Chapter 7

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I pulled her towards me and she fell in my arms and suddenly my gaze dropped towards her lips that were begging me to eat them.

I looked up at her and saw her staring at me. "Do you like darkness, treasure?" I said staring deep into her eyes.

"Yes, because it's the only thing consistent in my life." She replied through her breaths.

My gaze again shifted towards her lips. I started to move closer subconsciously and suddenly something snapped in her eyes and she pushed me away.


I have to go." I sighed at that. She wants to leave. She always wants to leave. 10 years before, she left. 10 years after, she's trying to.

"You haven't changed a bit." Her steps halted and she turned at me with a confused look but recovered and folded her arms and looked at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked me with a no nonsense straight face.

"You always leave. You always run away. You ran away from me 10 years ago because you felt threatened by my efforts to get close to you. Now after 10 years, you are doing the same." I said to her. She looked at me with an unbelievable look.

"I am not doing this with you right now. I don't have the time or energy to waste on you." She turned her back on me, and that irritated me.

"DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

"DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME. I AM DON'T TAKE YOUR SHIT." She yelled back at me like the Ishita she is.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I put myself out there every single time, and every single time you never see my efforts. I wanted to marry you to show you I was serious, but you rejected me-"

"Why the hell are you complaining? Did I ask you? Did I ask you to do all that? Did I ask you to show efforts? Did I say I wanted to marry you? You liked me in 10 seconds remember? Do you really think it's going to take 10 seconds for me to trust you and another to fall in love with you? Then you got me all wrong. I have no happy endings. With me, you don't expect an happy ending. I warned you about that didn't I? My brother waits for me everyday. For me to open up to him, talk to him, tell him everything. He's been waiting there every night for the past 15 years. But he never complains. The same goes with my best friend. But, I am not asking you to be like them. Just don't complain and make me hate myself more than I already do. If you wanna leave, just leave. That's what they always do." She got on her bike and drove off leaving me there. Angry.

I wasn't angry at her. I was angry at me for not understanding. I ruined any progress I made up until now. She never asked me to pursue her. She never asked me to fall in love with her, all she wanted from me was if I was worthy of her trust. I ruined that. I was complaining after 2 days which aren't enough to keep even 1% of efforts.

I loved her enough to kill everyone who hurt her, but I didn't want to be one of them. I loved her enough to understand her insecurities. No matter how long it takes, I will be there.


It's the dinner night my mother and sister planned so that I and Ishita can give each other a chance. Only if they knew that their son ruined all his chances.

I am on my way to the florist to pick up the flower bouquet I ordered for her. After I pick them up I will directly go to her office and pick her up.

I have to apologise to her for all the shit I said yesterday. I don't know what got into me.

Just then my mom's call brought me back from my thoughts. "Are you going to pick her up?" She asked me the moment I picked up the call

"Hello to you too mother. Bete ka toh aapko koi parva nahi hai toh Bahu ko laane ke liye Jaa Raha hu. Usse todi izzat milegi toh achha." I said to her in my dramatic tone.
(You don't care about your son anyway so I am going to get your daughter-in-law. Maybe you will give me a little respect then.)

"Chal, dramebaaz. Go quickly, she might be waiting for you. And don't get her any flowers my dear son, she's allergic." She said to me as if she saw me picking up flowers.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"I am your mother, I know how your brain works. I am more close to her than you, so obviously I know about her allergies." Makes sense.

"Oh ok. I will call you when we start. Bye." And I cut the call.

I soon reached her office and I got down. The employees recognised me and led me to her cabin. No one was allowed to the floor of her office. So, I had to use the private elevator.

The elevator dinged and I went inside the cabin and I heard a sweet, but harsh voice,"Don't you have the basic manners to knock before entering?"

"Mom said me to pick you up for dinner." I said.

"I am cancelling." She replied without even looking at me.

"I know you're mad at me but please don't take it out on my mom. She is really excited-" she cut me off.

"Don't accuse me. I am cancelling because I don't want to go. I am not taking it out. The last thing I want to be is a burden." She said in a serious tone, this time looking right at me.

"I am really sorry for what I said yesterday-"

"That won't cut it."

"Give me one last chance. Please. I promise I will make it up to you."

"You will get tired of me. Don't waste your time. You can get anyone you want."

"I don't want anyone, I want you. Come to this dinner. Please."

"If I come, will you stop talking?"

"Yes. Yes, whatever you want."

"Get the car." How I love it when she orders me around!!

We exited her office and drove to my home.

"Are you allergic to flowers?" I asked her out of utter curiosity.


"What else are you allergic to?"


I genuinely wanted to know. I wanted to take care that I never cook or feed or get anything that she's allergic to near her, but this girl has her way of ruining things.

By the time we reached I saw My family was waiting for us. The moment my mom saw Ishita she ran towards her and hugged her. Then came my sister's chance. I never got greeted with a hug from these 3 ladies, ever in my life. They are harsh. She started talking with all of my family members.

Then dadi came and greeted her. We went inside and sat at the dining table. My brother came and sat beside. Oh God!! This is going to be a nightmare.

"So, Bhai, did you visualise the no. of neice or nephew's I am gonna get?" My brother whispered in my and I glared at him while he was giggling like a small child.

This is going to be a long night.




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