"Very good." Hemlock turned the corner, doing his best to keep Omega restrained. He let out a silent sigh of relief upon spying the hanger door. It was the last obstacle he had to face before escaping off-world and back into his position of power and comfort.

As the door swished open, a singular rugged looking man stood directly in his path.

"Going somewhere?"

Hunter stood tall, blaster trained on the monster in front of him. After months of searching, failing, and trying again, he finally found the man who ripped his entire family a part. The sergeant wanted nothing more than to shoot the doctor point blank the second he appeared. However, he remained rational, seeing as Omega's life was still in jeopardy.

"Ah, yes. The paternal one." Hemlock tightened his grip on Omega.

Hunter clenched his jaw, but kept his firm stance. "It's over, Hemlock. You've lost."

"Have I?" Hemlock chuckled darkly. "You clones never learn, do you?" Omega stared pleadingly at her brother as the scientist shook her roughly.

Hunter's eyes narrowed in anger. "Let her go, Doctor. This matter is between us, not her!"

"And here I thought you were smarter than the average clone—Oh, my apologies, that was Tech's job wasn't it?" Hemlock said with a sly smile of satisfaction, proud to have caught the sergeant off guard, witnessing his face fall for a brief second. He pressed on, "I would hate for you to lose yet another."

Omega's eyes widened as the hand covering the lower half of her face now engulfed her nose, cutting off her last source of precious oxygen. She squirmed in the doctor's grasp, attempting to break free from his hold with no avail.

Hunter watched in horror as his kid suffocated before him. He couldn't take it. He wouldn't watch her die.

"Stop! Please!" He lowered his blaster and himself to the ground in submission, bowing his head in defeat. "You win."

"Drop the blaster and kick it over here!" Hemlock ordered the hopeless clone.

Hunter did as he was asked, setting his weapon on the hanger floor before pushing it toward the enemy. Only when it was within the scientist's reach did he remove his hand from the child's face.

Hunter tried not to focus on Omega's desperate gasps and coughs as she attempted to replenish air to her lungs.

"Why must you make your loved ones suffer, Hunter? Omega here didn't deserve that, did you?" Hemlock gently lifted the girl's chin, forcing her to look at the sergeant.

"I'm so sorry, Omega," Hunter rasped out, head low in shame. He was failing to protect her. He failed as a leader, as her... "I swear, you're going to be okay." He reached a hand out, wishing he could rip her away from her captor and hold her close and never let go.

"H-Hunter, I want to go home," Omega cried hoarsely; her voice trembled as she spoke. She wanted for the nightmare to be over. Why was her life such a mess? Why did she have to endure this pain? What did she do to deserve Hemlocks cruel treatment?

"I know, kid. I know. Just hang on a little longer." Hunter tried to comfort.

Hemlock threw his head back with a short laugh. "You shouldn't lie to children, Sergeant. Now, if you'll excuse us, Omega and I have important business to attend to."

"No!" Omega yelped, a scream tearing from her throat, "Hunter!"

"Omega!" Hunter yelled frantically as he withdrew his knife from its hidden compartment on his forearm. "Plan 52!" Now that Omega wasn't held as close to the doctor, a window opened up.

Omega turned, nodding in understanding. "I'm not going with you!" She  used whatever strength she had left to throw herself to the ground just as a vibro-knife wisped over her head.

The sickening crunch as the knife entered Hemlock's skull was just loud enough for Omega to flinch at the sound.

She didn't dare look back.

Omega stood up, her legs like jello as she steadied herself.

Hemlock was dead.

She was free.


Omega, still in shock, didn't realize that Hunter had appeared by her side. His presence once she settled back into reality hit her all at once.

"You came back for me," Omega looked up at him with watery eyes as Hunter carefully cut away the binders keeping her wrists at bay. "He said you gave up, but I didn't—I swear I didn't think you actually, bu—" Omega tried to explain through her blubbering but was ultimately cut off by Hunter's gloved hands settling on her shoulders with a firm yet gentle grasp. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now," he cooed, softly wiping away a stray tear dripping down her cheek with his thumb, "He's never going to hurt you again."

Omega threw her arms around his neck, burying her face into the crook of it.

"Can we leave now?" she mumbled, holding onto her brother in a death grip as if afraid it were another one of Hemlock's mental tricks.

Hunter carefully adjusted her to a more comfortable position on his hip, not daring to let go of her either. The loud whining of the Marauder's engines came into ear shot. Hunter hustled over to the ramp that dropped down for a quick pick up.

"We thought we lost you for a second," Echo called from the cockpit as he steered the ship away from the dreaded mountain. The ship rose above the dark cloud covering Tantiss, breaking into the blue clear skies. A symbol no doubt displaying their success.

"Where's Crosshair?" Hunter asked quietly, noticing the lack of people on board.

Wrecker emerged from the gunners mound with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Don't worry about him, Sarge. Rex found 'im before we did. The plan is to meet back on Coruscant."

Hunter felt all the tension he was holding within him finally release.

They did it.

Wrecker timidly approached the sergeant, eyeing the little clone who's head now hung limply over Hunter's shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Wrecker asked, his voice going into a whisper. "She's not.."

"She's been through a lot these past few months. I doubt she's gotten a good sleep in a while." Hunter's heart softened as he heard her small snores. "Take her, Wreck. I think she'd appreciate waking up in her own room when we land."

Wrecker's face brightened once more as Hunter passed the sleeping clone over to him. Wrecker climbed the steps with caution so as to not stir her awake. The gentle giant fluffed the old blankets and pillows that remained the same as they were before everything went wrong.

"Down ya go, kid," Wrecker said softly as he placed her into the pile of warm fabrics. He grabbed Lula, tucking her under Omega's arm before flicking on the fairy lights. Now that they were in hyperspace, the lights set the ship's mood to a warm, comforting vibe. One that hadn't been present in a long time.

Wrecker smiled at the sight. He had everything he needed right there on the ship.

"Welcome home, Omega."

Did I write most of this during school in broad day light? No, most definitely not✌🏽But fr, classes are so boring as of lately😭

Thanks again to @CaseyAnneWoods for all the great ideas, you're seriously a life saver!

Also, Casey is tryin' raise money for her prom expenses💃🏻 Idk abt y'all but school dances can be a pretty penny, especially prom, but everyone deserves to experience the fun of getting pampered and feeling confident in a nice dress and accessories! So if you wanna go and donate here's the link to copy and paste!!💛💛

Link: https://gofund.me/9ee86da8

The Bad Batch: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now