Chapter 28: The Wolf-Eared Boy (28)

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The wound on Jing Shuang's body was not deep, and the blood stain disappeared somewhere in the forest.

Yuan Chen didn't give up, and instead searched the vicinity more carefully.

Jing Shuang fled in a hurry, and there was no time to cover up the traces of her passing, and these subtle traces would disappear completely in a short time after being blown by the wind.

Yuan Chen is well aware of this, since the villagers stopped him from following Jing Shuang, he found an opportunity to come quietly without letting anyone know.

But Jing Shuang left the village under the cover of wolves last night, and made another surprise attack this morning. He turned into a werewolf even though it was not the night of the full moon, with the only purpose of taking Mingshu away.

The sudden appearance of the wolves and him made the village unprepared, but his plan was only half done, no matter how thorough it was.

He did count on Yuan Chen's complacency, but he didn't expect Yuan Chen to chase after him immediately, and he didn't want to delay for a moment.

Yuan Chen is also betting that the timing of Jing Shuang's transformation is uncharacteristically. When the real full moon night comes, he bets that Jing Shuang's strength is not as good as before, and it is best not to even use the transformation.

He continued to move forward along the clues along the way, carrying a crossbow and walking in the deserted forest.

Before approaching the territory of the wolves, a gray wolf stalking outside found Yuan Chen's figure.

The gray wolf stood up vigilantly, with a low growl from its throat, and was about to notify the wolves behind, when a crossbow key pierced through the wind and stabbed it accurately in the neck.

The gray wolf fell to the ground in response, Yuan Chen stepped forward and dragged the body behind the bushes to hide it, covering the blood stains with soil.

Having done all this, he proceeded more cautiously, making sure that he would not be found.

The attack on the village in the morning really took a lot of energy from the wolves. Many gray wolves gathered together to rest. Yuan Chen only needed to avoid a small number of wolves who were on patrol.

The dense woods and tall bushes provided him with convenience. After Yuan Chen passed through the surrounding wolves smoothly, the crossbow arrow was only used once at the very beginning.

The further you go in, the quieter it becomes. The front should be where Jing Shuang is, and the wolves dare not disturb her.

In addition, several leading gray wolves were severely taught by Jing Shuang, and one died. They were in panic and did not dare to approach.

Yuan Chen walked forward unimpeded all the way until he saw the abandoned wooden house in the forest.

He remembered that he had been here before, and he also found the wooden house in order to find the whereabouts of the wolves.

But the wooden house is really dilapidated, it looks like it will fall apart when the wind blows, and the fellow villagers all said that werewolves would not live in this kind of place, so they never opened the door to go in.

But now, through the window that was pushed out, Yuan Chen saw a figure flashing past the room, and then a candle was lit inside.

And the few clothes hanging by the window, he couldn't be more familiar with them.

It was his clothes, he handed it to Mingshu himself, and buttoned his coat for him.

On the inside of the collar, there is also a word "Chen" sewn with thin thread.

Yuan Chen's face was extremely ugly, standing under the shadow of the tree, he looked like a ghost.

He took off the crossbow on his back and put on a crossbow bolt.

Inside the house, Jing Shuang rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find some leftover wild fruits.

The wolves will bring the prey they caught after a while, but Ming Shu's animal form is so small, even if he returns to human form, he still can't eat raw food.

Jing Shuang intends to find some food for Mingshu himself, find some wild fruits to make a pot of stream water, and catch some tender pheasants.

He handed the few wild fruits left in the house to Ming Shu: "Eat this first, I remember it's sweet."

After all, wolves are meat-loving creatures, and he didn't eat this fruit, which doesn't mean it tastes bad.

Ming Shu is pretty, and his beast looks like a little rabbit, Jing Shuang instinctively felt that he would like sweet things.

The little white wolf looked down at the wild fruit on the table, and gently poked it with his paws. The wild fruit was small, with a red surface, and he looked very appetizing.

Although Ming Shu wasn't hungry, he still gave Jing Shuang this face and lowered his head to bite a wild fruit.

He ate it slowly, and nodded under Jing Shuang's masked expectant eyes, indicating that the taste was good.

At the same time, the system prompts that task 3 of the hidden branch has been completed.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden plot three! Successfully light up the exclusive illustrated book! Please check your reward points in the background]

This is gone? Originally there were only three tasks, but he thought he could do a few more.

So these three tasks are connected...Jing Shuang helps him lick his fur, takes him where he wants to go, and feeds him food.

It seems to be taking care of the cubs, which may be the hidden plot.

Ming Shu opened the illustration book, and there were three empty gray grids, but the last grid was lit up, and a cartoon picture appeared inside.

It is him and Jing Shuang in the painting, the tall gray wolf is holding the back of a little white wolf's neck, and the background is the deep woods between them.

Mingshu clicked on the illustrated book, and a line of small characters appeared below.

[A young wolf under the care and love of an adult pack. ]

This sentence seems awkward to Mingshu, in the description of this line, Jing Shuang is like his elder.

But in fact, that is not the case at all, and he is not "a young wolf under the care and pampering".

But Mingshu didn't care about this detail, the point reward in the illustrated book was also 30, plus the 30 from task three, there was only 5 points left to buy life points.

The system hasn't released any new main or branch quests yet, the only thing Mingshu can do is to hide branch three.

[Task 1: Order the wolf servant to do one thing for him, which must be within the ability of the other party]

And Jing Chu is in the village...Ming Shu still doesn't know if he can go back smoothly.

He closed the system panel, just as Jing Shuang was about to go out, he bent down and stood in front of the table: "Do you want to go with me?" It

might be inconvenient to take Mingshu with him, but Jing Shuang can't leave him here Completely rest assured.

The night of the full moon is approaching, and the wolves may be a little excited.

Speaking of it, this was the most boring full moon night he had ever experienced, but yesterday and this morning were extremely busy.

Just as Ming Shu was about to answer, the system notification sounded again.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Ding dong--Submission release]

[Task ten: Expose clues and let the villagers discover where the werewolves and wolves are]

[Submission ten has been completed! Please check your point rewards in the background]

Mingshu was confused by this newly released task and the reminder of task completion. He shook his head and rejected Jing Shuang, expressing that he would stay at home.

Jing Shuang was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it. He put on his coat and pushed the door out alone.

As soon as he left, Ming Shu immediately clicked on the new plot.

[Plot reminder]:

[The village once again suffered heavy losses, some people questioned, maybe they wronged Yuan Chen. But he was locked up, and it could not prove that the wolves were not summoned by him. Yuan Chen still had to wait until the night of the full moon to prove himself. 】

【When the night of the full moon approached, Jing Chu was worried, and quietly came to the barn to kill Yuan Chen himself, but was discovered by Jing Bo. Jing Bo realized the abnormality of the two sons, but it was too late. Jing Shuang transformed in front of everyone, as if mocking the stupidity of the villagers, or using this method to declare his tricks and victory over them , and fled after wounding several villagers. ]

[At this time, the villagers finally learned that Jing Shuang was the werewolf who had been hiding in the village all along, and Jing Chu burst into tears, claiming that he was bewitched by the werewolf to do something wrong. Yuan Chen, who had been imprisoned for several days, was released. He accepted Jing Chu's apology and handed him over to Jing Bo. 】

[The night of the full moon has not yet passed, and Yuan Chen has begun to formulate a new plan. The previous villages were too passive and only knew how to defend blindly. This time they need to take the initiative. ]

[He persuaded the villagers to set off immediately with a few people, looking for the traces left by the werewolves when they fled. 】

This time the new plot has a lot of content, and the progress has been shortened by 15% in one breath.

The plot is the same as last time, and it is also different from what actually happened. In the story, Jing Shuang will only reveal her identity tonight.

There was no other useful information, Ming Shu focused on the task just now.

The task let him reveal clues, which should be related to the woods where the wolves were, but he didn't have time to do anything, so how did he finish it?

Mingshu glanced at the points balance and confirmed that there was nothing wrong.

He immediately bought the life points in the mall, seeing the life points on the panel changed from "1" to "2", he felt more at ease.

There are extra life points, no matter what happens, there is always a guarantee, Ming Shu stabilized his mind, opened the latest plot again, and watched it carefully again.

When he saw the end, his eyes froze slightly.

The meaning of the last paragraph is... Yuan Chen chased after him?

Combined with the task, a terrible idea slowly rose in Mingshu's mind.

Yuan Chen won't... really come?

Ming Shu hastily turned on the system and saved a file first.

Since he has only the last point of life left, he cannot die again or fail the mission, and the save file is useless. The system reminds him to save the file at midnight every day, and he ignores it.

After the system archive was completed, Ming Shu felt a little more at ease.

He was still standing on the table, moving quietly towards the window.

Jing Shuang had already gone to the distance, and it was very quiet outside.

If Yuan Chen really came, would he deal with Jing Shuang first, or would he come to him?

Ming Shu looked down at his furry paws again. When Yuan Chen saw him, he might not recognize him...

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief again.

The little white wolf retreated to the center of the table, held the wild fruit with his paws, and lowered his head to take a bite.

Ming Shu had just finished eating a fruit when he heard slight footsteps outside.

He turned his head to look, and under the faint light of the candle, a familiar figure pushed the door and entered.

Yuan Chen held a crossbow in his right hand and looked around the room.

He hid behind a tree and saw Jing Shuang leave, but Ming Shu never showed up.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Yuan Chen approached the wooden house.

The door was unlocked and was ajar casually.

Ming Shu must be inside, he made enough mental preparations before pushing the door open.

However, Mingshu was not there.

This was completely contrary to his guess, Yuan Chen frowned, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a white wolf cub squatting on the table by the window and staring blankly at him.

White... pups?

Yuan Chen approached, and looked at the little white wolf with scrutiny.

The little white wolf looked at the full moon, and was covered in snow-white hair. He seemed a little timid, and raised his amber eyes timidly.

Facing Yuan Chen, the little white wolf shrank his neck, raised his hind legs stiffly and scratched his neck, trying his best to appear as a normal cub, and let out a weak cry: "Wow..."

Yuan Chen narrowed his lowered eyes slightly, reached out and grabbed the little white wolf, lifted it up and put it in front of his eyes.

He took a closer look, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Mingshu?"

The little white wolf's tail froze, and he tilted his head and began to play dumb.

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