Izuku: Woah! Buddy, I just saved you!

[The beast stares at him for a second before it started to lick his face, like a happy dog seeing his owner after two minutes because the owner went to the bathroom]

Izuku: [Laughs] Stop! That tickles!

The beast: [Stops and gets off of Izuku]

Izuku: [Stands up and looks at the beast] Huh...you are not as big as I thought you were.

The beast: [Looks at him in confusion] Gr?

Izuku: You know what? I'm keeping you! You want to come with me?

The beast: [Nods]

Izuku: Alright...now to name you...

The beast: [Patiently waits]

Izuku: Hm...How about...Raikou?

The beast: [Shakes his head]

Izuku: ...Suicune?

The beast: Raw! [Shakes his head]

Izuku: Arkoos?

The beast: [Shakes his head again]

Izuku: Hmm....Entei? How about Entei?

Entei: [Nods excitedly]

Izuku: [Pats Entei head; smiles] Welcome to the family, Entei!

Entei: [Smiles and licks Izuku's face]

Izuku: [Laughs; wipes away some saliva] Luz is going to love you....oh wait, what about Eda? King is probably fine with you.....Hooty...well Hooty is Hooty so I don't know...

Entei: [Looks at him; looks down saddened]

Izuku: Oh no, no, no, no, Entei, you'll still come with me...just-

Entei: [Looks at him]

Izuku: -A...[sighs] Alright [smiles] To hell what Eda thinks, you're coming with me!

Entei: [Smiles] Rah!

[Cut back to the Owl House, as Izuku walks up to the house, Entei right by his side]

Izuku: Let's just hope Eda's fine with this.

[Izuku slowly opens the door]

Izuku: Heeeeeeey....Eda? I'm back...

Eda: [Exits the kitchen, holding a mug] Heya, kid. You were gone a long time.

Izuku: [Enters the house; turns to Entei] Stay here. I'll give you a signal.

Entei: [Nods]

Izuku: [Turns back to Eda; places down the shopping bag] I bought the things you said to buy... [Chuckles nervously]

Eda: [Squints her eyes] What're you hiding?

Izuku: W-w-what? I'm not hiding anything....

Eda: [Looks at him] Hmm...

Izuku: [Sighs] alright...fine... [Grabs the door handle and twists it] Eda...I want you to meet...Entei..

[Izuku fully opens the door, Entei then runs inside, tackling Eda to the ground]

Izuku: Ta-da! Our new pet!

Eda: What?!

[King and Luz then runs downstairs]

King and Luz: What's happening?!

[Luz and King sees Entei]

King: What is that?

Luz: [Gasps] Ay¡ Que Lindo! [Runs to Entei an hugs him] Eda! Izuku! What is this?! And why is he so fluffy?!

Izuku: [sweat dropped] (Yup, she loves him)

Eda: [Stands up and dusts her clothes] We are not keeping him!

Izuku and Luz: Please Eda?

Izuku: Come on! I'll take care of him!

Eda: No you-

Izuku: I'll do all the chores for 7 months.

Eda: Hmm.... [Shakes his hand] Make it 10 and you got yourself a deal.

Izuku: Deal.

Luz: Yay! New friend!

King: Woohoo!

[Luz, King and Izuku hugs Entei as Eda just rolls her eyes]

Eda: I am slowly turning into a mother..... [Sighs]

Izuku: Which is a good thing!

This chapter is to introduce Entei to the family

Aight bye

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