Chapter 8: The Wolf-Eared Boy (8)

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Ming Shu was quick-witted, grabbed the little mushroom and put it under the porcelain bowl.

The stone raised by the little mushroom fell out of the window, its voice was thin and small, the movement was completely blocked by the thick porcelain bowl, and it could not be heard at all.

Yuan Chen didn't seem to have heard the "bad wolf" just now, so he set his chopsticks: "I'll go out in the afternoon."

Ming Shu pushed the porcelain bowl in, and picked up a rag beside it to cover it: "

" At other times, Ming Shu would definitely ask Yuan Chen where he was going and if he could follow along.

However, the little mushroom actually found it... This must be the one that threw a stone at him yesterday, and Yuan Chen must not let him see it.

He can hide it for a while, and when Yuan Chen is away in the afternoon, he will think of a way to deal with this mushroom.

Yuan Chen didn't speak, watching Ming Shu slowly approaching the table.

His silent appearance at this moment is very similar to the time when Mingshu gave him flowers in the morning but he didn't pick them up.

Ming Shu couldn't figure out his attitude, so he tentatively asked: "Do you still want to set up traps?"

Yuan Chen replied: "No, go to the mountains to collect medicine." Ming Shu responded

, opened the stool and sat down, bowed his head and held the bowl : "Can you come back sooner?"

The next attack of the wolves is still uncertain. Although he only destroyed three traps and the remaining traps should work, Ming Shu was still uneasy.

Hearing Ming Shu's request, Yuan Chen's coldness dissipated slightly, and he replied, "I'll be back before dark." After

lunch, Yuan Chen left, and as soon as he left, Ming Shu immediately closed the doors and windows.

He confirmed that there was no one outside before opening the porcelain bowl covered with small mushrooms.

The porcelain bowl was removed, and the little mushroom inside was lying on its back, with drooping limbs and motionless.

Oops, did it stay in there for too long and was smothered to death? Ming Shu's heart tightened, and he lightly poked the umbrella cap of the little mushroom with his hand.

This little mushroom discovered his identity, and it was a threat to him. He couldn't let the little mushroom appear in front of Yuan Chen, but he never thought about killing him.

Ming Shu poked it again, but there was still no reaction from the little mushroom.

He looked at the small body of the little mushroom, and found the suspected nose to check if there was any breath.

Since it is alive, it should also need to breathe...

Before Mingshu's hand could touch it, the lifeless little mushroom jumped up and bit Mingshu's fingertips.

However, it is too small and has no lethality at all, it can't even bite the skin of Mingshu's fingertips.

Ming Shu shook it off, raised his finger to look, and saw a red mark the size of a sesame seed bitten on his skin.

Seeing that this trick was not working, the little mushroom began to look for something that could be used as a weapon. Its stone fell outside, so it picked up the porcelain spoon on the table and threw it at Mingshu: "Bad wolf!" Mingshu grabbed the porcelain

spoon The other end: "I'm not a bad wolf."

"You are!" Little Mushroom tried hard to snatch back the porcelain spoon, but he muttered again. .

He sighed, pinched the "neck" under the umbrella cap of the little mushroom and lifted it up.

Since it doesn't make sense, let's be tougher, Ming Shu deliberately put on a fierce look: "Don't move! Or I'll eat you!"

The little mushroom was really frightened, and looked at Ming Shu in horror.

Its hands and feet trembled, and tremblingly said: "Bad wolves...don't eat tree mushrooms."

Ming Shu snorted coldly: "I don't eat ordinary mushrooms, but I can eat live ones, just like you."

Little Mushroom seemed to believe it seriously, and made a soft "woo hoo" as if crying, and began to mutter again.

Ming Shu still didn't understand, but guessed it wasn't a good word.

He raised his other hand and touched the umbrella cap of Little Mushroom: "How did you find it, walking?"

Little Mushroom didn't expect Mingshu's sudden change of attitude, and nodded in a daze.

It had a lot of dirt on it, and it looked dusty. With its short legs, it probably took a lot of time on the road.

Ming Shu sighed again, his identity was so annoying that Little Mushroom chased him and threw stones at him despite the long journey.

When he thought about it, he felt distressed and wanted to laugh.

Mingshu poured some water, scooped it up with a porcelain spoon and brought it to the little mushroom: "Do you want some water?"

The little mushroom looked at Mingshu, then at the water in the porcelain spoon, her sesame eyes became even more confused.

It hesitated for a long time, and finally compromised, holding a porcelain spoon and "gurgling" to drink a small half.

"Don't worry, drink slowly." Ming Shu still wanted to find something to eat for it, but he didn't know what it was eating, so he picked a green bamboo leaf from the window.

This time, the little mushroom didn't think too long, caught the leaf, quickly tore off the skin of the stem at the end, and gnawed at the tender core inside.

It turned out that it ate this...Mingshu put down the little mushroom, and picked some leaves and stems for it, until the little mushroom stopped eating.

It hiccupped softly, and stared blankly at Mingshu.

Mingshu could probably guess what the little mushroom was thinking, and poked its umbrella lightly: "I've said it all, I'm not a bad wolf." The

little mushroom looked suspicious, and it realized that Mingshu said that eating it might He lied to it, but Mingshu is a wolf, and he definitely didn't get it wrong.

"Hmph," Little Mushroom moved aside while clutching its umbrella cap, "It's a bad wolf."

But after drinking water and filling its stomach, it didn't try to attack itself again, Ming Shu patiently said: "I'm a wolf, but I'm not a bad wolf, I'm not bad at all."

Little Mushroom didn't know if he understood, and stared at Mingshu intently with his hands and feet curled up.

At this time, the door suddenly knocked.

Everyone in the room was taken aback, Ming Shu hurriedly used a porcelain bowl to hide the little mushroom again.

He pressed the porcelain spoon against the side of the bowl, revealing a gap for the little mushroom to breathe, and covered it with a rag.

After doing all this, Ming Shu went to open the door.

Standing outside the house, Jing Shuang was very displeased to see Ming Shu's late arrival: "Why are you dawdling?"

There was no third person nearby, and he seemed to stop pretending, and his words were very blunt.

Although he is not 100% sure yet, Ming Shu has already almost determined that Jing Shuang is another wolf, and he did not want to confront him head-on, so he made an excuse: "Sorry, I was sleeping in the room just now."

Jing Shuang still looked gloomy: "Didn't I tell you to get out?"

He said those words to Mingshu in the morning, just to let him leave on the way and never go back to Xiangkou Village.

If he hadn't seen him breaking the traps to help the wolves, he would have killed him in the woods when no one was around.

However, Ming Shu still followed back with a frightened look on his face.

Mingshu squeezed his palms hard, summoned up his courage and said tentatively, "I won't hinder you...why do you have to drive me away?"

He didn't understand why Jing Shuang was so hostile to him as a fellow.

Ming Shu lowered his eyes, showing a gesture of weakness: "I have no other place to go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Shuang looked a little surprised.

As if he was getting to know Ming Shu for the first time, he sized him up carefully, then suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the side of Ming Shu's neck and pressed him down.

He looked thinner and weaker than Ming Shu, but he had great strength. Ming Shu was forced to bend down, and heard Jing Shuang whispering in his ear: "What are you doing? Submitting to me? Want to be my little boy?" A wolf?"

Ming Shu's act of destroying the trap really seemed to please him.

Ming Shu looked astonished: "What... little wolf?"

Why didn't he understand what Jing Shuang meant...

Jing Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Otherwise? There can never be a second leading wolf here."

He let go Hands caressed Mingshu 's side face: "If you are as beautiful as you are under the shell, I can consider it.


The corners of her lips curled up: "Brother Mingshu, goodbye."

Mingshu took a step back, her breath trembling slightly.

After Jing Shuang turned to leave, Ming Shu opened the npc directory.

He was mentally prepared, but he was still shocked the moment he saw the panel clearly.

[Name]: Jing Shuang

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: Failed to acquire

[Identity]: Failed to acquire

[Favourability]: 30 (full value 100)

[Like]: To be explored

[Hate]: To be explored

[Features]: To be explored or 70% of the favorability to unlock

Jing Shuang's favorability... directly increased by 50.

Ming Shu closed the door tightly again and took a few deep breaths.

He finally figured it out, Jing Shuang hated him, similar to two wolves appearing in a pack of wolves.

He is a latecomer, and Jing Shuang thought that he wanted to compete with him for territory, so he became very hostile to him and threatened him to leave here.

On Mingshu's first night in the village, those wolves that came straight towards him must have been his masterpiece.

He was indeed a wolf, and all the anomalies in him before could be explained, but Ming Shu's weakness just now was misunderstood by Jing Shuang.

Jing Shuang is very dangerous... But this development is not too bad, at least the favorability has increased a lot.

Ming Shu didn't want to be a wolf leader either, he just wanted to hang on to his life, did Jing Shuang's submission just now mean that he would not be driven away again.

What Jing Shuang said is enough to prove his identity, why is there still no movement in the second main task?

Mingshu flipped through the system panel, went to the table and released the little mushroom.

Little Mushroom still hasn't let down his vigilance completely, holding the porcelain spoon and looking at Mingshu.

Mingshu poked it: "Little tree mushroom, do you have a name?"

The time interval between the release of the two main tasks was very short, and the third one would come at an unknown time, so he had to complete one of them as soon as possible.

Ming Shu thought to himself, is it possible that someone or a creature other than him can only complete the mission if he sees through Jing Shuang's disguise?

Since Little Mushroom can detect that he is a wolf by smell, it should be able to detect Jing Shuang's as well.

Little Mushroom shook the umbrella cap, nodded: "嘿嘿."

Ming Shu put his elbows on the table, and poked it again: "What's it called?"

Little Mushroom seemed a little annoyed, pushed Mingshu's fingers hard, and called out loudly. Said: "Hawk!"

It repeated the two words again, and at the same time the system sounded, indicating that the npc list had been updated.

Ming Shu opened it and found that the new addition was the character details of Little Mushroom.

[Name]: Gu Ji

[Gender]: None

[Age]: 2 months

[Identity]: Tree Mushroom

[Favourability]: 40 (full value 100)

[Likes]: Green bamboo leaves, Yuan Chen, to be explored

[ Dislikes]: Werewolves, to be explored

[Features]: To be explored or unlocked with 70% favorability

The author has something to say:

successfully captured a goo!

In addition, a little spoiler, Jing Shuang is now wearing a disguised shell, the real him does not look like this

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