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When at long last the bell rang, the group of them all quickly packed up, moving as fast as they could before piling out of the classroom, making their way towards the Great Hall for lunch after that horror session of a potions class. 

The group walked in a somber procession towards the Great Hall, their footsteps echoing the lingering tension from the potions class. Mattheo, still fuming over Snape's treatment of Kirra, exchanged a concerned glance with her.

"Are you alright, love?" Mattheo whispered, subtly wrapping an arm around Kirra's shoulders as they walked.

Kirra managed a small nod, her expression a mix of frustration and annoyance. "I'll survive, but Snape really knows how to ruin a day."

"He's always been a git," Theodore chimed in, echoing the sentiments of the group. "Merlin sometimes I just wanna deck the fucking guy in the face."

Jasper, trying to lighten the mood, added, "At least we survived the first potions class of the year. It can only get better from here, right?" Though it was quite clear the lesson had some kind of effect on him, the belittling reawakening past memories

As they entered the Great Hall, the group found an empty spot at the Slytherin table, choosing seats away from the prying eyes of other houses. The buzz of conversation and clattering of cutlery surrounded them as they began to serve themselves.

Kirra, eager to shift the focus from the morning's ordeal, turned to Alexandra. "How's your first day going, Alex? Apart from Snape being Snape, I mean."

Alexandra looked a bit overwhelmed but managed a small smile. "It's been alright. Hogwarts is just so much bigger than my old school, and everyone seems to know each other already."

"Give it time; you'll find your groove," Daphne reassured her with a warm smile. "Besides, you've got us now. We Slytherins stick together."

Alex's eyebrows furrowed, "but i'm not a Slytherin," she said

Kirra cracked a grin, "just roll with it," she nudged Alex softly, "but we're in the best house."

"That was really unfair," said Alex consolingly, helping herself to shepherd's pie. "Your potion wasn't nearly as bad as some of the guys at my table, when one of them put something into his couldron, the whole thing shattered and set his robes on fire."

"Yeah, well," said Jasper, glowering at his plate, "Snape has never really been fair to me, you're best to try and stay off his bad side though... you havent exactly got a good head start though since you arent a Slytherin."

"I did think he might be a bit better this year," said Kirra in a disappointed voice. "I mean . . . you know . . ." She looked carefully around; there were half a dozen empty seats on either side of them and nobody was passing the table. ". . . Now he's in the you know what and everything."

Alex and Daphne looked confused but the boys all nodded. Alex leant forward, "Now that he's in what?"

Daphne sighed and threw an arm around the girls shoulder, shaking her playfully, "its best not to ask with that lot, the group of them are always up to no good and meddling about, nobody ever knows what theyre talking about," Daphne cracks a small grin, "I reckon half the shit they say around us is made up just to confuse us even more."

"I guess you'll never know huh Blondie?" Jasper retorts. Daphne rolls her eyes, sticking her tounge out at the boy and unwrapping her arm from Alexandra's shoulder. 

"Anyway back on the topic of Snape, I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked trusting Snape, where's the evidence he ever really stopped working for You- Know-Who?" Theodore said

Reflections - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now