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Layla had dressed at top speed next morning and left the dormitory before Kirra had even put on her boyfriend's scarf.

"Does she think she'll turn into a nutter if she stays in a room with me too long?" asked Kirra loudly, as the hem of Layla's robes whipped out of sight.

"Don't worry about it, Potter," Hattie muttered, hoisting her school bag onto her shoulder. "She's just . . ." But apparently she was unable to say exactly what Layla was, and after a slightly awkward pause followed her out of the room, "I'm sorry Kirra."

Max gave Kirra a it's-her-problem-not-yours look, but Kirra was not much consoled. How much more of this was she going to have to take? She just wanted to go down and see her boys at this point. 

"Excuse me, you're the prefect right?" asked a Hufflepuff girl that looked to be around their age, though Kirra had never seen her before. 

Kirra smiled kindly at the girl, "hey, yeah are you okay?" Kirra asked her kindly, trying to figure out why she hadnt seen her before, and she had an accent that she wasnt sure she had heard before

"I'm new, I'm in my fifth year too, I just transferred here because my family moved, we're from Australia," the girl said with a smile, "I was just wondering if I could maybe show you my schedule and you could tell me where everything is, I'm really sorry, it's just the school is so big and I have no idea where anything is-"

"Yeah I'd love to," Kirra said with a nod, "if you want you can sit with me this morning as well too, or Max. Max sits at the Hufflepuff table, or if you want to sit with me I sit over at the Slytherin table with my boyfriend and my other friends."

A look of releif and thankfulness washed over the girls face, "really? That would be great, I havent really had the chance to make many friends yet," she said with a nod. 

"I'm Kirra Potter," Kirra told her, looking up slightly to look at the girl in front of her

"I'm Alexandra Barnes," she smiled, her blue eyes sparkling a little as she beamed at the girl across from her. Kirra felt her smile drop a little bit, but quickly shook her head a little, forcing the smile back on her face. 


As Kirra extended a warm welcome to the new transfer student, Alexandra Barnes, she couldn't help but look at her face. Her blue eyes, the colour of her brown hair, the texture all of it, it was all so familiar. 

"Nice to meet you, Alexandra," Kirra said, reciprocating the girl's smile. "Just call me Kirra. And don't worry, navigating Hogwarts can be a bit overwhelming at first, but I'm here if you have any questions or need help with anything. Let's take a look at your schedule, and I'll show you around."

As the two girls examined the parchment detailing Alexandra's classes and locations, Kirra pointed out the various corridors and staircases they'd need to traverse. 

Once they had the schedule sorted, Kirra led Alexandra towards the Great Hall. Along the way, they engaged in light conversation, discussing their favorite subjects and Kirra couldnt help herself as she subtly brought up the girls background, "so you're from Australia, thats really cool, I've always wanted to go there, where are you from?"

"South-east Queensland, I really love it there we've got great beaches but it gets pretty hot, so it's safe to say im looking forward to the weather here," she chuckled softly, brushing some hair behind her ear as they walked through the halls

"And uh, your parents... what are they like," Kirra asked softly

"They're great! Both of them are muggles but we've got magic on my mums side, apparently my grandma and Auntie were both witches. My mum talks about them sometimes, but she always gets really sad so I don't really question her about it much, all I really know is that mum used to live in England but something bad happened and she had to quickly move away, and then she met my father and they settled down."

Reflections - Mattheo RiddleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt