Chapter 96: Dragons and Elves (26)

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In the end, the piece of paper Ming Shu had hidden was broken into pieces by Si Ning again.

This time, the residue was directly broken into powder, and was completely dissipated in the air and invisible when the wind blew.

Mingshu started to worry about the spell again. He hadn't found a way to learn the spell yet, and now the spell was gone.

At this time, the attendant brought lunch, which Si Ning had specially asked the kitchen to prepare.

Si Ning got up and dressed, opened the door and asked the attendant to bring the food in.

Mingshu hid under the bed curtain and waited for the attendant to place the food on the table one by one before leaving. Only Si Ning was left in the room, and then he opened the bed curtain to reveal half of his face.

He had no suitable clothes, so he could only wrap himself up in Si Ning's robe again. Si Ning carried him to the table and sat on his lap.

Mingshu felt a little uncomfortable and tightened his clothes to cover his legs: "Your Highness, do you have any other clothes?"

"Just wear mine."

He seemed to have no room for negotiation, so Mingshu had to say: "Okay... "

Si Ning personally fed him food with chopsticks and asked him if it tasted good. If he didn't like it, he would change it to another one.

Mingshu's use of a spell to turn into a human could not be known to others, nor could Si Ning's attendants. The food sent could be said to be from Si Ning, but the clothes could easily arouse suspicion.

So during these three days, Si Ning had no intention of letting Mingshu leave the room.

In addition, he can satisfy any needs Mingshu has.

The food sent by the attendant was specially prepared for the dragon clan. Mingshu was full after eating only a few mouthfuls, and drank water from Si Ning's hand.

"Did Si Yin tell you?" He put down the cup and suddenly asked again, "The curse of the dragon clan."

Ming Shu was silent. He thought about it carefully. He had indeed only been alone with Si Yin for a while since he entered the dungeon. .

He thought to himself, I'm sorry Si Yin, you have to bear the blame.

Mingshu nodded lightly and buried his face in Si Ning's arms: "Well..."

He didn't see the gloom and murderous intent in Si Ning's eyes, and curled up in the warm embrace.

"But that curse..." Mingshu raised his face, "Is it true?"

The content of Si Ning's dream ended with the elf using the spell on His Majesty the Fifth Prince. Later, the elf failed to cast the spell and was caught to learn the truth. Appear.

"False," Si Ning said concisely, "You can't die."

It's just that you will endure some pain. There is no race in the entire continent that can compete with the dragon. This is the price of the dragon's natural strength, and it can also be regarded as a curse.

The guardian elves after forming a contract can indeed share a part of the treatment for the dragons, and because of their small size, they are more convenient to treat and the pain will not last long.

The elves will be taken to the Dragon Clan for selection soon after they are born. It is their "mission" to protect the Dragon Clan. Even if they are dissatisfied, they have no chance to resist, and they cannot leave or return to the sea of ​​flowers at will.

Therefore, the elf's life either always accompanies the dragon clan, or spends a short half-year in the sea of ​​flowers, and any information is blocked.

Mingshu leaned on Si Ning's shoulder: "How much will we share?"

Si Ning said, "You won't share the pain for me."

"Why?" Mingshu raised his head in confusion, "Didn't we form a contract?"

Si Ning moved closer to kiss him, holding his wrist and digging into the wide cuffs.

He liked Mingshu's current appearance very much, but it was a pity that the spell could not be used continuously, otherwise it would cause damage to the body.

As they kissed, the atmosphere became ambiguous again. Mingshu's cheeks were slightly red: "Your Highness, it is daytime now..."

Si Ning ignored this and answered after a while: "My contract with you is of another kind."

Mingshu was even more confused: "The other one? What is it?"

It was true that Si Ning delayed for several days before forming a contract with him, but his mission was completed. He was Si Ning's guardian elf.

Si Ning only said: "I have modified some parts, and the effect is different."

Mingshu didn't understand much about the contract, so he hesitated and asked: "Then what should you do when you feel pain in the future..."

All the dragons There were elves to share the pain with him, but not Si Ning. He could only bear it alone.

When the content and effects of the contract changed, Mingshu's first reaction was that Si Ning would be in pain, instead of being thankful that he didn't have to endure it.

This was also the contradiction in him. If he hadn't discovered that Mingshu had torn off the page and hid it, Si Ning would never have believed that he would have believed other people's lies and used such a vicious spell on himself.

Si Ning said "hmm" absentmindedly, held Mingshu's chin and continued to kiss him. He took his hand and asked him to help unbuckle his belt.

Mingshu refused to untie him and pushed him hard: "I still want to rest for a while..."

He resisted powerlessly, dropped his robe on the ground, and shrank pitifully into Si Ning's arms.

Si Ning stroked the smooth skin on his back: "Elf, your wings are gone, are you used to it?"

Before Mingshu could answer, a faint light released from his palm, turning into two pairs of familiar transparent wings, and Mingshu's ears also It turned into pointed elf ears.

Mingshu turned around in surprise and found that the wings were not real. If he touched them with his hands, they would pass through them. It was probably a kind of illusion.

But this illusion was real enough, almost like an enlarged version of Mingshu's before. When Si Ning put his palm on his back, he actually felt as if the roots of his wings were being touched.

Si Ning stared at Ming Shu intently. The silver-haired elf sat shyly on his lap. His body was shrouded in the hazy sunlight through the window. Two pairs of transparent wings were dimly shining, and the tips of his ears were red.

He is like a newly born little flower bud, but there are still traces in some hidden places, which are both pure and confusing.

The chairs in the desk area were a bit hard, and Mingshu couldn't stand it after lying down for a while.

Si Ning kept kissing the place where the wings grew out of his back. The clothes on his body were still there, and the cuffs were covered with Ming Shu's tears, showing no mercy at all.

Finally returning to the bed, Mingshu hid in a corner and was pulled back by his legs.

"Do you still have the energy to hide?" Si Ning pinched his waist and kissed the side of his neck.

Until the afternoon, Mingshu was sleepy and tired, and remembered another thing: "Guji hasn't eaten yet..."

The fog rat was locked in a small den by Si Ning using magic. Not only could it not get out, but it could not hear anything outside. When there was any movement, it almost went crazy with anxiety. The cover created by the magic could not be scratched, so it hugged the wooden stake in the nest and kept sharpening its claws.

The moment the spell was released, the Mist Rat immediately rushed out. When he saw Si Ning, he showed his sharpened claws and scratched the face hard.

Si Ning was fully dressed at this time, and his expression was full of contentment. He didn't bother to argue with the fog rat, and easily stopped its movements, grabbed the back of its neck and lifted it up to the attendant who called over, so that the attendant could take care of it.

The attendant took it over tremblingly, but Wushu didn't want to leave. He glared at Si Ning and flew towards him to kick him.

It's a pity that its ability was not enough in front of Si Ning, and it was pinched by the back of the neck and lifted up, and it couldn't get away no matter what.

"Guji..." Mingshu's weak voice came from the bed curtain, "I'm fine, you go outside and play for a while."

He deliberately lowered his voice, sounding no different from when he was an elf.

It's definitely not appropriate for Guji to stay here, and Mingshu doesn't care about feeding it now.

As soon as he heard Mingshu's voice, the fog rat immediately became obedient, retracted his paws, and returned to the attendant's hand obediently, looking reluctantly in the direction of the bed.

After the attendants left with the fog rat, Si Ning carried Mingshu out, fed him water, and used spells and incantations to replenish his energy.

Mingshu finished drinking the water and wrapped himself tightly in the quilt: "I'm sleepy..."

Si Ning brought him over with the quilt and coaxed: "Okay, I'll sleep with you for a while."

He didn't go anywhere. , I stayed with Ming Shu in the dormitory, and I didn't read the books I usually read.

Later in the afternoon, Si Lian came to visit again. The attendant had already received an order from Si Ning, saying that His Highness the Fifth Prince had something to do and was not in the palace.

"Where have you gone?" Si Lian didn't believe it, but the attendant would not tell him Si Ning's whereabouts.

He hit a wall and was about to go back when he suddenly saw a familiar gray dumpling jumping down from a tree not far away and looking here curiously.

Si Lian's eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed.

This gray dumpling seems to be the fog rat he sent a few days ago.

The fog rat looked rounder than before. It was obvious that he was living a good life here. He also wore a shining pendant around his neck. Si Lian took a closer look and recognized that it was the gem he had given to Mingshu. belt.

The attendants nearby were not surprised to see the fog rat and allowed it to run around.

Si Lian's face darkened and he could hardly maintain his expression.

Didn't Si Ning say that Wu Shu was killed by him? What's going on now? Moreover, the Mist Rat just appeared in front of him, wearing a gem belt. Did he let him see it on purpose?

The subordinate urged softly from behind, and the fog rat not far away turned and ran away.

Si Lian looked away, suppressed his gloomy eyes, and left with his subordinates.


For two days, Si Ning was nowhere to be found. The attendants in his palace said that he was not here, but he never appeared elsewhere, and there was no reply even from the spell transmission.

Qingji was sitting in the front hall with a spiteful expression: "He stole my book. The only copy is outside the island. I didn't bring it in."

He was in Si Lian's palace, and several other highnesses were also there.

Si Duo, the Fourth Highness, sat on the other side and said in an impatient tone: "Why don't we just snatch it back? How could we not keep such an important book safe?"

Qingji suddenly became anxious: "You can't blame me entirely, who knows he is How did you find out..."

"Okay," Si Lian interrupted the two of them, "The book is gone, but the spell is still there?"

Qingji has already memorized the transformation curse. They don't need the book for the time being, but they have to beware of Si Ning. Use that book against them.

So we can't wait any longer. Si Ning has been acting strangely these past few days, maybe he's planning something.

Si Yin sat at the end, holding a guardian elf in his palm.

He gently stroked the elf's long hair with his other hand. The elf trembled, but did not dare to resist at all.

"It's time for you to take effect," Si Yin smiled gently, but the smile did not reach his eyes. "Do you remember everything I told you?" The

elf nodded timidly, seeing Si Yin showing an impatient look. , and quickly replied: "Remember..."

The next day, after noon, the spell on Mingshu expired and he turned back into an elf.

Si Ning dressed him up and asked him if he felt unwell. He did not forget to say: "The next time I use it, I have to wait at least five days." Ming Shu

nodded silently, thinking that this spell had a cooling time, otherwise he would Don't even leave this room today.

The Mist Rat was the happiest, which meant that Mingshu would no longer be occupied by Si Ning all day long. It flew in front of Mingshu and wanted to take off the gem belt around his neck and return it to him.

Mingshu stopped it from picking it off, and also adjusted its length: "Gujiu looks good on it, so I gave it to Gujiu."

Mist Rat was even happier, and ran to Si Ning with his head raised to show off, saying that he didn't have it. Something given by Mingshu.

At this time, the attendant hurriedly came over and knocked on the door, saying that Si Yin's guardian elf came here alone and looked not in good condition. He seemed to be injured.

Mingshu immediately raised his head: "His Second Highness's elf?"

It was the one he had seen before. He also told the other party that if anything happened in the future, he could come to him.

Si Ning frowned slightly: "Who are you looking for?"

"She said she was looking for His Highness and your guardian elf," the attendant replied, "I told her that neither you nor the elf were here, and she refused to leave, begging for permission. I want to see you."

"Did Si Yin bully her?" Mingshu asked worriedly, "How about letting her in first?"

His transformation spell has expired and he no longer needs to hide. The elf wants to see Si Ning, maybe Come to him.

"No," Si Ning said coldly, and in Ming Shu's pleading eyes, he added, "We can let her go into the front hall, and then arrange for a doctor to come and take a look." If

the elf is injured, it would be better to treat it in time. , she is Si Yin's elf, other dragons are not qualified to take care of her, this is the only thing Si Ning can do.

As for the purpose of her coming here, Si Ning didn't want to go into details, but he was also wary and didn't want Mingshu to see her.

The attendant left in response. Mingshu was restless and couldn't help but said, "I want to see her." "It

won't change anything," Si Ning gently held his hand with her fingertips, "She and Si Yin has made a contract and will be his elf for the rest of his life."

These words are cruel, but they are true.

Mingshu was silent. He thought of the transformation curse. Regardless of the plot, dragons like Si Yin were the ones who deserved the curse the most.

Make him a monster and he can no longer hurt the elves.

But this may not solve the fundamental problem. What the elves need is true equality.

They were given a mission when they were born, but no one actually asked them if they wanted to do it.

Si Ning seemed to know what he was thinking, stroking his silver hair: "Don't worry."

At present, the king of the Dragon Clan has no plans to abdicate. When he successfully becomes the successor in the future, he can try to change the current situation of the elves.

Mingshu was still unhappy, but Si Ning finally compromised and agreed to accompany him to see the elf.

The elf was placed in the front hall. When Mingshu arrived at the door, he saw her quietly wiping tears inside.

Seeing the appearance of Si Ning and Ming Shu, she quickly wiped her face, stood up and saluted respectfully.

The fog rat also came and looked curiously forward. The elf was a little scared and hid behind.

Mingshu grabbed the fog rat's tail to stop it from running around, flew close to the elf, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?"

The doctor had already arrived. There were no wounds on the elf's body, but his face looked very bad.

The elf shook his head and said nothing, with guilt hidden in his eyes.

Mingshu didn't notice and sighed: "Is it because of His Highness?"

The elf nodded hesitantly, confirming Mingshu's guess.

Even if she didn't say it, Ming Shu could probably figure it out. It must be that Si Yin was not good to the elf and the elf couldn't bear it, so she came to look for him.

But as Si Ning said, Ming Shu's visit didn't seem to change anything.

"Can you not go back tonight?" he asked, "You can sleep here and hide quietly."

I don't know if the contract will reveal the location of the elf. It would be good if it can be hidden all the time so that Si Yin can't find it. .

Just as Mingshu was thinking about it, the elf in front of him suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist tightly.

A trace of very light green smoke overflowed from the elf's hand and tried to penetrate into Mingshu's skin. However, before it really touched Mingshu, the smoke and the elf were knocked away together.

Wushu immediately stood in front of Mingshu. At the same time, Si Ning, who was sitting in the hall, suddenly appeared next to Mingshu.

Si Ning looked at the elf who got up from the table, with a frosty face: "What did you do?" The

summoning spell was activated, which proved that the elf wanted to harm Mingshu. Her purpose in coming here was indeed not pure.

The elf knelt down in fear, covering her face and crying: "I'm sorry..."

She was forced to do so, and now that the mission has failed, she no longer has anything to hide: "It's... it's a poison, and it can't last for two days after being poisoned. His Highness asked me to come here..."

She didn't know anything else. Si Yin didn't tell her any more details. He only told her that she had to come here to lure Ming Shu out and then find a way to put poison into his body.

The elf blamed himself very much, knowing that he would probably die if he went back, and said in despair: "I made a mistake, let your highness handle it."

The poisonous smoke had dissipated in the air, and the gloom on Si Ning's face did not diminish, so he called the attendant: "Take her away and lock her up."

The elf was ordered by Si Yin to take advantage of Mingshu's sympathy. Si Yin probably didn't expect that Mingshu had a new protective spell cast on him.

When he heard that he was about to be locked up, the elf was relieved. Finally, he wiped his tears and said sorry to Mingshu, and was taken away by the attendants.

Mingshu only came out of his trance at this time, as if he was frightened by the scene just now.

He hugged Si Ning's hand as if scared, "What kind of poison is that?"

Mist Rat came over to comfort him, and Si Ning also said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He cast his summoning spell on Ming Shu again, He did not hesitate to spend a lot of mana to continue to protect him.

Mingshu looked at the direction where the elf was taken away: "It's okay to lock her up... She failed in poisoning, Si Yin won't let her go." He

just found a reason to keep her, and waited until Si Yin came to the door.

Mingshu didn't blame her, and... what the elf had released to him just now wasn't just poisonous smoke.

He opened the system panel, and there was a latest message inside.

[Main mission three has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points yourself]

Just when the green smoke appeared, there was another extremely thin light hitting Mingshu. Because it was not an offensive spell or spell, it was not blocked by the protective spell.

It was a message, like a voice message sent specifically to Mingshu. The voice sounded familiar, like Qingji's.

He slowly recited a spell during the summons, asking Mingshu to find an opportunity to use it on Si Ning.

The content of the summons was more like an order. Mingshu speculated whether the poisonous smoke could be something that could control his mind. If he was really poisoned, he would use a spell on Si Ning as Qingji said.

The spell in the it a transformation curse?

According to the development of the plot, it should be a transformation curse. The spell has a certain degree of difficulty. The summons can be "played" repeatedly in Mingshu's mind to ensure that there will be no mistakes.

In this way, Mingshu completed the third main task directly, and he successfully "learned" this spell.

It must be said that Qingji was very thoughtful, otherwise there would be no pronunciation of the spell, and Mingshu, who was illiterate, would not be able to use it.

What is this called? Give me a pillow when you feel sleepy? But Mingshu was not in a hurry to complete the task. He wanted to test whether the spell was the one he needed.

Si Yin's elves were temporarily detained in Si Ning's palace because they intended to attack Ming Shu.

At Mingshu's request, Si Ning did not do anything to the elf. Instead, she arranged for flower petals and dew to be sent there every day. She also had bedding to sleep on at night, and her life was better than when she was with Si Yin before.

There were no rumors about this matter, and not many people knew about it. Si Yin did not show up for two days in a row.

His elf did not go back, so he should have known that the poisoning plan had failed, but he was not worried at all.

It wasn't until the third day that Si Yin finally came over and asked if his elf was here.

The attendant took him to the front hall to wait. After the tea was filled three times, Si Ning arrived late.

He was accompanied by Mingshu and Wushu. Mingshu sat on Si Ning's shoulder. Wushu followed closely behind and jumped onto the table with his hind legs.

This was the second time Ming Shu saw Si Yin, and he still remembered the death of the elf. Facing this face that was somewhat similar to Si Ning, he felt even more disgusted.

Si Yin looked over calmly, his eyes lingering on the fog rat for a moment, and he got straight to the point: "I have been busy these days, and when I was free, I found that my elf was missing. I asked and found out that I had been here before. I wonder if my fifth brother has ever been here before. Have you seen it?"

"Aren't you tired of pretending?" Si Ning said with sarcasm in his eyes, "I think you are not worried about the disappearance of your elf, but you are wondering why I still keep her alive, right?"

The existence of the contract can Let Si Yin sense the life state of the elf. If the elf dies, he probably won't come at all and will just collect a new one.

The curve of Si Yin's lips lowered and he said lazily: "What are you talking about? Is there some misunderstanding here?" He

put down the tea cup: "But it seems that my elf is indeed here, and I asked my fifth brother to bring her Give it back to me, and if she does anything wrong, I'll take care of it."

At this time, Mist Rat jumped off the table and slowly approached Si Yin.

It seemed to be very curious about Si Yin, looking at him with its round eyes. Seeing that Si Yin was not interested in it, it moved a little further.

Si Ning said coldly: "Give it back to you? That's easy to say."

Si Yin gradually lost patience and twitched his lips: "Then what else do you want..." A cloud of gray smoke suddenly floated in front of Si Yin. He frowned and waved away.

The fog rat happened to take the opportunity to come to his side, spit out another large cloud of smoke, held a few small stones in its paws, threw them at Si Yin, and ran away after throwing them.

The stone was blocked by Si Yin's spell, and his face darkened: "Take care of the beast you raise."

Si Yin's attention was attracted by the fog rat, and taking this opportunity, Ming Shu stared at him and recited the spell silently.

He was not sure whether he could succeed at this time, so he clenched his palms nervously.

After reading the last word, a white halo appeared in front of Mingshu and flew quickly in the direction of Si Yin.

There were characters printed in the aperture, which looked a bit like a contract formation. When it appeared in the hall, both Si Ning and Si Yin were stunned.

Mingshu did this without telling Si Ning, not wanting him to know that he had learned the spell. Si Yin never expected that Mingshu would be so bold and dare to attack him at this time.

What Mingshu was thinking about was that he would test the effect of the spell on Si Yin and confirm that it was a transformation curse, so he could quickly complete the main quest.

Even if it was an NPC made of a bunch of data, he didn't want the elf to follow someone like Si Yin. If he didn't do this before leaving the dungeon, he would definitely regret it.

The aperture hit Si Yin, but the speed was still a step slower, and Si Yin dodged.

He was so angry that he immediately wanted to grab Mingshu and squeeze him to death, regardless of Si Ning's presence.

Before he could take action, another burst of dark light struck, and the smoke condensed into a rope and wrapped tightly around him, dragging him back to the range of the aperture.

Si Yin looked horrified: "Si Ning!"

He dared to come over and ask for the elf because he felt that Si Ning would not attack him. He was targeting Ming Shu. If he brought trouble to his father, he would only be able to defeat an elf. That's all, don't hurt the harmony between brothers.

However, he didn't expect that Mingshu would be the first to take action. He had been sitting quietly aside just now. Si Yin didn't notice him at all, which gave him the opportunity to complete the spell.

The most unbelievable thing is that Si Ning didn't stop him and even helped.

Fear finally emerged in Si Yin's heart. He tried to transform back into the form of a giant dragon and escape, but was suppressed by the aperture and couldn't breathe.

He was speechless and terrified. He watched helplessly as his body began to shrink and deform, and his red hair fell off all over the place.

In the end, Si Yin disappeared and was replaced by a monster covered in gray scales that looked like a turtle without a shell.

The monster was about as tall as the table, and its bulky body made it difficult to move. A pair of cloudy eyes were half-opened, and it made a "woo-woo" sound from its mouth. It couldn't look like it used to be at all.

The spell took effect, Mingshu slumped down on the table, turned his head and tremblingly threw himself into Si Ning's palm, not daring to look at the monster on the ground.

It was his first time to do something like this, but he didn't expect it to succeed...

"Hide him," Mingshu buried his face in Si Ning's hands, "Delay a few days..."

until he cleared the copy. That's good, there shouldn't be much follow-up plot.

When he leaves the dungeon, the NPCs here will stop or reset. Either way, it is considered an alternative ending to the story in Mingshu's mind.

The protagonist of the fairy tale is not harmed, the elves who were forced to do bad things are freed, and the bad guys get the punishment they deserve.

Mist Rat came closer and touched Mingshu's silver hair with his paw, hoping to stop him from being afraid.


Si Ning responded, holding Ming Shu in his hands, and asked the attendants to come in and take away the monster on the ground.

The attendant did not dare to ask any more questions, and brought a basically closed iron box to put the monster away.

When there was no movement, Ming Shu regained consciousness and hugged Si Ning's hand.

He was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect... He didn't regret it, he just didn't know how to explain it to Si Ning...

Mingshu raised his head carefully and met the eyes of his boss Si Ning.

"When did you learn the spell?" Si Ning's face was expressionless. It was unclear whether he was angry with Mingshu for hiding the fact that he secretly learned the spell, or because he had turned Si Yin into a monster on his own initiative.

Si Yin is Si Ning's brother after all, and his reckless behavior will indeed affect Si Ning.

But for Mingshu, there was actually not much time left. He hesitated: "I..."

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[Just when the human wizard was about to kill the elf, His Highness the Fifth suddenly appeared and rescued the elf from the wizard. When several highnesses saw that the matter was revealed, they wanted to join forces to kill the fifth highness. Upon seeing this, the rescued elves immediately went to help. The bloodline of the Abyss Dragon played an important role at this time. His Majesty the Fifth Prince's spell practice may not be the most advanced, but in the state of the dragon, almost no spells can hurt such a behemoth. The power displayed by the bloodline is what wins. The essential. 】

【Finally, His Majesty the Dragon Clan arrived and stopped the fight between several giant dragons. After learning what happened, he locked up all the Highnesses except the Fifth Highness to wait for disposal. ]

[The elf thought that he would also be dealt with, but he almost made a big mistake. He knelt down and cried bitterly. He did not ask for forgiveness from His Highness, but only wanted to atone for his actions. His Highness the Fifth Prince gently picked up the elf and said that he knew that the elf was not bad in nature and had never blamed him. He always remembered the kindness of the elf and was grateful to him for protecting him in his childhood. ]

[The elf was even more moved and remorseful, and vowed to take good care of His Highness the Fifth Prince from now on, and would never act recklessly and make many mistakes like before. ]

[The knot in their hearts was untied, and the elf and His Highness the Fifth returned to the relationship they had when they first met, caring and trusting each other, and truly protecting and accompanying each other. ]

Gone? This looks like the end, and this time Ming Shu's character doesn't have to die.

There are no new missions released, and the prompts for plot updates lie quietly on the message bar.

Mingshu turned off the system panel and answered Si Ning's question: "That's when Si Yin's elf comes..."

He told the truth and explained that he didn't tell Si Ning because he was afraid that he would think too much.

If he were locked in the dormitory again or the message in his mind was taken out, he would not be able to complete the task.

Si Ning still didn't look good: "Is the summons still there?"

Sure enough, he was about to take it out for Mingshu immediately. Mingshu said quickly: "Wait..."

There was still the last main task, the spell was too long, he had to Just follow the voice in the message.

In front of Si Ning, Mingshu read out half of the spell.

He deliberately read slowly and stumbled, and Si Ning said with a sullen face: "Wasn't it fluent just now?"

The slightly rough fingertips brushed Ming Shu's cheek. If he hadn't used the Transformation Curse not long ago, Si Ning would have Ning must ask "carefully" what he is thinking.

Si Yin didn't need to worry too much. He had already thought of killing the other party, not only Si Yin, but also the others.

As soon as the spell is interrupted, a system message pops up immediately.

[Main mission four has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points]

Before Mingshu could react, another message popped up.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing copy three! ]

[The system is being liquidated--]

[The dungeon is about to be separated, please wait patiently]

Mingshu is sluggish, how can he clear the level? He was not prepared at all.

[About to leave the dungeon, countdown: ten]




Mingshu hugged Si Ning's hand tightly: "Your Highness..."




The countdown ended, and Mingshu's eyes went dark. .

The dungeon scene is paused, and all NPCs are stagnant.

Si Ning remained where he was, and he was the only one not affected by the dungeon's suspension.

A severe headache hit him, his brows furrowed, and there were many strange and familiar memories in his mind.

At the same time, Si Ning also heard a system prompt.

[About to go to the next copy, please wait patiently]

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