from the bus. 

A few people were screaming, I’m not entirely sure if I was screaming too, or peeing my pants. It doesn’t matter. 

The rest of the day turned into chaos. Parents were called, we were all yelled at severely. I was surprised no one gave me or Scott or Percy a good smack with a wooden spoon.

The teachers managed to get a second bus to take us back to the school –since the first one had a massive hole in the side– where everyone’s parents waited angrily. The three of us were taken straight to the principal’s office and told to wait outside while Percy and his mum talked to Mrs Molen.

“Do you think we’ll be expelled?” I wondered aloud.

“We weren’t the ones to blow up the bus. Maybe just no free time for a while.” Scott said sadly.

Lost And Found (pjo x teenwolf)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang