2. The Big Run - Percy

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2. The Big Run - Percy

Winter came strong this year. Heavy rain, dark clouds, wild winds. Just trying to get to school in this weather was a struggle, even when you took a car.

I stepped out, letting the car swing shut behind me. Allison came out the other side and together we ran across the parking lot into the school, our arms held up over our heads. Truly, I could have just used my abilities to stay dry, but that would've raised too many questions from the other students.

The school halls were slippery and crowded, since no one wanted to hang outside before class started. Allison led me through the crowd, pointing out various faces that she knew. Which wasn't many. We're both new kids, she's just got a few extra days head start.

My locker, unfortunately, was on the bottom row. So to get my stuff from inside I had to kneel down in this puddle -that chose the worst spot to be- and not get hit in the head by all the people above me.

"I'm just going to carry my stuff," I decided, turning to Allison. "I'm going to head to the main office early."

She smiled, "alright. Maybe I'll see you in class?"


It was still awkward between us. I didn't know her well, just that she was my age and her family moved around a lot because of her Dad's job. Her parents were old friends of my mum's, so when she reached out to them in search of a new house, they told her about the one next door.

I've only talked to her a few times too, and each time she seemed a little shy. She was friendly, sure, but she didn't seem to want to be around me. Which is ok, I'm used to it. Someone must've told her about me, the manhunts, the expulsion from all my old schools, the summers I spent at a 'military camp' or maybe about my ADHD and dyslexia.

There was a lot that someone could tell her. Or maybe it was just how I looked. Black messy hair, faded clothes that were a tad too big, duck-taped converse. I had this white streak at the front of my hair too, I'm rather fond of it.

I don't have many scars, and they're all hidden beneath my clothes (except the old one on my hand, but that can easily be excused for as a knife slip) so they shouldn't have been a problem.

The main office was on the other side of the school, which was a dangerous trek with all the slippery stairs. I held tight to most of the railings because I didn't trust myself to stay upright.

The lady at the front desk turned out to be someone I knew, Mrs Argent, and she smiled in a surprised way like she didn't expect me to be there. I'd actually told her yesterday that she'd see me in the morning.

"Hey Mrs Argent, just here for my schedule," I said, leaning on the front desk.

"Yes, right, I had it ready for you." She slipped the papers over the desktop, "I made sure to get you classes with teachers who will help you if you need. You just have to ask them."

I wanted to hand the papers right back and demand different classes. I wasn't going to need help, I wasn't that special, or retarded. I struggle to focus and read, not my fault the classes are boring and people write funny.

Instead I bit my tongue and forced a smile, "thanks."

I'm not going to deny that I took the longest route possible to class. I dragged my feet and walked extra slow. I did want to do better in school, that's true, but that didn't mean I wanted to go to class.

Physics was my first class, in room 103B. I knocked on the door before entering, and every pair of eyes found their way to me like moths when a light was turned on.

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