12. Paralysm - Stiles

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12. Paralysm - Stiles

Percy swims around the pool with Annabeth, looking completely at home in the water and neglecting what they came here to do easily. Which is fine, Stiles didn't want to swim more than he had too.

Annabeth isn't what he expected. She's like Lydia, looks crazy pretty but is also secretly smarter than everyone. She's got scars on her body like Percy and walks with a slight limp. The two act like they've known each other for years, and when I think about it, Percy did mention being on call with her in the rain once.

Does she know what he is? Or is she the same?

Annabeth doesn't swim as efficiently as Percy, I guess no one can, and she doesn't stay underwater for that little extra second. Unlike Percy, she's distinctly human judging from her actions. But I've only known her for a day, and it took a lot longer to realise something was up with Percy.

How human? I wonder. There are other things she can be, and again my mind goes to the similarities between her and Lydia. A banshee doesn't feel right, but some of those scars look like claw marks. But again, so did Percy's. They're both weirdly similar, and it must mean something.

With my eyes, I connect a red string between Percy and Annabeth's pinki fingers.

My watch starts beeping and I click it off in time to see Chris come into the pool rooms with a bucket and mop.

I look at Lydia, "ready?"

"No, I hate this." She grumbles. She climbs up the ladder to sit with only her feet in the pool. "It better work."

I climb out beside her and lay down on the cold tiles. The last time I came into contact with this kind of venom, it was more painful when I hit the ground. It didn't help that I half-landed on Derek Hale, who's literally a bag of bricks.

A dart hits my rib and my body goes numb. I can't do anything —Can't see, speak or move. Even my brain is sluggish from the toxin, and I urge it to work. In the peripheral vision of my eye, Lydia lands beside me, her hair fanning out around us.

This part of our plan seems way too inconvenient for anything I would agree with normally, but it's the only way for Percy not to immediately see us as the enemy and come after us for revenge. This way, he thinks we're innocent bystanders—

"Did you get heavier, Stiles?" Is that Derek? I swear to God, I should've known Chris would tell his new best buddy about this.

He drags us up against the wall, and my head droops against my shoulder awkwardly. I glare at Derek, but it obviously doesn't work if he's laughing. He walks off, still chuckling like some insane hag, and brings back Annabeth.

Half her blonde curls are obscuring her face and water is still dropping from her water-wrinkled fingers. Her body is rested against Lydia's. I almost feel bad, but it's the kind of feeling you had to scrape off the walls of your heart because there's very little of it. She doesn't know what's happening or why, but if Percy is what we expect then it's a good thing they're both clueless.

Derek moves in front of my eyeline, he mouths, you better be right, before walking back to the pool edge.

Immediately, he jumps away and Chris has a real, silver-bullet filled gun pointed at where Percy has been tied to the ladder with only his head above the surface. Water overlaps the pool's edge, spilling onto the tiles.

The smell of ozone fills my nose.

Something's wrong, so irrevocably wrong.

"Annabeth?" The voice comes out strangled, like their mouth isn't moving as fast as their mind. Again, water splashes over the sides, but now it's building up into small waves, like it's trying to escape.

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