Chapter 4 Tears

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The Kid pirates lead the attack throwing some impressive moves, one of them shoots fire from his mouth at the War Lord. Cytherea hears Killer say "How do you like that? Toasty enough?" She laughs at the comments, feeling a bit of relief that it seems he hasn't changed. Laws crew goes next throwing out kurata punches. She can tell the poor arrogant bear kicked the war lord but only effect it had was on himself. He lays on the ground when Law glances their way, he signal it was their turn to make a move. Cytherea nods and ready herself. Law uses his devil fruit power to switch her and Jean in place of the bear. Jean is as big as the war lord so he grabs both of his hands and holds him still. Cytherea then runs up Jean's back and leaps into the air to strike, yelling with determination. (13) She aims and hits the warlord's head, raking the blade across his throat. As she feels her blade make connection, it does not feel like she is cutting flesh. It feels like metal, she doesn't have time to think as she senses something big coming her way. She uses the warlord's shoulder to kick off in the air as high as she could. At the next moment it seems like a metal arm came and punched Kuma. She struggles to figure out where to land in the air. Haki has many benefits but it doesn't mean that she can see everything. At that moment a hand wraps around her waist, a familiar chest draws her in and pulls her close for safety. She is in shock of everything that is happening but without needed to see she knows who is holding her. Killer. His focus is on his captain but he continues to hold her close, muscle tenses from the conflict. Even though his captain knocked down the war lord he doesn't loosen his grip. A moment later the war lord rises and releases a large explosion. Thanks to Killer speed they were able to avoid most of the danger of the explosion. He does set her down on a high tree branch out of the way. He is still watching the conflict below but takes a moment to say, "I am glad you are alive." Cytherea and feel his eyes on her, but before she can speak he is gone back to the battle. Cytherea hesitates to follow, she can tell the battle is continuing on, but she is safe up here out of the way. For now. She observed the battle. Despite the combined strength of the pirates, the battle continues to be one sided. With Bartholomew Kuma battering the pirates. More of the crews below her had fallen, soon there was only the strongest left standing. There is fear rising from within her. She just gained her freedom. Eight years of constant torture. All the pain she has gone through to just be recaptured by a pawn of the Marines. A thought pops in her head. She could run, Jean would understand, Killer would want her too. Why else would he bring her up here, then to keep her safe. Yes, she knew that her power level did not match the pirates below her. She would only be in the way. The problem was, why couldn't she move? Why did she keep watching the fight below her? Watching the only people she cares about get hurt. (14) Frustrated tears begin to flow down her cheeks. The feeling of helplessness appears again. The invisible weight of the collar returns as well. She touches the bruises that it left behind. Cytherea can feel panic being to over take her. Just then a gentle breeze passes through her hair. It is warm and smells of the ocean. She closes her eyes and focuses on the smell of freedom. She is calmed by the reminder of her family that she lost. She knows what she needs to do. She wipes away her tears and begins to expand her haki. Doing this drains her stamina fast but they need information. They are missing something, between the two pirate crew they had the strength. Just not the knowledge on how to defend this enemy. She focuses on Kumas movements, they are stiff and almost unnatural. (15) She can hear a whining sound coming from him as well. At that moment she knows their enemies weakness. She ready her knife, her Armament haki is very weak. She knows this but it's the only advantage she has. Cytherea pulls out her knife and focuses on making the small blade unbreakable. Then she watches the fight and waits. Kid begins to use his powers to gather up every piece of metal. He forms a giant arm, just as a fake war lord sends another beam of energy. It's blocked by Kid then he sends the metal arm crashing into the enemy. Cytherea takes this chance to push off from the branch she was on and aims her knife right into the cyborg's eye. With her Armament haki she is able to break through the eye. The cyborg begins to thrash around, there are sparks flying everywhere. Cytherea ignores all that and continues to push the blade even further into its skull. She smiles to herself knowing that she is damaging the cybor and showing the pirates its weakness. This thing is not Bartholomew Kuma. To focus on her task. She fails to hear the shouts around her. She brings her head up to focus on the men just to realize there is a laser beam inches from her. She takes the beam at close range. For the second time today the world goes black.

This time there were no pleasant dreams to comfort her while she lay still. She could hear screaming and explosions going on.

Yet she could not move her body or focus enough to use her haki. So she just decides to relax and wait. She lived long enough.
There is a warm feeling spreads from within her. Cytherea starts to feel her arms and legs again, her hands grip something soft. A low moan escapes her lips before she is able to focus on the noise going around her. She tries to bring her hand to her eyes just to feel a warm hand hold it back. (16) She hears a deep voice says, "don't move quite yet. I am almost done with the major wounds." The voice gives Cytherea something to focus on and her Observation Haki is easier to control now. She can tell the voice who was healing her was Captain Law. So she focuses on the warm arms that are holding her. She expects to find Jean keeping her safe like he has done since they met five years ago. Cytherea is surprised to not find him holding her, but Killer keeping her safe and warm. She jumps a little at this realization. Laws voice beings again, "why did you do that? Hmm? you said that you had your own captain and crew why risk your life for strangers?" Cytherea cheeks warm with embarrassment. Her haki has now completely returned and she can feel both crew's eyes on her now. Her throat is dry, she begins to squirm from Killer's arms. Being close to him makes it hard to think. He lets her down gently but still keeps her hand under her elbow for support. (17) She takes a moment to reply. Cytherea's voice is shaky and weak, even to her own ears. "I don't run from a fight." She makes herself look at Law as the basic excuse comes out of her mouth. She can feel his amusement, she takes a step back from the pirates. Killer lets her see that she is stable on her own feet. The next feeling she has is two strong arms wrapping around her still fragile body. The moment she feels the touch she relaxes knowing the feeling too well. Jean Bart picks her up and gives her a hug. It is almost too much but it makes Cytherea smile as she whispers "hey big guy" then returns the hug. She can tell all eyes are still on them til caption Kid breaks the silences. "Well this shit is getting too gross for me. Killer if you are done babysitting move your ass already. We are going back to the ship." The pirates start to walk away. Law says "I hate to agree with that bastard, but we need to be moving too." He pauses for a second "Cytherea was it? Just so you know my offer to join my crew still stands." Both pirate crews freeze at this question, Killer turns back waiting to hear Cytherea answer. Jean puts her down but keeps one hand on her back. She tilts her face towards Jean trying to read his emotions. Then she focuses on Kid and Killer. Kid is unreadable but Killer seems to have some hope for another outcome. Cytherea takes a deep breath and says with as much confidence as she can "Law as much as your offer still baffles me, I would enjoy staying with Jean." The air around the Kid Pirates begins to turn sour. She quickly continues so there is not another battle. "But I promised my loyalties to another captain a long time ago. I hope he still has a opening for me." She begins to smile "Yet I can't go with them either, not yet anyways. I just got my freedom back. I will not be much use to anyone if I don't figure some things out first." There is disappointment all around Law sighs and says "fair enough, this must be a strong captain to keep someone loyal like yourself." This makes Cytherea laugh hard, the tension returns and begins to grow violent from Capitan Kid. She stops herself and takes a deep breath calming herself. She smiles and looks right at the Kid Pirate. "Of course my Captain is strong. He is going to be king of the pirates. I just hope he is willing to wait for me to get strong too." (18) She smiles and turns away taking off with a powerful jump onto a low branch and begins to race across the treeline. When she gets far enough away she slows to find the piece of paper Silvers Rayleigh gave her earlier. She speaks to herself, "I need to able to take care of myself first." She uses the vivre card to find him again.

After what feels like she has been traveling forever. Cytherea finally makes it to the bottom of so. many. stairs. She sighs and starts walking up to them. The events of the day are beginning to catch up as her adrenaline goes back down. Her chest is starting to hurt from the wound the fake Kuma gave her. Thinking back she should have asked Law how badly she was hurt by the cyborg. Too late she shrugs to herself. After climbing these damn steps she is finally in front of the door. She is out of breath and clinging to the hand rails. Cytherea tries to focus her haki on who is inside but it is getting hard to do much of anything. She lets go and staggers to the door and pushes it open with the last of her strength. She hears a gap from someone in the room, she can only focus on the person in front of her. She smiles, Cytherea knew that Rayleigh's wife would be here. She hears that smooth voice say, "Cytherea you might want to sit down." Replying "okay Oba" in an unsteady voice. The world spins around her, Cytherea thinks to herself "I am getting tired of the passing out today. " Then crumbles to the ground.

Unbreakable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora