⚠️Chapter 22 Bite ⚠️

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*Authors note*
Hey everyone I just wanted to give trigger warning for torture. If you don't want to read it just skip this chapter you won’t miss any major plot.

She grins and gestures to him to lead the way. Cytherea brings her whip down on the prisoners again he screams while she says in her sweet tone. "Crawl." The Eustass leads her down below deck to a small, cramped room with a single wooden table in the center. The air is thick with the smell of blood, sweat, and fear. The captain nods at the man with the rotten teeth, indicating that he sh ould get on the table. As the pirate struggles to obey, Cytherea casually flicks her whip, slicing through his thigh. She then secures him to the table, spreading his arms and legs wide. With a wicked grin, she steps back to admire her work. Eustass watches her, a predatory gleam in his eye. He reaches behind him, untying his belt. "You can start however you like," he says with a chuckle, tossing the belt to her. Cytherea catches the belt deftly, her eyes never leaving the man on the table. She walks slowly around him, flicking her wrist and sending the end of the belt snaking through the air. The man tries to struggle, but his bindings hold firm. With a practiced motion, she wraps the end of the belt around his throat, then yanks it tight, choking him. The sound of his muffled gurgling fills the air as blood rushes to his face. She releases him only when she could feel his pulse weaken. Cytherea loosen the belt and the blood rushed back. "You're such a good boy," she whispers, running a finger down his cheek. The man's eyes flutter weakly as he tries to focus on her face. With a wicked grin, she steps back and unzips the destroyed jumpsuit, letting them fall to the floor. Her panties already wet, the anticipation of this moment mixing with the thrill of power. Cytherea stands there a moment and lets both men in the room stare at her almost naked form. She can tell both of them were getting excited by her. She was to focused on the man tied down to pay much attention to what Eustass was reacting to. She didn't care. She needed this.

She  slowly makes way over to the strapped down man and makes eye contact as she undoes the man with the rotten teeth pants. Both men in the room are shocked by her actions.The man was soft, she giggles slightly at him but gives him a lustfull look. She moves her hand slowly up and down is cock. Making his blood rush to it. She whispers to him again "good-boy" before Cytherea takes the man's member into her mouth. She had sucked alot of cocks as a slave, few were this thrilling. She never had this much control before. The mixture of fear and excitement from the man made it thrilling to her. She expertly sucking and teasing it feeling it slide down her thoat at a painstakigly slow pace. She can feel his trembling as he nears his release. Cytherea slows down a moment to stop him from being free of her to soon.

She smiles at Eustass, the prisoners pre cum dripping down her chin. She didn't mind him watching. It added to the thrill. She slowly brings her hands back up her prisoners chest. She wraps her hand around the belt again pulling it tight, not like before but enough where it was a struggle for him. Then she began to suck on his cock again. This time hard and fast. She kept the belt right around neck and sucked hard on him. Cytherea been trained to tell when a man is about to cum. She can feel the prisoners let out a low moan, and tries to chokes out “why are you doing this?” Cytherea just goes faster, taking him deeper down her thorat. It was starting to go raw and she was struggling to breather herself. She didn't care. It was a high she never felt before. The power she had over both men was a drug she needed more of. She can sense confusing coming from Eustass, and other mixed emotions. As the rotten teeth man struggles with his restraints and to breath. He was about to finish she grins and tightens the belt around his neck and went faster. A moment later she knew it was time so she smiles. She lets the belt loosen, allowing all the blood to rush back to his head. Just as the man is about to release down her thoat she bites down as hard as she could. With how far he was down her thoat she separated it from the base of his body. The man made a scream that no longer sounds human. It was a sounds that sent chills all over her.

Cytherea didn't flinch at it. She simply sat back slowly and watches him. His member is still in her mouth as blood gushes everywhere. As he continued to scream and thrash about. Trying to break free. She takes a moment to observe his pain and the horror he was feeling. After a second she rushed forward connecting her blood soaked lips to his. She uses her tongue to thrust his own cock in his mouth. She leans away quickly and holds his mouth shut with one hand. The man thrash his head against her grip, trying to push her away. Cytherea just grins a bloody smile. She slowly leans foward and whispers, "whats wrong, I thought you wanted to have fun with me first."

As she leans back she turns to her captain asking. "Can you handle it from here sir? I'm done with him now." Eustass chuckles, his eyes never leaving the man's pain-filled face. "Aye, I think I can manage." With a single swift motion, he pushes her hand from the man's jaw. Then the captain slides his belt up the rotten mans neck and into his mouth.   Eustass looks at Cytherea and says in a gleeful tone "wouldn't want for him to lose his cock again."

Cytherea doesn't take her eyes off the terrified man. Trying to memorize everything about him. Before she leaves she says in a calm and distant voice. "Could you figure out why they wanted me alive? They said something about my bounty earlier, but it's not that high. Something changed and this man knows it." Her Captain gives a devilish laugh saying "I'll make him sing." Eustass then walks over to Cytherea then stare at her for a second. He reaches his hand forward and tilts her chin up so she would finally look at him. Eustass stares at her hard. He was deep in thought,  Cytherea was taken back by the action. He was unreadable to her, it was like he wanted to say something. Instead he shakes his head amd lets his hand fall. With his flesh hand he unclasp his coat and yanks it off his shoulders. Quickly he takes off his fur coat and wraps it around her. Pulling it tight, the action pulled her close to his chest. He is now standing between her and their prisoner. Eustass leans in close to her ear and whispers "Killers outside, let him take care of you while I take care of this bastard." He leans away and started to push her towards the door. He loudly says as she stumbles foward "That's an order Bean."Cytherea falls for a second and catches herself with the door. She looks back quickly at the two man in the room. Useless eyes flickering between them both. The man on the table must have gone into some shock because he was now silent. She looks again at her Captain, the man simply folds his arms, waiting for her to leave. She lets out a deep breath and pulls the coat closes to her naked flesh. She felt the soft material agaist her sensitive skin.(74) She feels more secure and in control now. Her hand instinctively reaches for the knob and quickly turns it and rushes out. Over her shoulder she says "Understood, Captain." She quickly takes one last look back to the table, watching as the man with the rotten teeth shakes. His eyes darted between her and the Captain, filled with terror.

As Cytherea exits the room, she just noticing Killer standing there waiting for her. He is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. As soon as she closes the door behind her Killer rushes over and wraps his arms around her shoulders. The screams start again on the other side of the door. Cytherea looks up at Killer and collapses from it all. Killer scoops hers up tucking her closer to him and whispers "I got you Love, let's get you cleaned up and then to bed okay?" She nodded and began to lose consciousness, still just listening to the man scream for mercy. She smiles with her last thought being 'I hope he makes it last a long time.' Before the darkness takes her.

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