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Prompt: Yes
Request: No
Prompt number: 7 - “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
Summery: Sam does something stupid and breaks his back. Y/N is there to help and comfort him... but also, he's an idiot.
Pairings: Sam Golbach x female reader

Sam had always been known for his wild and reckless stunts and/or challenges, and his latest endeavor was no exception. He had decided to play a dare challenge for Tiktok with the other trap boys. His dare was  to jump off the roof of the new Trap House onto one of the lovesacs for a TikTok video, hoping to impress his followers with his daredevil antics. Y/N, his girlfriend, was there watching nervously, along with his roommate and best friend Colby, and their other roommates Correy and Jake.

The boys were egging him on, and Y/N, who seemed to be the only sane one, was glaring at him. She had tried to talk him out of this particular stunt for most of the morning.

“Come on, guys, you're not recording yet?” Sam called down to her, giving her a mischievous grin.

Y/N rolled her eyes as Correy took out his phone, ready to capture Sam's reckless jump for the world to see. Colby and the others were all cheering him on, confident that nothing could go wrong.

As Sam leaped off the roof with a whoop of excitement, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She knew that Sam's impulsive behavior often landed him in trouble, and this time was no different. As he landed on the ground with a loud thud, Y/N's heart sank as she saw the pained expression on his face. Not to mention the loud yelp of pain that he let out when helanded on the sac.

Rushing to his side, Y/N and the others helped Sam up and tried to assess the extent of his injuries.  Y/N was overcome with worry, while Colby, Correy, and Jake were equally concerned for their friend's well-being.

“Sam, are you okay?” Y/N asked, her voice full of worry.

“I think I broke my back,” Sam gasped, his face contorted in pain.

Hearing this, Colby and the others immediately sprang into action. They carefully helped Sam up and brought him to the nearest hospital. Y/N stayed by his side the whole time, holding his hand and comforting him.

At the hospital, the doctors confirmed that Sam had indeed fractured his back, but it was a minor fracture, and he would be able to recover with rest and him wearing a brace for a while.

As Y/N helped Sam back home and into bed, she couldn't help but scold him.

“You're an idiot, Sam. You could have seriously hurt yourself,” Y/N said, shaking her head.

“But you love me,” Sam grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

Y/N couldn't resist his charm and rolled her eyes with a smile. She knew that Sam's love for adrenaline-fueled stunts was just a part of who he was, just like his live for exploring and the paranormal, and she loved him despite his occasional idiocy.

Over the next few weeks, Y/N and the others took turns helping Sam with his physical stuff and making sure he rested and recovered properly. Sam couldn't thank them enough for their support, and he promised to think twice before attempting any more dangerous stunts.

But as he lay in bed, unable to move much, he couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a caring and loving girlfriend and friends who were always there for him no matter what. And he knew that, idiot or not, he was lucky to have them in his life.

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