Chapter 20 Attack

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Danger. She gasps awake, her ha"ki going wild. There was a small storm outside but that isn't what woke her. Someone was coming for them. She sits up and doesn't even have to wake Killer. He was sitting up too watching her. Seems he was woken by her gasps. He waited for her to speak. She focuses on her haki to conform to the warning. It was late, Eustass had his music off and the ship was quiet. Reaching past the ship she stressed her haki trying to find the danger. To the port of the ship someone was tracking them. Hidden by the storm, they were probably an hour away from attacking. She looks at Killer and he asks "how long?" She replies "we got about an hour, about 30 strong men but not strong enough to be a part of an Emperor crew." Killer bangs on Eustass wall shouting the information she just told him. They hear a "HELL YEAH, I WANTED TO TEAR SOMEONE APART TODAY! BE READY NOW!" The pair replies "AYE CAPTAIN!" and begin to get dressed fast. Killer seemed to know it was colder out so he had her long sleeve jumpsuit ready. He also grabbed her gear when he dropped off her night clothes early so they were laid out. She smiles at how attentive he is. After he got dressed, she stopped tying her boots and stood up before he put on his helmet. She grabs his shirt pulling him in for a deep kiss. He deepens it more by putting his hand on the back of her head. Killer dominates the kiss, almost as if he was trying to remember every part of her mouth. He pulls away placing his forehead on her and whispers "if you need me just call, I'll find you. Stay next to Heat, Wire or Gig" He pulls away looking at her in the eyes with a very serious tone to his voice. "That's an order Cytherea, if you disobey there will be real consequences." She smiles at him sweetly and kisses him again gently and whispering onto his lips "Sir, yes Sir." Killer nods, puts on his helmet and closes the door behind him.

When she got out the door the storm was worse. She was very thankful that she weighs a good bit. If she was lighter the winds would have thrown her overboard again. Cytherea tracks down the captain to give him more information she could find out with her haki. He was in the galley, she managed to get to it while the ship violently rocked back and forth. When she came in all the higher ups were in deep discussions. She slides in and stands on the edge of the room listening to the conversation. Eustass yelling at the night watch on how they could let someone get so close. The men are making a plan of attack. Eustass asks loudly "WHO THE FUCK IS STUPID ENOUGH TO ATTACK US ANYWAYS?" The men turned to her as if she knew the answer. She closes her eyes and puts her thumb on her chin focusing on the approaching enemies. (68) Eustass grows impatient and yells "WELL, WHO ARE THEY? DID YOU MAKE THIS SHIT UP YOU STUPID BITCH?" This pissed her off, she opens her eyes, lets her glasses slide down and glares at the man. She answered in a serious tone, one where left no room to question her intent. "Captain Eustass Kid. I will die trying to make you King of the p
Pirates. BUT if you ever speak to me like that again. I will abandon your ship, and disappear where no one will ever find me." her voice grew numb with a shadow falling upon her face "I endure countless tortures, raped by god know how many men, and was treated like a fucking dog for 5 damn years. I will never be treated like that by ANYONE ever again. Can you handle that Captain or do we need to discuss my departure from this ship?" The room laid silent waiting for the captain to respond. The man in question gets up and walks toward her, his heart racing. She wasn't sure of his next actions but she didn't back down. She reaches for her glasses, taking them off and tucking them in her side bag. When she does she glares at him with conviction, she knows that what she just said was challenging. She didn't care, no matter the loyalty she had for this man. She would never be treated like that again. She waits for him to respond. The man walks right up to her, with murders intent oozing off of him. He was inches from her face and asked in an infuriated voice "are you telling me what to do on my ship?" Without hesitation she replies "No sir, it's your choice. Just thought you would like to know the consequences of those actions." He continues to stare her down, finally saying "Pfft whatever" gives her a little smirk and ruffles her hair. "I'll watch your little feelings. Just tell me what we are up against." He takes a step back, and returns to his seat. She nods, returning his smile.

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