Chapter 102: Halloween (6)

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Xia Zhu held the cardboard box and the wooden box containing a devil's tail in her arms, squatting at the entrance of the alley to watch the wind, always paying attention to whether the previous NPC was chasing after her.

In the alley, Mingshu hugged Sang Yin tightly and buried her face in his arms.

His intuition was right. Sang Yin saved them yesterday and said he would come find him.

When he met Xia Zhu in the morning, Mingshu secretly looked forward to it. Unfortunately, they still had tasks to do. They didn't see the mysterious man appear again until they left the neighborhood where they met him.

He still had many questions, such as Sang Yin's identity when he entered the dungeon this time, why he had memories of the past from the beginning, and was he also a player who signed up?

Mingshu raised his head, looking a little aggrieved: "Then... why didn't you reply to me?"

Sang Yin did not answer directly, coaxing in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

"Can't I reply?" Mingshu guessed quickly. The reason is that if he is still an NPC, he may be able to see the player panel but cannot operate it, and he cannot say anything about his identity in the copy.

Sang Yin said "hmm", confirming his guess.

Mingshu reached out and held his face. The skin under her hands was cool and felt real. He was indeed standing in front of her: "You were wearing a mask yesterday... I'm not even sure it was you." The

two of them were very close, breathing Intertwined together, Sang Yin couldn't help but kiss Mingshu, bending slightly to hug him tightly.

Mingshu was extremely cooperative and obediently raised her head to kiss him.

To him, although there was not a long gap between the two dungeons, Sang Yin had no memory of the previous dungeon, and they still seemed to have been separated for a long time.

It wasn't until Mingshu couldn't breathe that Sang Yin let go of him, caressed his back to calm him down, and gently kissed the moisture from his lips.

"There are a lot of people here," he said. "It's more convenient to wear a mask."

The players who came in this time signed up on their own initiative, and there must be many of them with high points. The two characters in the second copy were only five points higher than his original character. They are so similar that it can be said to be a coincidence if they are recognized.

Now he is wearing the same face as before, and there is no reasonable explanation at all.

In order to keep a low profile and avoid unnecessary trouble, he temporarily put on a mask.

Anyway, this town is full of weirdness. An NPC wearing a mask can at most arouse curiosity and inquiry, but it is far from discovering his true identity.

After being hugged and kissed for a long time, the grievances in Mingshu's heart were completely gone. He clenched Sang Yin's sleeves tightly and looked at him with dependence: "Okay..."

"What happened to that NPC just now? Why did he want to grab it?" My things," Mingshu asked again, "Also, in the Devil's City in the amusement park, there is someone who looks very similar to you..." Before he

finished speaking, he was keenly aware of a momentary slight change in Sang Yin's expression. Stiff, quickly returns to nature.

"I don't know, he has been following you during the day," Sang Yin replied, "I killed him once the day before yesterday, and he came back to life within an hour." Sang Yin

is a town NPC. After entering the dungeon, some NPCs Knowledge was also in his mind, and he spoke briefly of what he knew.

The NPC whose neck he broke was similar to a leader. Not only was he responsible for leading the players who were new to the dungeon, but the entire town seemed to be under his jurisdiction.

The leader has a special status, the dungeon settings and permissions are very high, and all townspeople need to obey his instructions.

In this case, Sang Yin is like a bug in the system. He cannot expose himself in front of the leader.

In addition, his movements were not restricted. He quietly killed the leader once. After the opponent was resurrected, he did not find out who had done it. He might have thought it was a player.

Other townspeople cannot be resurrected if they die. They cannot go out at night, otherwise they will turn into unknown monsters.

Xia Zhu was also listening. Some of Sang Yin's words could not be said directly, but had to rely on hints and guesses.

"Were they the monsters from last night?" Xia Zhu asked, "The two that were chasing me and Mingshu? Or were they the ones who stole our supplies?"

Sang Yin shook his head: "None of them."

In his understanding, The "unknown monster" is actually more like "food" for another nocturnal creature. The townspeople dare not go out at night because it is extremely dangerous for them.

Mingshu suddenly became nervous: "Then last night you..."

No wonder he saw strange changes on Sang Yin's hands, and hurriedly left after solving the two monsters, without stopping for a moment.

"I'm fine," Sang Yin comforted, "Isn't this fine?"

He took Mingshu's hand, pulled him to his side, and half held him in his arms.

Xia Zhu coughed lightly and pretended to have seen nothing: "What is the other night creature? Is it also a monster?"

Sang Yin didn't know much about this. He only said that the blood monster chased Mingshu and the two last night. They are the servants of those creatures.

The number of blood monsters is determined based on the number of people nearby, including townspeople and players. The only ones who failed to return in time from nearby streets last night were Ming Shu and Xia Zhu, so there were only two blood monsters.

Xia Zhu counted on his fingers: "In other words, there are four different camps: townspeople, night creatures and blood monsters, unknown creatures that stole our supplies, players..." The plot has

only been updated once, and the situation is so complicated. Xia Zhushen Taking a breath, he showed Sang Yin the things he bought in the carton: "The bats will definitely come to snatch my fangs again tonight. Can these be used?"

Ignore everything else, the most important thing is whether the task can be completed. Done successfully.

Sang Yin glanced at it: "Try it, kill those things, and your teeth will not be robbed again."

Xia Zhu also knew this, but the players had no skills to use, and they could only fight against those ferocious unknown creatures with their own bodies. , the chance of winning is very small.

"What should we do with the leader?" Xia Zhu was also worried about another question, "Will he come to snatch it too?"

The leader's reaction when he saw Mingshu getting the wooden box was a little strange. If the townspeople also coveted their supplies, That's just adding insult to injury.

"He probably doesn't want it, but is afraid,"

Sang Yin said, his expressionless face looking a little cold: "He will feel threatened, which proves that he will die."

But there is no way to really kill him. Methods.

With the leader around, Sang Yin's actions are restricted at every turn, so he must deal with this NPC.

Supplies can be hidden in the house first. The player only has one key. Without the key, the leader cannot enter during the day.

Unless he is like those unknown creatures, important items belonging to him are brought into the house by the player, as if they have received some kind of invitation and permission.

Mingshu caught another piece of information and said uneasily: "Then...can't you stay with me tonight?" If

Sang Yin couldn't enter his house, it would be impossible for him to stay outside with him.

Sang Yin responded softly: "Well, I have to go back before dark."

But the monsters in the swamp will definitely come tonight, as well as the one in the devil city...

Ming Shu just met Sang Yin not long ago, and it was dark. When they were about to separate again, he held Sang Yin's sleeve tightly, not wanting him to go.

He told all the strange things he encountered last night and the situation in Devil's City, including the algae left on the windows and the "bride" the devil had promised him when he gave him the wooden box.

Sang Yin remained silent and listened quietly to Ming Shu's words.

"I'm afraid," Mingshu looked aggrieved and looked at him longingly, "I want to be with you."

Sang Yin felt very distressed, sighed and hugged Mingshu, but stopped talking: "They..."

His eyes Squinting slightly, he didn't know what he thought of, and his tone was a bit awkward and cold: "Don't be afraid, throw the things outside the house first, and I will figure out the rest."

Sang Yin was not completely sure of the specific method, so he did not say it.

And if the supplies are gone, you can get them back again. Sang Yin can't accompany Ming Shu tonight, and the two monsters have to be prevented from entering the house.

So Mingshu finally returned to the house before dark, accompanied by Xia Zhu, took out his outer robe and wrapped the wooden box in a garbage bag, and threw it into the trash can across the street when no one was looking.

The trash cans will not be emptied until the next morning, and no one will dig through the trash until then.

The leader was not sure when he would be resurrected and reappear. Sang Yin did not follow Mingshu and watched them from a distance after throwing away the garbage bags. Xia Zhu walked back holding the cardboard box while Mingshu entered his house and closed the door.

The lights were on in the living room, the curtains were half opened, and Mingshu stood at the window and looked out.

Until the first bell rang, he saw Sang Yin in the distance turning away and disappearing around the corner of the street.

Ming Shu was reluctant to leave. After a long time, she closed the curtains and went to the kitchen to get food.

Looking at the recovered food in the refrigerator, Mingshu thought of another question. Only he could enter the house, so how did he get fresh food every day?

In some dungeons, there are indeed settings where supplies are repeatedly refreshed every day. This can also explain why Mingshu is still a little inexplicably scared, as if the house has come to life.

But no matter what, this house is his only refuge.

Mingshu opened the milk and took a sip, then took out some rice and vegetables and made a simple meal.

After dinner, it was already dark, the streets outside were empty and the street lights were still bright.

Mingshu closed the curtains and went back to the bedroom, opened the system panel and wanted to ask Xia Zhu about the situation there.

Xia Zhu did not choose to throw away the fangs. His situation was different from Mingshu. Bats were relatively easy creatures to deal with, but it was hard to say for other teammates.

Mingshu walked into the bedroom and turned on the light, and suddenly heard a system prompt.

[Side mission two: Obtain supplies (2/2)]

[Side mission two has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your points and rewards yourself]

Mingshu threw away his robe and tail before dark, and the mission was backtracked. The system prompted him once.

But now...

Mingshu turned pale and looked at the wooden box and robes placed on the bedside table.

Didn't he throw it away...why did he come back on his own?

Mingshu stepped back warily, took out the folding knife from his pocket, and carefully checked every part of the house.

There was no other person in the house. The doors and windows were closed tightly and locked from the inside. There was nothing strange at all, except for the robe and wooden box that reappeared.

Mingshu returned to the bedroom, mustered up the courage to step forward, and reached out to touch his robe.

It's not an illusion, things do come back.

"Dong dong--"

A clear knock sounded from the window, and Ming Shu hurriedly hid behind the bedroom door.

"Baby, it's me." The voice was slightly familiar, it was the man who came last night.

"Don't you like my clothes? Why do you want to throw them away?" He sighed, "Let me come in and put them on for you myself."

Mingshu held his breath and did not answer, listening to the faint footsteps as he moved to the door, The door handle turned slightly.


At the critical moment, Mingshu stopped him, and it became quiet outside the door.

Mingshu picked up the dark red robe and walked towards the door step by step: "I'm sorry, I didn't take your clothes on purpose... Can I give it back to you?" The

monster didn't break in directly last night. Come on, maybe they still need to discuss it... Return the clothes to him first, and wait until tomorrow to figure out the task again.

Mingshu was uneasy, waiting for the monster's answer, but heard him say: "No."

The door lock clicked open, and a gust of cold wind blew in.

Mingshu threw down his robe and turned around to run. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and a dark figure stopped in front of him.

The overhead lamp flickered a few times, and the light became a little dim.

Moist water vapor hit his face. The figure in front of him was wearing a black wizard's robe, with some mud and algae stained on the hem and sleeves.

Mingshu froze in place, his amber pupils slightly dilated, whether it was fear or shock.

This was the first time he saw the face of the swamp monster clearly. Why... did he look exactly like the devil in Devil City?

Some vague guesses came to mind. Mingshu looked at this face with a dull expression.

The wizard held the robe thrown away by Ming Shu in one hand and stepped closer.

Mingshu wanted to escape in another direction, but the moment he turned around, the wizard appeared in front again.

"What are you hiding from?" The wizard seemed displeased and easily grabbed Mingshu's wrist and pulled him close to him.

He lowered his head and sniffed Mingshu's hair. His palms were pale and cold, but his breath was warm and fell on the side of Mingshu's face.

"I'll help you take off your clothes and put on mine," he imitated Mingshu's tone when he wanted to return the clothes to him, and the corners of his lips curved in a bad way, "Okay?"

Mingshu looked like he was about to cry. : "I... can I do it by myself?"

"Take it off by yourself?" The wizard bent down closer to Mingshu, and if he moved a little closer, he could kiss his cheek, "Of course, let's do it right here."

He His words were tantamount to teasing, and his cold fingertips also covered him, gently rubbing the tip of Mingshu's chin.

There is a faint scent of grass and woods mixed with cold wind, and a bit of earthy smell.

Mingshu tried hard to think of what to do, but the slightly open door suddenly closed with a bang.

The strong smell of blood hit, the living room was enveloped in a layer of red light, another tall body appeared behind the wizard, and a pair of devil's horns were reflected on the wall.

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