29. Tales of the past

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We nestled almost at the cliff's edge, the fading sunlight cast long shadows, creating an intimate atmosphere

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We nestled almost at the cliff's edge, the fading sunlight cast long shadows, creating an intimate atmosphere. The dark hues of the sunset painted the sky in rich purples and oranges, heralding the gradual transition into night. The distant city noises echoed faintly, a distant hum beneath the symphony of nature.

The lush vegetation surrounding us whispered in the evening breeze, rustling leaves carrying the scent of earth and greenery. A nearby waterfall added its melodic notes to the tranquil setting, its cascading waters harmonizing with the rhythmic sounds of the approaching night.

We silhouetted against the darkening sky, sharing a quiet moment, the horizon ablaze with the last remnants of daylight. The edge of the cliff provided a front-row seat to nature's evening performance, and as the stars began to emerge, we found solace in the serenity of the moment, wrapped in the beauty of the twilight landscape.


"You need to stop acting like a coward Issa, if you want to survive this world then this is your only way." She shouted with fury.

"What? You think you'll get what you want by kneeling by your bedside every morning and night, talking to someone who doesn't exist, and you'll be saved? C'mon where was your 'God' when your mother passed away, huh? Where was he when your father turned blind eyes to his old friend molesting you at a young age?"

Her words cut through me like a knife. But I couldn't deny that she was right. I've been relying on my faith to save me, but it never changed my situation. Tears streamed down my face as she continued, "This isn't a fairytale sweetheart so wake up and face the reality of the world we live in. I'm sorry, but if you can't start making an income for yourself then I'd have to kick you out." She finished and walked away.

On my knees, curled into a fragile ball, tears streamed down my cheeks like a relentless river of despair. As I gazed up at the vast expanse of the sky, a silent plea escaped my lips, a desperate hope that God would somehow hear my tears and intertwine them with the meager remnants of faith within me, saving me from the depths of my tumultuous situation. However, it felt as though the heavens themselves had abandoned me, leaving me to grapple with the echoes of my own suffering.

Day after day, the relentless trials I faced begged the unanswerable question: why did God test me so profoundly? What had I done to deserve the unyielding challenges that seemed to define my existence? The vastness above, once a source of solace, now appeared indifferent, as if my struggles were an insignificant whisper in the grand narrative of the universe.

In the silence that followed my plea, the heavens remained unresponsive, and the weight of my unanswered prayers hung heavy in the air. Each passing day became a journey through the labyrinth of doubt, leaving me to wonder if there was a purpose behind the hardships or if I was merely a pawn in a cosmic game of chance. The tears, etched with the unspoken pain of my soul, continued to fall, a poignant reminder of my quest for meaning in the face of an enigmatic and seemingly indifferent divine presence.

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