Georgia smiled at me and gave me a big hug when I came into the kitchen. "There's our brave girl! And how are you feeling this morning, sugar? You look spry and sassy! Ready to go fishing?"

"I'm good, thank you," and bless you, I wanted to say but I think she knew that by the squeeze of her hand and the wink of her eye. "I've got my special blueberry pancakes for you this morning and candied bacon oatmeal. You need fortification for the day. And you deserve a reward. I know just how awful that stuff is. But like most medicines they taste awful but they do the job."

Cole watched every move I made as I walked around the kitchen, picking up a glass of juice, a slice of bacon, a bowl of fruit. All kinds of goodies waiting to nibble on. When I finally took my seat, Cole, Ethan, and Leo were paying very close attention to me.

"You aren't hung over?" Leo asked, curiously.

"Headache? Stomach ache? Overly icky?" Ethan asked, wondering the same thing.

"Leave her alone, not everyone is a lightweight," Brynn shoves Ethan's shoulder.

"It's not like she had that much," Aubrey stood up for me as well.

"I believe our Mia just proved she's got the guts of a Bradford woman!" Georgia looked over her shoulder at me grinning, "Now eat up! We've got a trap to set!"

And a trap we had.

Cole was true to his word. He refused to let me go it alone. He couldn't be physical with me but he was on the phone with me the entire time. I used my earbud, so it wouldn't be obvious, but he was hidden in a hunter's blind. I don't know where, I couldn't see him but he was talking to me.

"I'm right here, Mia. I can see you. You aren't alone. Beckett's just east of you, and Leo is north. We're right here," he assured me.

I looked around the trail but saw nothing. I don't even know where I am. I've only walked the trails out here once and that was when I first moved here. I thought I should get familiar with my surroundings, I thought I could become one with nature and all that. Apparently nature doesn't like me.

"Just walk. Just a walk in the woods. You can do this," Cole says in my ear.

"I am walking," I just need a minute to get my bearings.

"Don't go left, Mia! That's a harder hike. You want the easiest hike. Go right," Cole instructs me.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to my right and follow his instructions. " Now, curve left." Doing as he says, he continues with this, step by step directions as I go down the trail. It's not just starting to bug me but it's getting to the others. "Take a right here."

"Really? I thought I'd walk into the bush!" The sarcasm came out before I could stop it.

"Leave her alone, Cole," Ethan warns him softly. "Go where you want, honey."

"I'm just helping her. She's not a hiker!" Cole is really defensive this morning.

"She knows how to follow a trail, leave her be!" Leo agrees with Ethan.

Frustrated Cole doesn't back down, "I don't want her getting lost!"

"How can she get lost when we're right here to help her?" Ethan reasons.

He has a good point.

Cole is determined to make this hard though. "And if she makes a wrong turn? Who is going to get her turned back around?"

"We will! You seem to forget how many times we've done exactly that for hikers! Cole, we know you're worried. So are we but you have to trust her and trust us," Leo attempts to smooth the ruffled feathers.

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