Chapter 100: Halloween (4)

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A lot of time was wasted being trapped in the woods. When the three of them left the abandoned farm and arrived at the center of the town, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Ming Shu and Xia Zhu asked several townspeople along the way, but no one knew where the Devil City was. One of them ran away after hearing the words "Devil City" and couldn't stop them.

The other two people in the team were still on their way back. Shan Qi found a small shop and bought a thick cloth bag to hold the chainsaw. He said at the same time: "What about the devil city? Let's talk about it tomorrow."

He held it in his hand . Holding the chainsaw, he looked at the townspeople coming and going on the road thoughtfully: "Why not try another side mission first."

Xia Zhu took over the conversation: "Is the fear worth it?"

He raised his fangs to his mouth and gestured.

Shan Qi stared at a young man who was alone in the distance and was about to make a move: "Isn't it just to scare people? What's so difficult about this."

But he didn't know what the conditions for completing "disguise yourself" in the main task were. Qi and Xia Zhu got the chainsaw and fangs and only completed the task of obtaining supplies.

The three of them found a remote corner, and Shan Qi took out a chainsaw and untied the hay tied outside.

He brushed off the grass clippings from the blade and started the chainsaw, rolled up his sleeves and made a fierce expression: "How is it?"

Mingshu frowned slightly and couldn't help but take a step back: "It's too noisy."

At first glance, it seemed like It's quite scary, but this is the street after all, and it's not reasonable for them to dress up as ghosts and scare people before Halloween.

However, the movement of the chainsaw only attracted the attention of a few passing townspeople. They turned their heads to look this way, seemingly without any curiosity or doubt, and quickly withdrew their gaze and hurriedly left.

Shan Qi turned off the chainsaw: "The main line hasn't been triggered yet... No matter, help me trick that person over there."

He pointed not far away, where there was a town citizen, a young man about twenty years old. A man is sitting on a bench next to the fountain.

Shan Qi planned to get the NPC to a remote alley here first, and then scare him with a chainsaw.

Xia Zhu volunteered, walked over to the bench alone, and took the initiative to say hello to the NPC in front of him: "Hello."

The young man turned his head and showed a friendly smile: "Hello, are you okay?"

He looked very thin, his cheeks were sunken, and there were small patches of black and blue under his eyes, which made him appear to be in poor spirits.

No wonder he became Shan Qi's target. This NPC looked timid at first glance.

"That's it," Xia Zhu pointed behind him: "We bought some things... they are too heavy. Can I ask you a favor?"

This excuse was a bit perfunctory, and the young man looked in the direction Xia Zhu was pointing. Mingshu stood at the entrance of the alley and lowered his eyes quietly, holding a dark red robe in his arms. His delicate and delicate facial features were hard not to make people fond of him.

The young man stood up and said, "Of course."

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the number of townspeople on the street began to decrease.

Xia Zhu led the young man to a remote alley. Mingshu stood aside and said with a complicated expression: "Sorry, we need your help." The young man looked into the alley, and in the slightly dim light,

a person A tall figure stood inside, holding a chainsaw.

Xia Zhu gave the young man a gentle push, and Shan Qi fired the electric saw at the right moment, raising the corners of his lips to make an expression that he thought was intimidating: "I'm being deceived so easily. I'm not very vigilant."

It is impossible for ordinary people to not be afraid at all when encountering the scene in front of them.

A thin, lonely young man was blocked in a remote alley. Shan Qi looked rough, the sound of the chainsaw in his hand was harsh, and the blade was mottled with dried and black blood. He really looked like a murderer with evil intentions.

It was getting dark, and there were few pedestrians outside, so no one noticed the movement here.

Shan Qi was full of confidence and waited for the prompt from the NPC to increase the fear level, but found that the young man's face was expressionless, and even the ups and downs of his breathing had not changed.

"What are you doing?" the young man asked softly.

"Don't you need help?" The young man looked at Xia Zhu and Ming Shu behind him, and asked in a rather puzzled tone, "Where is the thing?" The atmosphere suddenly solidified strangely

, Shan Qi gritted his teeth: "I'm here Talk to you!"

In order to show his strength, Shan Qi suddenly pulled the chainsaw again and strode towards the young man.


The dull bell rang over the town, and the young man's expression changed.

His expression turned to fear and anxiety, and he turned around and left.

Shan Qi thought that his deterrence had worked, but there was no movement in the system. He refused to give up this opportunity and shouted: "Stop him!"

Xia Zhu was closest to the young man. Push away.

"Dong -"

The bell rang for the second time. When the young man looked up, his normal face suddenly became distorted, and his ferocious facial features were squeezed together, like a stirred rag.

Ming Shu was caught off guard and frightened, and took two steps back in a hurry. The young man lowered his head and left quickly.

At the same time, a few townspeople outside were also walking in a hurry, and the shops were closed one after another. Shan Qi chased after two steps, and finally turned off the chainsaw and turned back.

"Forget it," he glanced at Xia Zhu and Mingshu, "I wasn't prepared enough this time."

Mingshu was shocked and struggled to speak out: "Didn't you see? His face..."

"What did you see?" Xia Zhu rubbed his arms, "This NPC doesn't look very good, he is quite strong..."

Neither of them saw the change in the young man's face. That was definitely not an expression that a normal person could make.

The streets that were bustling not long ago were now deserted. Mingshu hugged the robe tightly in his arms and was about to tell them what he had just seen when another slightly familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Why are you still here?"

The three of them looked warily. It was the NPC who led the way yesterday.

The npc had a cold face at this time, his eyes glanced at the chainsaw in Shan Qi's hand, and he said unhappily: "It's dark, go back quickly." As soon as

he finished speaking, the three of them received a system message at the same time.

[Ding Dong - Side Mission Released]

[Task 4: Spend a safe night in the town before dawn]

There was exactly the same side mission yesterday, but everyone was safe and sound last night.

Shan Qi asked tentatively: "Can't you go out at night?"

"Of course you can go out," the npc replied quietly: "I'm just kindly reminding you that there are wild beasts at night, so you'd better be careful."

Beast? What kind of beast would come to the town? They went to the grove near the cemetery and saw no traces of any beast.


The bell rang for the third time.

Calculating the time, it was now around seven o'clock in the evening. After the third bell rang, the sky in the town suddenly darkened, and a hazy mist began to appear in the distance.

"Go back quickly," the npc repeated again, "the bell only rings four times."

His words were meaningful, and he immediately turned around and turned into the alley ahead.

When they came yesterday, they didn't seem to hear the bells. Maybe they came in just after the bells stopped ringing.

The other two teammates sent a team-up message, saying that they were going back directly and would not join them first.

"Let's go then," Shan started up the chainsaw and said to himself: "They are all weirdos..."

The NPC leading the way was elusive and always half-said. There was also the thin young man just now. When he saw him holding He was wearing a bloody chainsaw and was not afraid at all.

Shan Qi didn't seem to take the bell and the NPC's warning seriously. He waved to Xia Zhu and Mingshu and walked back slowly with the cloth bag containing the chainsaw.

Mingshu was always nervous and lowered his voice: "Let's go back quickly."

Xia Zhu nodded. Their residences were not in the same direction, but they could still walk together for a while, and the distance was the same.

On the way back, Mingshu told Xia Zhu that when the bell rang for the second time, the young man's face became scary.

Xia Zhu didn't see it, so he couldn't understand the "terrible" Ming Shu said. He thought, "Is it because of the sound of the bell? He is not afraid of the chainsaw, but he seems to be afraid of the sound of the bell." Or maybe it is because

he is afraid of the dark, the townspeople Don't dare go out after dark.

Mingshu shook his head to express that he was unclear. He turned his head inexplicably and glanced at the empty street.

They entered the residential area. Many houses had lights on and the curtains were tightly drawn. It seemed that some eyes were looking at them quietly through the gaps in the curtains.

"Don't worry, close the doors and windows when you go back," Xia Zhu comforted: "Nothing happened yesterday, and there should be nothing today." In fact, they can still

live together, so they can take care of each other. Xia Zhu took the initiative to bring it up, and Ming Shu Looking hesitant.

This place is so weird. The NPC arranges all the players into separate houses. Maybe it has some special purpose.

They were indeed all fine last night, but it seemed okay to live together.

When the two came to the intersection where they were about to separate, Mingshu hesitated and said: "How about..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the sky got a little darker and the street lights turned on on both sides of the street.

Xia Zhu suddenly took a breath of cold air: "What is that?"

Mingshu followed his line of sight and saw a dark shadow under a tree in the distance.

The figure of the shadow looks like a person lying on the ground with all four limbs stretched out, but you can't tell where the arms are and where the legs are.

The thing slowly raised its head, its head stood up at a strange angle, and it stepped out of the shadows, exposing its entire body to the streetlight.

"It" was covered in blood. I don't know whether it was covered with a layer of clothing or exposed flesh. From a long distance away, a pair of huge pale eyes could be seen clearly. It tilted its head to look at the two people on the roadside and leaned forward slightly. Make a sprint-like movement.

Mingshu grabbed Xia Zhu's wrist and said, "Run!"

This was definitely not a human being. The two of them knew it well and had no time to hesitate or wait, and immediately fled in the opposite direction.


The monster chased after him, and the movement behind him got closer and closer. Mingshu didn't dare to look back. Xia Zhu's voice trembled at the side: "Can you go hide in other houses first..."

They didn't know if there were other players living nearby, and if not, whether the townspeople would be willing to open the door and let them in.

Xia Zhu couldn't hold himself back and shouted: "Is anyone there? Help!"

At the same time, Mingshu caught a glimpse of a house on the roadside with lights on, and a man standing by the window, looking at them with an indifferent expression.

He must have seen the monster chasing behind the two of them, but he showed no sign of surprise or intention to help.

Mingshu's heart sank, but what made matters worse was that another shadow similar to a monster appeared in the side corner, seemingly attracted by Xia Zhu's voice.

Xia Zhu also noticed it and cursed in a low voice: "It's over."

None of them were physically strong. They walked outside for another day and didn't eat dinner.

Mingshu was a little behind and heard a "click-click" sound close behind him. Along with rapid and rough breathing, something hooked his ankle.

He was unstable and fell down. When Xia Zhu saw this, he turned around to help, but his body froze when he saw the thing behind him clearly.

Mingshu fell to the ground. When he looked up, he saw Xia Zhu with a horrified expression. A blood-red palm stretched out and slapped him away.

The two of them could no longer care about each other, and the second monster also chased after them. Mingshu instinctively looked back.

The monster bowed and stood up. Its unusually thick arms looked about the same as its legs. There was not an inch of intact skin on its body, and its muscles were bloody and exposed on the surface. Its head seemed to be connected to the back of its neck, and its pupils were as thin as the eyes of needles.

Mingshu dodged sideways, barely avoiding the palms with sharp nails.

They couldn't outrun this monster, and they had no weapons in their hands, so they were about to die here.

With a "pop" sound, a blade suddenly pierced the monster's heart from behind. The monster suddenly lost its breath and fell down limply.

This situation happened suddenly. Mingshu raised his head and saw a man standing behind the monster.

He didn't know when he appeared. He was dressed as a resident of a small town, but he covered his entire face with a mask and wore a pair of gloves.

He kicked away the monster corpse on the ground, and another monster rushed towards him with a roar. He was also killed with a few blows, stabbed in the heart and died.

Xia Zhu seemed to have seen a life-saving straw: "Are you, are you a player..."

The man glanced at him and did not answer. He put away the dagger, took off his gloves, and stepped forward to help Mingshu up.

"Don't be afraid."

He whispered, his cold fingertips gently caressing the side of Mingshu's face, wiping away a little dust that accidentally got on it.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zhu's voice suddenly stopped. He keenly guessed something and opened his mouth without making a sound.

Mingshu stared blankly at the person in front of him, noticing that the veins on his arms bulged unnaturally and his skin was strangely wrinkled.

"You..." He seemed to be aware of it, his eyes were blank, with a trace of uncertainty.

Sang Yin naturally pulled up his sleeves to cover his arms and said, "Go back quickly and close the doors and windows."

He turned to look at Xia Zhu aside, and his tone was obviously not so gentle: "Go back to your own house, you can't live there Together."

He knew what they were thinking. Xia Zhu was stunned for a moment: "Okay, okay." "

There are only these two tonight," Sang Yin paused, "I can't stay long." There was

a slight sound of bones rubbing together. From his body, Mingshu's hand was held, and he heard the person in front of him say: "I will come to you during the day."

Then he let go of Mingshu, turned around and walked quickly towards the dark area beyond the street lights.

The touch on his palm seemed to still be there, and Mingshu had the urge to chase after him, but now was definitely not a good time.

Xia Zhu also held back his words and urged: "We can't delay any longer. Let's leave quickly."

The two of them no longer hesitated and rushed towards their respective residences.

The moment Mingshu returned to the house and closed the door tightly, the fourth bell rang.


The sky has completely darkened, but the street lights are still bright, illuminating the empty streets.

Mingshu's heartbeat was still fast, and his trembling breathing could be heard in his ears. He locked the door, turned on the lights, and checked the windows everywhere.

After confirming that everything was correct, he sat on the sofa in the living room and put aside the robe he had brought back from the swamp.

Mingshu thought over and over again about the man who saved them just now, his tone and actions...

He also said that he would come to him during the day.

Xia Zhu also returned to the house smoothly before the final bell rang, and sent several private messages.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Could it be that person just now?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Is it what I thought? But why is he wearing a mask

? [Private chat] Xia Zhu: Where did that monster come from? With that look, it can't be a beast.

The fear of escaping from death is still there. Xia Zhu keeps sending messages to Ming Shu. news to relieve tense nerves.

Now they seem to know why they can't go out after dark, but is it really safe to stay indoors?

Ming Shu thought of the strange townspeople who stood by the window and looked at them indifferently, and felt a chill in his heart.

Xia Zhu informed his teammates of the situation they encountered in the team's private chat, asking everyone to be careful.

The identity of the person who rescued them may be unusual. Xia Zhu knew it in the second copy and concealed part of the situation. He only said that he and Mingshu returned to their residence in time and the monster left.

[Team formation] Shan Qi: Is there really something weird? A house as a refuge?

It's not difficult to guess this connection. Probably because Xia Zhu didn't say that he and Ming Shu almost died, and it wasn't difficult not to go out at night, the replies from the other teammates seemed a bit perfunctory.

They are a temporary team. Their costumes have been assigned and they can disband at any time and do their own thing.

After the team's private chat became quiet, Mingshu got up and went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

The food in the refrigerator was still there. Whether it was an illusion or not, Mingshu felt that the vegetables in it were slightly different from yesterday.

He hesitantly picked up a bottle of milk and started to unscrew it.

--The lid of the milk bottle is sealed.

However, he had clearly opened this bottle of milk last night, and now it had been replaced with a new one.

Mingshu put the milk back, closed the refrigerator, exited the kitchen, and sent a message to Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu quickly replied, saying that it was the same on his side and that the food he had taken in the morning had been replenished.

Who had been in their house? The two of them thought of the NPC leading the way at the same time.

They had eaten all the food and had no problems so far during the day. Being in a small town, they did not touch the food in the refrigerator and seemed to have no second choice.

Finally, Mingshu plucked up the courage, reopened the refrigerator, and took out bread and a bottle of milk.

If the house is really their sanctuary, the things inside should be absolutely safe.

After barely filling his stomach, Mingshu took the pajamas from the bedroom closet and took a shower as quickly as possible.

He dried his hair and returned to the living room, looking at the robes he had brought back from the swamp.

The robe was very clean and had no strange smell. It was made into the shape of a cloak and had a hood.

Mingshu lifted it up and unfolded it. It seemed to be the right size.

Everyone else's side missions were completed, but he was the only one who still had to go to the Devil's City where he didn't know where he was.

He put away his robe and opened the system's friend list.

Was it Yuan Chen who saved him and Xia Zhu at night? Or mulberry seal.

Mingshu was not surprised that he also entered the dungeon, but this time, he seemed to be different.

It was as if he knew everything and was no longer the NPC who had lost his memory like before.

Mingshu was looking forward to it but also afraid that he would guess wrong. He opened Sang Yin's private chat box and sent two crying emoticons this time.

After sending the message, a team private message popped up.

[Team formation] Shan Qi: What the hell, there is a man covered in blood smashing my door.

[Team formation] Mingshu: Is it the monster we encountered tonight?

The two monsters tonight were also covered in blood red. Mingshu quickly asked a few more questions, but Shan Qi did not reply.

The other people in the team were also very quiet. After a while, a message from Xia Zhu came.

[Team formation] Xia Zhu: There are a group of huge bats surrounding my house! !

Immediately afterwards, news came from the other two teammates that unknown creatures also appeared outside their houses.

[In Team Formation] Shan Qi: Chainsaw

Shan Qi only sent two words. Mingshu's vision suddenly went dark, and all the lights in the room went out, leaving only the light of the system panel.

There were two soft sounds of "bang, bang" and someone was knocking on the window.

Mingshu was extremely nervous and sat stiffly on the sofa: "...Who?"

A chuckle came from outside, and a young man whispered: "Baby, you took my things."

Mingshu slowly said Moving his gaze to his side, in the dim light, the dark red robe was like a quiet, dormant black hole.

The man continued to knock on the window, coaxing: "Let me come in and see how you look on it."

Mingshu's scalp was numb and he had no time to care about what the unknown creatures outside called him. He returned to the bedroom as quickly as possible, closed the door, and hid. Get under the quilt.

He didn't even dare to breathe hard, and listened to the movement outside the house with great nervousness.

Can the house withstand it? If he couldn't resist it, where else could he hide?

Mingshu was uneasy, but it was very quiet outside and there was no sound.

After a long time, messages from teammates popped up one after another.

[In the team] Shan Qi: The chainsaw was taken away, me*

[In the team] Xia Zhu: Me too... The bat broke the window and swallowed the two fangs.

They were wiser, no Confronting the intruding creature, Shan Qi said that the man covered in blood took a chainsaw and left.

The remaining two teammates were not as lucky. They were slightly injured and the supplies they found during the day were still taken away.

Their side quests have also been reset again, meaning they need to be acquired again.

Mingshu never appeared in the team formation news. Xia Zhu was worried about him and had a private chat alone.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: How are you doing over there? Is there anything to grab the clothes?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Yes

[Private chat] Mingshu: But he seems to have left.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Where are the clothes?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Are you still there

? [Private chat] Xia Zhu:?

Mingshu didn't dare to get out of the quilt, and after waiting for a long time, there was really no movement outside.

His teammates were still discussing what to do, but he couldn't hold back his sleepiness and gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Mingshu opened his eyes and stayed for two seconds, then immediately got up from the bed.

He carefully opened the bedroom door. Everything in the living room was as usual, and the dark red robe was still on the sofa.

Mingshu stared at the robe for a while, then took a step back and walked around the sofa to the window, opening the curtains.

His eyes fell on the window and his expression became stiff.

The glass of the window was stained with some dark green algae, brought in from outside, and mixed with some moist soil. Water droplets slid down the glass.

The clump of algae was deliberately glued into a heart pattern.

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