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In the aftermath of the heartbreaking news, Y/n wrestles with overwhelming guilt and self-blame for the loss of the baby. The weight of the situation amplifies her sense of responsibility, despite the circumstances being beyond her control.

Y/n: (Tearfully) Maybe if I had been more careful, or if I hadn't fallen... It's my fault.

Y/n: (Internal dialogue) How did it come to this? I should have been more cautious, taken better care of myself. Maybe if I hadn't fallen, the baby would still be here.

Y/n: (Distraught) But I feel like I failed. I was supposed to protect our baby, and now...

The profound grief and self-blame deepen Y/n's emotional turmoil. The medical staff, recognizing the complex emotions she is navigating, provides empathetic support as they work to address both her physical and emotional well-being.

As news of Y/n's situation reaches the caretaker, Mrs. Jensen, she rushes to the hospital to be by Y/n's side.

Mrs. Jensen: (Concerned) Y/n, dear, I heard what happened. I'm here for you.

Discovering Y/n in the hospital, Mrs. Jensen provides a familiar presence and a source of comfort during this tumultuous time. The support from someone familiar becomes a welcomed solace amidst the emotional storm that Y/n is navigating.

The weight of guilt and sorrow overwhelms Y/n, pushing her to the brink of emotional distress. The loss of the baby becomes an unbearable burden, and her mental well-being starts to unravel.

Y/n: (Distraught) I can't bear the guilt. It's consuming me. Losing our baby, it's like i've lost a part of myself.

Inner Turmoil: (Whispering doubts) You should have been more careful. This is all your fault.

The intense grief and guilt create a turbulent inner turmoil, clouding Y/n's judgment and sense of self. It becomes crucial for those around her, like Mrs. Jensen, to offer support and guide Y/n towards professional help to navigate this challenging mental and emotional state.

Mrs. Jensen: Y/n, I can't imagine the pain you're going through. Losing a child is an unimaginable loss.

Y/n: (Tearfully) I feel like I failed. I was supposed to protect our baby, and now...

Mrs. Jensen: You're not alone in this, dear. Accidents happen, and it's not your fault. Grieving is a process, and it takes time.

Y/n: I can't shake this guilt. What if I had done something differently?

Mrs. Jensen: We can't change what's happened, Y/n. Blaming yourself won't bring the baby back. What you need now is support and time to heal.

Y/n: (Voice trembling) It's like a piece of me is missing, Mrs. Jensen. The emptiness is unbearable, and the guilt is suffocating. I don't know how to go on.

Mrs. Jensen: (Softly) Your pain is immeasurable, Y/n. Losing a child is an indescribable heartache. But remember, it's okay to lean on others, to seek help. Healing takes time.

Y/n: (Choked up) I just wish I could turn back time, make everything right again.

Mrs. Jensen: Life doesn't come with rewind buttons, dear. What you can do now is allow yourself to grieve and accept the support around you. You don't have to navigate this alone.

In the quiet of the hospital room, Y/n's grief echoes through her tears, a raw and heart-wrenching expression of the pain within.

Y/n: (Sobbing) My baby... (pause) I never got to hold you, to see your face. (choked) I'm so sorry.

The sound of Y/n's cries becomes a poignant melody of loss and longing, resonating with the profound sorrow she carries. The weight of the unfulfilled dreams and the ache for the child she never had the chance to know fills the room, creating a somber atmosphere that underscores the depth of her grief.

While Y/n grapples with profound grief and sorrow, Jungkook, still unaware of the unfolding tragedy, remains immersed in the celebratory atmosphere of the party.

Colleague: Jungkook, the future looks bright for our business!

Jungkook: (Distracted) Yeah, it's great news.

Unbeknownst to him, a stark contrast exists between the joyous occasion he is experiencing and the profound sadness enveloping Y/n in the hospital. The narrative tension builds as the distance between their emotional states widens, setting the stage for the inevitable collision of their worlds.

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