You're Mine

18 2 0

Prompt: No
Request: No
Prompt number: None
Summery: Will shows his rare possessive side when a waiter at a cafe flirts with you.
Pairings: Wilbur x female reader

Wil and y/n had been dating for a few months, and y/n thought she had a pretty good sense of his personality. He was kind, considerate, and always made her feel special. But one day, when they were at a cafe together, something unexpected happened.

As they were chatting and enjoying their drinks, the waiter came over to take your order. He was friendly and chatty, and y/n could tell that he was trying to flirt with her. She smiled politely and tried to steer the conversation back to the menu, but the waiter seemed persistent.

She noticed that Wil's demeanor had changed. He was usually calm and easygoing, but now his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were narrowed. When the waiter walked away, Wil leaned in close to y/n and whispered, "I don't like the way he's talking to you."

She was taken aback. She had never seen this side of Wil before. He was usually so laid-back, but now he seemed almost possessive. She tried to reassure him that she was only interested in him, but he couldn't seem to shake off his unease.

As the evening went on, Wil's behavior became more and more noticeable. He was constantly keeping an eye on the waiter, and his grip on her hand tightened whenever the waiter approached their table. Y/N could tell that he was feeling jealous and insecure, and she didn't know how to handle it.

Finally, when the waiter brought over the bill, Wil stood up and confronted him. He told the waiter in no uncertain terms that his behavior was inappropriate and that he should show more respect to y/n and customers in general. The waiter looked taken aback and quickly left the table.

As they left the cafe, y/n tried to talk to Wil about what had happened. She wanted to understand why he had reacted the way he did. Wil admitted that he had never felt so strongly about someone before, and the thought of losing her to someone else had sparked a feeling of possessiveness he hadn't known he was capable of. He apologized for his behavior and promised to work on managing his emotions in a healthier way.

From that day on, y/n and Wil had an open and honest conversation about boundaries and trust. Y/N realized that even the most seemingly easygoing people can have moments of vulnerability, and it brought them closer together. Wil learned to communicate his feelings more openly, and they both grew stronger as a couple.

As time went on, Wil's rare possessive side became a distant memory, but the depth of their connection continued to grow. And whenever they went back to that cafe, the two of them would share a knowing smile, remembering the unexpected turn of events that had ultimately strengthened their bond.

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