Chapter 90: Dragons and Elves (20)

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Mingshu almost thought he heard wrongly.

Si Ning sat in the hot spring, with the water flooding up to his chest. He grabbed Ming Shu with one hand to prevent him from escaping.

The entire pool's inner layer and edges are inlaid with large pieces of warm white jade, and some places are carefully covered with soft and delicate velvet for resting against.

As a Dragon Highness with strong magic power and familiar with all kinds of spells, he actually bathes in hot spring water every day. There is probably no other dragon on Dragon Island who has this habit.

Not only did he wash it himself, but he also required Mingshu to take a bath every night before going to bed. So forget it, why did he suddenly ask him to help.

Mingshu was almost speechless: " can I help..."

Their body shapes were so different that if Mingshu washed him, he would have to wait until dawn to wipe them with a towel.

Unless Si Ning turns into a shrunken dragon, maybe Ming Shu will be willing to help him wipe the scales off his body.

The water mist was swirling and steaming. Si Ning leaned against the wall of the pool with an expressionless face and brushed Mingshu's cheek with his fingers.

He let go of his hand again and sent Mingshu back to the pool: "Forget it."

He didn't really want Mingshu to give him a bath, but Mingshu mentioned it during the day and wanted to help the fog rat take a bath. Si Ning I still worry about it and have been thinking about it till now.

It's just an animal without much intelligence. You can just use a cleaning spell or ask the attendant to clean it. There is no need for Mingshu to do it himself.

Then he is willing to help a fog rat take a bath, so he should be willing to help him. They have the closest relationship.

But with Mingshu's size, he knew that this was unrealistic.

Si Ning withdrew his hand and leaned against the edge of the pool with his eyes closed to relax.

Mingshu stood by the pool and looked back at his small bathtub.

He could feel that Si Ning seemed fine on the surface, but was actually a little unhappy.

What I said about helping him take a bath... wasn't he just jealous of Gu Ji?

This sounds incredible, but it is the only and last possible reason.

Ming Shu looked at Si Ning's side face, wanting to laugh a little, but also feeling a little soft-hearted.

He turned around, picked up the bath towel he was using to wrap himself, and flew to Si Ning: "Your Highness."

Ming Shu held up the towel and showed it to him: "Your Highness, can I use this towel to wash you?" A

normal towel came to him. It was too big, but the one he usually used to wipe his face was too small, so a bath towel was just right.

Si Ning was silent for a moment: "You're not unwilling?"

"Who says I'm unwilling?" Sensing that his mood had improved, Mingshu threw the towel into the water, "But I haven't bathed anyone else. Maybe I can't do it well, please don't dislike me, Your

Highness." The bath towel was covered with the water. Mingshu flapped his wings to keep it suspended in the air. He wanted to press the bath towel into the water to soak it, but found that the position was too difficult, so he simply rolled up his trousers and stepped down.

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

Mingshu took off his shoes and entered the bathroom. The elves are not dirty, but he stepped on the bath towel prepared for Si Ning with his feet. He still didn't respect him very much. move.

Mingshu's anger level increased by 5 points. Mingshu pretended not to know anything, but Si Ning didn't stop him anyway, and the towel was already used by him, so Si Ning didn't refuse.

The bath towel soaked with water became heavier. Before it sank, Mingshu grabbed a corner of it in time and dragged it upwards. Then he approached Sining and put the towel on his shoulders.

Such a simple action already took a lot of Mingshu's energy. Si Ning stretched out his hand to help him and whispered: "No need." Mingshu was willing to say yes

, and he was very happy with it. Mingshu washes him.

This time Mingshu disagreed. He grabbed the soaked bath towel and climbed onto Si Ning's shoulders: "No, I told you to wash it."

His clothes were also splashed with water in several places, so he squatted on the bath towel and grabbed a corner of it. , start rubbing the skin.

After rubbing it twice, Mingshu's body lightened up and Si Ning grabbed him.

"Okay," Si Ning touched his cheek, "That's enough."

Ming Shu hugged his fingers and said, "Then don't be upset, Your Highness. The only one I like the most is Your Highness."

Stop being jealous. Forget about everything else, why should I even be jealous of Gu Ji?

[NPC favorability has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

Before Mingshu could open the system panel, his eyes flashed.

The water splashed everywhere, and Si Ning's figure disappeared, replaced by a small black dragon that was completely larger than Ming Shu.

The black dragon accurately hugged Mingshu with his front paws, fell into the water with him, and used magic to make his body only half-immersed and float on the water.

Mingshu's clothes were completely wet, and his wings were also wet. He had no time to care about this and endured the familiar licking.

"Your Highness..." The pool was very deep for Mingshu. He was afraid of falling, so he hugged the black dragon's neck tightly.

The black dragon rubbed his cheek soothingly, licked the tips of his ears, and then carefully scratched his clothes with its front paws, letting him take a bath with him in the pool.

Mingshu's face turned red and he moved uncomfortably, trying hard to ignore the feeling of the scales touching his skin without any barrier.

He was too petite, and the dragon's claws would hurt him if he wasn't careful. Si Ning used the mist to support Ming Shu and lift him up. The dragon wings wrapped him up and let him lie on his body.

The temperature in the pool was a little higher. Mingshu was dizzy from the heat and leaned obediently on the side of the black dragon's neck.

The bath towel and his clothes had already sunk into the water. Mingshu took a little water with his hands and poured it on the black dragon's scales, then wiped it randomly and said confidently: "Your Highness, it's inconvenient for me, so I can only wash it for you. "

In response to him, he was licked on the cheek. The black dragon seemed to be very happy and even breathed a little heavier.

Mingshu thought to himself, it's so easy to coax.

He couldn't help but kiss the scales on the side of the black dragon's neck, and whispered: "If Your Highness..." It

would be better if Si Ning's human form could be smaller, it would be much easier to do anything... Ming Shu is sorry Say these words, lowering your head and burying your face.

Even if he didn't say it, Si Ning could vaguely sense his thoughts, that he wanted to get close to him.

The black dragon continued to lick Mingshu's shoulders and collarbone. When the soak was almost done, he took him out of the pool and came to the wooden frame not far away.

The robe hanging on the shelf was pulled off and covered on the ground, and Mingshu was placed on top.

The black dragon forced him into a corner and licked the water stains on his body bit by bit.

The body temperature of dragons is high, and the tip of their tongue is like a thick towel with water wrung out, leaving no strange smell or trace, except that it feels a bit rough to the touch.

Mingshu tried to dodge and resisted slightly: "Your Highness..."

The black dragon ignored him, and Mingshu was half pushed and half turned over by him, and began to lick his wings.

The wings were too thin, and most of the water stains on them rubbed against the outer robe, but the black dragon still licked them carefully.

Mingshu was extremely ashamed. Even before, he had never been treated like this... The other party was still in the form of a dragon.

His face was red, and he was buried in the robe with a familiar smell in front of him, and was gently picked up by a pair of claws.

The fog rats outside were not allowed to enter the bathroom. They walked around the entire dormitory, returned to their own den and lay down, silently looking at the direction Mingshu left before and waiting.

Finally, a small black dragon appeared and quickly flew towards the bed.

Mingshu was in Heilong's arms, deliberately hidden sideways, with only a little silver hair exposed.

The fog rat turned over and got up: "Guji!"

The bed curtain opened and fell, and Heilong and Mingshu disappeared inside the bed curtain in the blink of an eye.

The fog rat stretched its neck to look around, and came to the bed and wanted to climb up. As soon as it stretched out its paws and touched the sheets hanging down from the edge, it was pushed away.

This happened several times in a row, without really hurting it, but not letting it get close at all.

"Guji!" The fog rat cried out angrily, knowing that it was the hard dragon that did it.

It's a pity that it can't do anything. Si Ning is the most powerful here and it can't beat him.

Hui Tuanzi stood up and continued to look around. He didn't hear any strange noises and turned back to the den.

There was a small piece of golden hardwood left in the den, which the fog rat had pulled out from nowhere.

It sat in front of the hardwood, showed the nails on its paws, and began to sharpen them.


the bed, Mingshu covered himself with a small piece of sheet and begged Si Ning for a long time before he was willing to go outside and bring his pajamas in.

Si Ning returned to his human form, and his body automatically transformed into close-fitting clothing. He opened the bed curtain and stood up, glancing at the small nest in the corner of the bed.

It was quiet inside, and then there was a soft rustling sound. The fog rat heard the noise and came out to check, revealing half of its furry head and looking at Si Ning.

It was so vicious when it scratched the attendants during the day, and it was like a completely different beast when it followed Ming Shu. Although it still had some wariness in its eyes, it would no longer bare its teeth at Si Ning.

After coming out of the bathroom, Si Ning no longer disliked it, looked away, went to the desk, dug out Ming Shu's pajamas, and took them away.

Si Ning returned to the bed. Mist Rat curiously looked at the place where he had just stayed, walked over and jumped up with his hind legs.

Mingshu's things were placed on the table. Wushu sniffed them one by one, then grabbed the empty plate and looked at it.

It put down the plate, turned back to the den, and soon came back with its own plate of food and water, which he placed next to Mingshu's.

On the other side, the bed curtain blocked out all sounds. Si Ning took the small clothes in his hands and said, "Come here." Mingshu refused to move and huddled in the corner: "Your Highness, I can do it myself." "It's not like

I haven't done it myself.

"I've seen it," Si Ning's expression remained unchanged, "You didn't ask for my help last time." The last time

was the last time... Repeated behavior will basically not increase the favorability. Mingshu was wrapped in dragon wings and intimated for a long time. , a little afraid of him now.

However, if he didn't come out, Si Ning wouldn't give him any clothes, so Mingshu had no choice but to pull the sheets and move over step by step.

Si Ning pulled off the sheets, smoothed his slightly messy hair, and began to dress him.

Fortunately, he was really just dressing Mingshu and didn't suddenly change back into his shrunken dragon form.

Mingshu slowly relaxed, stretched out his hands and raised his legs in cooperation, and finally sat in the palm of Sining's hand, was brought to his eyes, and stroked his red cheeks.

Only the touch of a dragon was no longer enough for Si Ning. He had never really kissed Ming Shu until now.

But he still couldn't find a suitable and safe way. When he wanted to get close to Mingshu, he could only use the dragon form.

Mingshu yawned and leaned on Si Ning's hand: "Your Highness, I want to sleep."

Si Ning didn't know what he was thinking about, and was distracted for a moment, then replied: "Go to sleep."

The lights in the room were turned off, Ming Shu Shu slept in the crook of Si Ning's neck, covered with a leaf-shaped quilt, breathing evenly and gently.

Late at night, a gray dumpling came out of the small nest beside the bed and came to the bed again.

Si Ning seems to have fallen asleep, and now should be the time for him to relax his guard.

Wushu also wanted to sleep with Mingshu. Ever since he returned to this room, Si Ning had been occupying Mingshu and wouldn't even let him look at it.

Thinking of this, the fog rat stretched out its paws and scratched the air, pretending to be scratching Si Ning to vent its anger.

After waving in the air, the fog rat approached the sheets and touched them quietly.

However, the next second, a familiar force pushed it away again.

Si Ning is not asleep yet! The fog rat stared at the closed bed curtains, turned back to the den and continued to sharpen its claws.


next morning, the attendant came to announce that Qingji was visiting.

Si Ning was feeding Mingshu petals, cutting them into thin strips with a special knife so that it would be easier for Mingshu to hold them.

The fog rat was nibbling leaves. When I woke up this morning, its bowl found its way onto the table and was next to Mingshu's. Si Ning was in a good mood, so he reluctantly allowed it to stay with Mingshu. eat.

Upon hearing Qingji's name, Mingshu stopped and looked at Si Ning quietly.

Yesterday Qingji also came, but Si Ning didn't see him at all. Today he came again at a different time.

After all, he was Guilian's student, and he came to Long Island according to the teacher's instructions. If Si Ning never saw him, then his trip would be meaningless.

The attendant added: "The Fourth Highness is also there."

There were five royal highnesses in total. Except for Si Ning, this Fourth Highness was the only one Ming Shu had never seen before.

He raised his head and noticed that Si Ning's expression was slightly cold: "Why are they together?"

"Wizard Qing seems to have a good relationship with several other His Highnesses," the attendant replied, "They came together. I don't know the specific reason. Clear."

Maybe it was a coincidence, or it might have been an agreement.

First Si Lian, then Si Dui. If Si Ning still disappears, will Qing Ji come with the other highnesses again?

Si Ning picked up a petal and said, "Let them wait."

The attendant responded, turned around and went out.

Mingshu watched him cutting the petals: "Your Highness, I will follow you soon."

The last time Qingji came, he only saw a silhouette from a distance, and this time he wanted to take the opportunity to observe it.

Moreover, his side mission was still far behind. Whether it was option one or option two, he wanted to try it to see which one could be completed faster.

He was only on Si Ning's side, but his favorability and popularity points were still about 80 points each, and Ming Shu was worried.

Although Si Ning seems to be jealous of even Mist Rat, he may be the same as the last dungeon when he was next to Xiu Yuan, unable to increase the favorability of other NPCs.

Si Ning lowered his eyes and said, "No."

"No, I have to go," Mingshu hugged his hand, "I am His Highness's elf, why don't you let me follow Your Highness? Is Your Highness hiding something from me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Si Ning raised his eyes and looked at him.

Mingshu was looking for an excuse to get Si Ning to agree to take him. He didn't notice Si Ning's gaze and continued: "Is Your Highness going to do something behind my back... Is it to meet other elves? Or something else?" The Dragon Clan..."

He looked aggrieved and spoke in a lower tone: "I have formed a contract with His Highness, and His Highness always keeps me locked in the room. Others must think that His Highness doesn't like me at all."

In fact, Si Ning rarely went out. Except for necessary business matters, he never took the initiative to contact other dragons, including several His Highnesses. He did not take Ming Shu with him, only twice in total.

And as an elf, it is Mingshu's "responsibility" to protect and obey orders. If Si Ning refused to take him, he had to stay, so when he first entered the dungeon, he heard Si Qi say that if the elf he accepted was... If you don't like it, just stay in the room like a bird in a cage.

Mingshu didn't care about this, and Si Ning was different from other dragons. This time Qingji left, he didn't know when he would have another chance.

After all, it is an important NPC related to the mission. Even if it is not Yuan Chen, let him take a look.

The fog rat also came close to him, with a leaf hanging from his mouth: "Goooooooo!"

Si Ning was silent for a long time, fed Mingshu to finish all the petals, and took out the night pearl for him to nibble on a few times, and finally Finally said: "Okay."

Seeing that he compromised and agreed, Mingshu couldn't help but be happy. She hugged his hand and rubbed it: "I knew Your Highness was the best..." In the

front hall in the center of the palace, Qing Shu Ji and Si Duan waited together for a long time, changing the cold tea again, and then saw Si Ning, who had arrived late.

Qing Ji was still wearing dark green robes. He immediately stood up and saluted, with a look of guilt and a hint of fear: "I don't know that His Highness is busy, so he came to visit rashly. I hope I didn't disturb you."

Si Duo sat motionless on the chair next to him, showing his face. With a look of familiarity and ridicule, he took a sip from the tea cup sent by the guardian elf.

"It's okay," Si Ning sat down on the chair in front of him, "I kept you two waiting."

Ming Shu and a gray dumpling came in with him. It's normal for dragons to have elves around them, Qing Ji His eyes swept over Mingshu without leaving a trace, and fell on Wushu who was following him. Surprise and subtle weird eyes flashed in his eyes.

"Is this the little beast that His Highness sent you that day?" He quickly returned to normal and asked proactively: "It is indeed docile and cute."

Wushu was not interested in the speaker at all, and followed Mingshu closely, approaching him. Squatting down, the furry tail swayed slightly.

Mingshu stood on the low table next to Si Ning, also quietly looking at Qingji and Si Duan.

As he had guessed before, Qing Ji also looks two or three points similar to Yuan Chen, but the similarity is not so obvious when compared with Si Duan beside him. He is still the one who looks most similar to Si Ning. several brothers.

And for some reason, Mingshu felt that Qingji was a little different from what he imagined.

Mingshu couldn't tell exactly what was different for a while. It was the tone of his voice, his eyes, or his surrounding temperament.

As for Si Duan, the relationship between the Fourth Highness and Si Ning seems to be even worse...the two barely make eye contact, and they don't even call each other by name.

Mingshu was convinced that "Si Ning's brothers are all annoying". He sat in the corner and tried to reduce his presence, quietly listening to the conversation between the three of them.

Qingji mentioned the fog rat, and Si Ning responded casually and looked at Situi: "When did fourth brother come back?" "

A few days ago," Sidou put down his teacup, "If father hadn't asked me to come and see you, To maintain the fragile brotherhood, I don't want to come."

He said it bluntly, and Si Ning was not angry. Instead, he said calmly: "That's really hard on you."

The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant for a moment, and Qingji moved in time. Topic: "I brought several books for Your Highness today. The books contain detailed annotations by Master Ji. If Your Highness is interested..."

He took out three thick books from the storage ring, stood up and sent them to Si Ning. .

Si Ning raised his hand and asked the attendant to follow him and send him to the study: "Okay."

Qingji still stood there and took out a small bottle of ointment from his sleeve: "And this, the instructor mentioned it last time..."

When he took out the ointment, a bunch of small pendants fell out of his sleeve. The fog rat at the table reacted very quickly and jumped up to grab the pendant.

It has no other thoughts and simply thinks it's fun, like a puppy holding a Frisbee.

However, the Mist Rat jumped up again with the pendant in its mouth, and suddenly spat it out in disgust, grabbing it with its paws and slapping it away.

Mingshu quickly stopped him so that the pendant did not fall to the ground again.

Qingji quickly took back the pendant from the table and said, "Thank you."

He pretended that Mingshu had picked it up for him. Si Ning had a high status, and so did his elf. Qingji used the honorific title. , also deliberately trying to please Si Ning.

[NPC [Qingji]'s [Favorability] increased by 40 points]

[Side mission seven has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points]

Mingshu: "??"

He didn't seem to do anything, but Qingji's favorability level actually increased by 40, and he directly completed the side task.

Compared with the increase in Si Ning's favorability, this is simply too easy...

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Mingshu took a cautious step back and leaned towards Si Ning.

Qingji put away the ornaments and handed the ointment in his hand to Si Ning again: "Last time, my instructor mentioned that His Highness had acquired a new guardian elf, and specially purchased this item from a traveling merchant." He explained that the

ointment was made of Come to apply it on the wings. The wings of the elf are a very critical and fragile part, and they need to be protected and maintained the most.

Si Ning looked at the ointment and still asked the attendant to take it: "I will thank the teacher later."

After delivering the things, Si Ning did not mention the matter of practicing the spell, and Qingji resigned in a sensible manner.

After they were almost seated, Situo stood up and left without even saying hello.

The two people's backs disappeared at the entrance of the hall one after another. Mingshu breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief and climbed up to sit on Si Ning's shoulders.

He didn't dare to go too far when outsiders were around, and the incredibly successful mission just now also made him feel very strange.

Among these three dungeons, even when Yuan Chen liked him the most, his favorability did not increase at such a rate.

Comparing the two numerical values ​​of Sining with a total of 160 points, the task completion conditions only increased by 5 to 10 points each time, as if the system had personally opened a cheating device for Qingji.

And when the favorability level increased, Mingshu couldn't feel Qingji's "favorability" at all, even though he specially gave him ointment.

In short, Mingshu felt something was wrong, and he was not at all relaxed or happy about completing the task early.

He leaned close to Si Ning's ear: "Your Highness, is that ointment real?"

Si Ning stood up: "You don't need that kind of thing."


In the evening, Qingji returned to his residence, took off his outer robe and hung it by the door. On the hanger.

He visited several His Highnesses in succession today, and he had no time to rest until now.

After hanging up his outer robe, he walked into the inner room and lit the lamp, and suddenly found a dark figure sitting on the chair to the side.

Qingji immediately took out the short staff from his sleeve, but his alert expression soon returned to normal, and he saluted respectfully: "Your Highness, why are you here..."

Si Ning waited here for no idea how long, with the feeling of nightfall all over his body. Chill.

He raised his eyes to Qingji and said straight to the point: "I'm looking for a book."

The expression on Qingji's face condensed slightly, and then he asked in a natural tone: "What book does Your Highness need? Is it something the instructor mentioned before? "

Si Ning had only met with him twice, and each time he was extremely cold and had no intention of discussing spell practice with him.

Before he left Si Ning's palace this morning, Si Ning asked his attendants to accept the few books he sent without saying anything. Then he suddenly visited him again and broke into his room.

Qingji was secretly vigilant in his heart, holding the short staff back in his sleeve with his backhand, always ready to respond and escape.

"The book of black magic spells is in your hand, right?" Si Ning leaned on the back of the chair behind him and continued, "I need to borrow it for a few days."

He said it was borrowing, but there was nothing else to say.

Black magic spells are not actually real black magic. They are just a general term for some strange, rare, high-risk spells that require sufficient strength to be used.

Qingji's expression changed and he backed away from the door: "I don't know what His Highness is talking about."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark figure flashed forward, and some mist condensed into a hand, strangling his neck.

The short stick in his sleeve fell to the ground. Qingji blushed and couldn't breathe. He heard Si Ning say coldly: "Don't make me ask a second time."

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