"Oh bloody hell, I said I was Azrael the angel of death— not Gabriel the messenger for fucks sake." I groan with a sigh.

He stared at me, "So you're getting rid of me for her? You must really do love her."

"Of course, I fell for her the day she slapped me across my handsome face." I admitted, "But that's not the point." I frown, "I must admit, I'm not getting rid of you for her, more likely for myself." I paused a little, "When I get rid of you, I can finally have her for myself and marry her or all that princess shit she wants."

He frowns, "You love her because she slapped you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not that it's any of your concern but yes little Josh, that's sounds about right."

Why am I having a full blown conversation with this idiot?

I grinned, "I have a wonderful rest in peace gift for you after your last breath."

He gulped, "Oh w-what will it be?"

I shrug, "Oh nothing, just that I would love to eat your wife pussy next to your dead body. I've never done that before, it's a first time for everything."

Before I know it, he started screaming, "HELPPP! Someone help me!"

I chuckle, "Shhh, why are you acting so crazy step brother?"

Just then some nurses and doctors came in for his surgery. I gave the doctor the go ahead to mess that shit up and he nodded at me.

Oh how it's nice being rich.

"See you in hell, little Joshy."

♡ F L A S H B A C K  E N D S ♡

Where the hell is this girl?

It's been two days since I've seen her. I broke into her house and everything was still in place but she's not there.

She drives me fucking crazy.

I rang her phone for over one hundred times and it keeps going to voice mail, which means she turned it off the whole time.

If she makes me call it one more time and she doesn't pick up, I'm gonna kill her and then myself afterwards.

"Where is this fucking woman?" I groan out loudly as Rome came into my office looking lost as well.

"It's weird, even Natalia is missing too. She's also not answering my calls, all this is weird, isn't it?" He ask as he pulled open his tie.

Fucking weird indeed.

Are they kidnapped?

Did my mother do something to her again?

Fucking hell.

I hope not.

"What if your mother got to them?" Rome ask as he swallowed thickly.

"I don't think so."

I shook my head, no that can't be. It just can't be, not again, not this time.

"If I had known she was gonna sneak out that night, I wouldn't handcuffed her ass to my fucking bed." I grumbled.

The next time I see her, she's gonna be sorry because I'm gonna handcuff us both together and that's a fucking promise.

"Let me try one more time." I said as I called her phone and this time it rings, which means she turned it back on. "It's ringing now, but she's not answering it." I gritted my teeth, throwing down my phone.

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora