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As Jungkook returns home after a week away, the once-familiar surroundings now feel hauntingly empty. The silence echoes through the rooms, accentuating the absence of Y/n.

Jungkook: (Calling out) Y/n? Where are you?

The realization dawns on him that something is amiss. The emptiness of the house becomes a stark contrast to the celebratory atmosphere of the business trip, setting the stage for the poignant revelation of the challenges that have unfolded in his absence.

A wave of panic washes over Jungkook as he searches the empty rooms, calling out for Y/n with increasing urgency.

Jungkook: (Frantically) Y/n! Why is everything so quiet? Where are you?

The contrast between the joyful anticipation of returning home and the current unsettling silence heightens Jungkook's anxiety. The absence of Y/n raises a sense of foreboding, leaving him desperate for answers in the echoing emptiness of the house.

Fueled by growing concern, Jungkook swiftly contacts Mrs. Jensen, the caretaker, seeking clarity about the unsettling situation at home.

Jungkook: Mrs. Jensen, it's Jungkook. I just got back, and Y/n's not here. What's happening?

Mrs. Jensen: (With empathy) Jungkook, there's been a series of difficult events. Y/n's in the hospital. It's been a challenging time.

A somber revelation unfolds as Mrs. Jensen delicately shares the circumstances with Jungkook, bridging the gap between his absence and the unfolding crisis that awaits him. The once joyous return home takes a sharp turn into the realm of unexpected challenges.

With a sense of urgency and anxiety, Jungkook rushes to the hospital to be by Y/n's side. As he enters the hospital room, he is met with the sight of Y/n, whose physical and emotional state reflects the toll of the recent events.

Jungkook: (Concerned) Y/n, what happened? Why didn't anyone inform me sooner?

Doctor: (Calmly) Jungkook, Y/n has been through a lot. It's a complex situation. We're doing our best to support her.

Jungkook's arrival introduces a layer of tension to the hospital room, as both the emotional distance during his absence and the recent tragic events converge. The space is charged with unspoken questions and the palpable weight of the challenges that have befallen Y/n.

As Jungkook stands by Y/n's bedside, he witnesses a fragile moment. Y/n, lost in the depths of grief and emotional turmoil, reaches out, holding an imaginary bundle in her arms.

Y/n: (Softly) Jungkook, meet our baby. They're right here with us.

Her voice trembles with a mix of sorrow and longing as she presents the ethereal vision of the child they lost. The hospital room becomes a poignant canvas where Y/n's hallucination meets the reality of the challenges they face, creating a surreal and emotionally charged atmosphere.

Doctor: Mr. Jeon, I'm Dr. Rodriguez. I understand this is a difficult time. Y/n has been experiencing a complex emotional response to recent events.

Jungkook: What happened? Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?

Doctor: Y/n has been through a significant loss, and it's taken a toll on her mental and emotional well-being. She's been struggling, and we're doing our best to provide the support she needs.

Jungkook: (Concerned) Is there anything you can do for her?

Doctor: We're closely monitoring her condition. The grief and hallucinations are part of the healing process. However, it's important for her to have a strong support system, including professional counseling.

As the doctor shares insights into Y/n's condition, Jungkook grapples with the complex reality of the situation. The path ahead is uncertain, and the doctor emphasizes the crucial role of support and mental health care in Y/n's recovery.

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