24. Within the realm of forests and babbling streams,

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When I woke up in the morning, I could hear the birds singing and feel the warm sun seeping through the windows

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When I woke up in the morning, I could hear the birds singing and feel the warm sun seeping through the windows. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the distant sound of the rushing waterfall.

I looked around the cottage and saw that the thoughtful old lady had even kept a toothbrush and a clean cloth for me. I smiled as I got ready to bathe by the stream with the natural citrus body wash that she made.

As I made my way to the stream, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the forest around me. The morning sun cast a golden glow on the trees and the chirping of birds and the soothing sound of the stream filled the air.

The sound of rushing water and the cool breeze were a refreshing break from the hot summer air. I couldn't resist the temptation any longer, I stripped down and let the stream's cool embrace wash over my legs. The water was crystal clear, and I could see the pebbles at the bottom as I waded in.

The gentle current gently massaged my skin as I lathered up with the body wash.

I let out a content sigh as I dipped my head under the water, feeling all my worries and stress wash away. I spent what felt like hours soaking in the stream's gentle current, the sun's rays shining down on my skin as I floated on my back. I couldn't help but think about how much I loved this forest and how I wished I could stay longer.

I closed my eyes and let the cold water envelop me, soothing my soul and washing away all my worries. I felt like I was the only person in the world, just me and nature. It was a surreal experience, one that I wanted to last forever.

But I knew I had to go back. As I reluctantly stepped out of the stream, I couldn't help but think about Alvaro. Our moments flashed in my mind and I smiled, eager to go back to him. Freaky imagination of us making passionate love under the stars, beside the stream sent shivers down my spine, but I quickly shook it off.

I finished taking my bath and stepped out, feeling rejuvenated and at peace.

I got dressed and headed back to the cottage. I found a plate of food waiting for me, lovingly prepared by her. I smiled and dug in, feeling grateful for the warm meal after my long night in the forest.

After I finished eating, I grabbed a bottle of water from the table and headed outside in search of her.

I found her sitting on a swing, her eyes closed as she basked in the warm sunlight. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw me approaching.

"Are you ready?" she asked, nodding towards the woods behind her.

I nodded eagerly, excited for our journey ahead. I helped her stand up and kept my arm around her shoulders as we began our journey through the woods.

The birds were singing, and the trees were swaying in the gentle breeze. She told me fascinating stories about the forest and shared her wisdom with me. She also explained how she survives without socializing and how she gets connected to things happening in the outside world.

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