Chapter 9

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The dark, musty air of Grimmauld Place's forgotten corridors clung to Emily as she ran through the dilapidated mansion, searching for an escape from the inexplicable situation that had enveloped her. The echoes of her footsteps resonated through the desolate halls, reverberating with the mysteries of the past.

She held onto her wand tightly, her breathing fast as she looked around at her surroundings constantly, scared that someone was going to jump out. Why was she here? How had she got here? Was she on a mission for the order? She couldnt remember. 

She tried to remind herself that she had to stay calm and that was the only way that she would be able to get herself out of this situation. Who were those people? Why did that man look so much like Sirius?

He had to be related to him, a uncle or something... but those kids, who the hell were those kids and why did that one with glasses look so much like James. Her breathing was getting harder and harder as she clenched her eyes shut to try and hold back her tears at the unfamiliar situation. 

As she navigated through the labyrinthine hallways, she stopped suddenly as a familiar set of initials displayed themselves before her. She stopped suddenly, her eyes widening, a shakey sigh falling from her lips. 


"Reg..." she whispered softly. 

Was she at the Black household? Was that why that man had been here? With a hesitant push, the door swung open, revealing a room untouched by the ravages of time. The air within whispered secrets, and the room seemed to hold its breath as if caught in a suspended moment.

It took a moment for Emily's eyes to adjust to the dim light. Dust particles danced in the air, creating an ethereal display of motes that hovered like fragments of forgotten dreams. The room felt strangely familiar, like a melody echoing from the recesses of her memories.

She knew she hadnt been here, but the way that it was set up and the things on display were just like how Regulus had his dorm set up at school. 

Her gaze swept across the room, and a shiver coursed through her as recognition dawned. The air caught in her lungs as she beheld a bed draped in a sheet, its form obscured beneath the ghostly cover.  But why was it so dusty in here? Sure Reggie was at school now, but he had been home the previous holidays and what about the house elf that he has, wouldnt he had kept it clean?

With a mixture of trepidation and longing, Emily approached the bed. Her fingers trailed over the dusty sheet, revealing the contours of a life that had once thrived within these walls. "What the hell..." she murmered out. She coulndt shake the sickening feeling that was bubbling in her stomach

She looked around the room, there were old newspaper clippings on the wall and a bunch of quidditch posters everywhere. There were Slytherin banners across the room and the area was exceptionally tidy if you didnt count the cobwebs and dust. 

As she explored further, her gaze fell upon a neglected box beneath the bed. Her eyes darted back over to the closed door, wondering if those people were looking for her. She should be looking for a place to hide as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on, but she couldnt bring herself to leave the room. 

She knealt down to grab the box that was just sticking out from under the bed, it looked like someone had been looking through it before leaving in a rush, not having put it back properly. The wood, worn and aged, held the promise of revelations concealed within its recesses. Emily hesitated, her fingers trembling as she lifted the lid, unleashing a torrent of memories.

Polaroid photographs spilled forth, capturing stolen moments of joy, laughter, and love. Emily's breath hitched as her eyes met the familiar faces in the images – herself and Regulus Black, entwined in an embrace that defied the constraints of time. There were heaps of pictures just of her, a ghost of a smile twinging on her lips as she thought back to all the times she had caught Regulus grinning widely as he took photos of her.

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