Chapter 26, Headache

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Chapter 26 Headache
Cytherea wakes up with her head pounding and the smell of vomit coming from somewhere close. Only reason she was awake though was because of how thirsty she was. She reaches over to Killer's nightstand trying to get something to drink. Only to have the bunk sway with her and she rolled out of the hammock. She gives a little groan and holds her head from the pain of the fall. The world was spinning and swaying, she pushed through the nausea and started to focus her haki on where she was. It only takes her a moment to understand she was in the bunk room. The sound of the men there snoring filled the room with a peaceful room. She could hear someone moving around in their hammock, the squeak of the hammock above her drew her attention. Wire unemotional voices came from above her quietly asking "You alive Cyth?" She groaned again rolling on her stomach on the floor as she replied "not by choice." (82) Cytherea can hear Wire climbing down and shuffling around grabbing a few things. It took long enough for Cytherea to start falling asleep again. The floor was cool to the touch and its steader then the hammock, both helped with the turning in her stomach. Wire leans over her gently placing a hand on her shoulder, Cytherea hums in response. Wire says "come on get up, I put your boots on you already. I need you to follow me." She gets up slowly with his help and goes out of the bunks room.

The deck was cool and Cytherea guesses it's around 4 in the morning judging how empty it was. The night shift was still on duty, she could feel their eyes follow them across the deck. There was no judgment or anger from their gazes, more so just curiosity. The wind brushes her shoulders, she feels her arms and just notices she was wearing a tank top and sweatpants. Someone must have changed her. Normally that would alarm her, but with the crew she felt safe. Wire takes her to a cellar near the front of the ship. As they walked, memories of the night came back to her. Cytherea was glad that they haven't run into anyone else directly. She was an ass last night and wasn't ready to face anyone yet. Wire opens up another door in the back of the storage room. Cytherea could smell and feel the ocean breeze rush towards her as they stepped out onto the lower deck. Cytherea walks to the front, it was harder for her to sense much around this part. It was fuzzy from lack of blood, still what she could see. She would almost call it a mouth. She makes it to the railing putting her hand out there it was pointy like teeth. Cytherea chuckles a little at this. She turns to Wire quietly saying "of course Eustass made his ship into a fucking monster. I'm guessing he stands here during some battles?" Wire grunts a response walking next to her. When he makes it next to her, he left a little space between them but henwas close enough to touch. Wire says in a calm voice "I brought you here because it's part of the ship that is most private. And I thought you would like it because there were a couple ways you can leave. Cytherea, I want to help you." Cytherea stares at the man, she quietly says "Wire, I trust you with my life. I think we both establish that you would keep me safe. Especially, after you jump into a sea king's mouth to save me. But, I don't know if I trust anyone to help me with these problems. I'm too broken to fix." Wire asks quietly "Cytherea do you value your own life?" The white headed girl turns back into the cool morning air asking "Will you tell the others? Because everyone already has enough to worry about, then my feelings." Wire says "I will keep your secrets Cytherea I'm just here to listen and give you another way to look at something. I have no right to judge anyone. I simply want to help you. There is nothing you could say or do to change that." She slides back down the railing and sits with her back against the ship's teeth letting her hair blow around her. Wire leans against the railing next to her waiting for her to speak. Cytherea's voice is fragile as she says "Wire, I don't have anything, I lost most everything valued the night I was taken by the slavers. Then I watch as my mother and sister die in my arms. I've been so powerless. I am simply alive because whatever god is out there finds it more torturest to keep me alive. There is no logical reason for me to be on this ship. I am only a burden to everyone, so I do everything I can to pay back what I have been given. I am here to make Cynthia's promise happen. Once I do that maybe then I can finally be at peace. I don't know if that answers if I value my own life but it is what I'm working with. I'm not even sure if that makes sense now saying it outloud." Wire takes deep breaths and looks at the ocean. "4 days, Cytherea you have been on this ship for 4 days. Yet how long have you been a part of the Kids Pirates crew, Cyth?" Cytherea gives a small laugh remembering how she and Cynthia joined the crew.

(83) "It's kind of funny." She leans her head back against the railing continuing "It was when I was around 10 years old. Eustass was 5 at the time. I was watching my sister and my mother perform a duet together. I was never a singer so I was in the rafters watching them sing and sketching the show. Suddenly I hear two small voices bickering over something. I went to find the source, the Cirque was very strict with people sneaking up there. There was Eustass and Killer arguing over where to sit. I snuck up behind them and scared them both. Eustass swung at me and gave me a black eye and busted my lip. Even that young he was strong. I was surprised at that because I trained in combat with my grandfather for years. Killer was holding Eustass back apologizing saying they would leave. I managed to stop them and told them to stay. It was fine, I just had questions. They snuck off anyways, I didn't see them again for awhile after. My sketchbook I lost that day reappeared in my tent a few days later. It was filled with new sketches of the cirques performances. They were mostly of me and my sisters performing. After that Cynthia and I were sparing when we saw them again. Eustas sitting there watching us then starts talking shit how we wouldn't actually last in a real fight. He challenged both of us, and we laughed him off... That was our mistake, our grandfather had to pull him off of us. We were bloody and bruised from his attack. My Jiji actually gave my sister and me a lecture for laughing at someone and not showing respect. Soon after Killer and Eustass started working with the cirques. Killer and I naturally grew close. I ended up basically having to bribe Eustass to be my friend with sketchbooks and art supplies. Eustass wouldn't let us leave that season to travel to the next island unless we promised to come back. We agreed to join his crew as a promise we would come next year. And we would sail with him when he was ready."

Wire is looking at her, studying her closely. He asks curiously "Was one of the sketchbooks bright red leather, with black stitching on the side? It also had an engraving of our Jolly Roger on the cover?" Cytherea turned to him fast, surprised by the question and said. "Yea, that was the last sketchbook I gave him. It is kind of a tradition we had that I would get us a matching sketchbook. We would draw our adventures over the course year I was away and switch them with each other when I returned. But there is no way it's the same sketchbook though it's been almost 10 years." She looks down with disappointment. Wire continues to study her saying "Cyth when you grow up on an island like ours you hold on tight to anything you find precious. You guard it with your life because you know there will not be another one. That includes you." She tries to reject the idea of being precious, but Wire continues by talking over her. "Cyth, I have served under Kid for 7 years now. He is an impulsive selfish prick sometimes. Yet I have seen time and time again him putting his crew first over anything. He holds on to what he finds precious and will burn the world down to keep it. Killer is even worse, he is loyal to a fault. He will do anything for the Captain and will always follow orders even if he doesn't agree. Until it comes to you Cyth. I've seen him argue with the boss so much since you've joined. That should show you how much you matter to him. Fuck, even Heat and I have been different since you came aboard. We have talked and laughed more since you've been around. The crew itself has been more open with each other. What I'm saying is we need you on this ship. I'm sorry I said anything different. I was just trying to get you to rest and not worry about us."

Cytherea has tears flowing down her cheeks as she whispers "how can I be precious? I'm so, so broken beyond repair I'm not worth keeping around for anything. I've caused y'all so much trouble in the few days I've been here. I've been nothing but a burden..." "BULLSHIT!" was yelled from behind them. Wire and Cytherea jumped at their approaching Captain who snuck up on them. Eustass squats down and gets in Cytherea's face. He speaks with such intensity that she can't focus on anything else but his words. "What am I going to be one day Bean? Hmmm? How the fuck can anyone expect the future King of the Pirates to have anyone but the best on his crew? I did not recruit your sister because you two were just strong. Or that your grandfather was an old washed up big shot. No, I needed you two on my crew to make me a king. I will be King of the Pirates with you on my crew. Even if I have to go to hell dragging you back kicking and screaming. If you try to end yourself again. Do you understand, I said it before you don't get to die until I order you too. You also don't have a say on who I find is worthy for my crew. That includes you, now next time you want to cut someone tell fucking anybody and we will find one for you to bleed out. Do you understand my commands Cytherea?" Cytherea stands in shock by her Captain's speech, she wipes her tears away and gets a big confidence grin on her face. She stands tall and salutes him replying "Captain Eustass Kid, you have my life, the only blood I let spill for my vienes will be by your orders sir." Eustass smiles big then ruffles her hair. He turns quickly from them heading back through the cellar. He passes Killer who is leaning against the cellar wall eavesdropping . The two make eye contact as Eustass passes his first mate. Eustass makes his way to his workshop. Killer follows behind him and heads to the galley to start breakfast.

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