Chapter 9: Once Broken Now Healed

Start from the beginning

The day when Shiryu convinced them all to leave, they waited until nightfall to escape. The group of Asuka, her friend, Syrus, Rei and Johan stole a speedboat and made their way to the mainland. 

While Syrus, Rei and Johan agreed to leave after what they were told what was happening to the Xyz Dimension citizens, Asuka didn't. She trusted the Professor and only went with them because she had planned on trying to convince the rest of her friends to return to Academia, except that plan went out the window after they made it to the mainland. The second they all stepped off the boat, bright lights had shined on them.

"What the?!" Johan said.

Using their hands to block out the lights, they saw 3 duelist's called "Enforcers" that patrol through the town standing in the middle of the stairway.

"Even the disloyal can serve a purpose in the Aquaria Project's cause." Enforcer #1 said.

Aquaria Project. That's the name the Professor gave their mission to unite all the Dimensions together. The very reason why they had invaded the Xyz's Dimension.

"Serve a purpose?" Asuka asked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Syrus asked.

Knowing what it meant, her friend immediately ran in front of the group to shield them.

"Stand back!" she ordered.

"Wait! What are you?" Rei started to ask before the Enforcer cut her off by creating a bright purple light from his disk.

When it died down, the group saw their friend was gone and in her place was a card that floated in between them. Looking at the picture that slowly appeared, they saw it was their friend.

"No..." Rei whispered in shock and disbelief.

"You bastards!" Johan snapped at the Enforcers.

Asuka's eyes widened in horror.

"Why?!" Syrus demanded. "Why would you do this?!"

"Why you ask?" Enforcer #2 mocked while smirking.

"It's because the Professor ordered us to." Enforcer #3 answered with a grin. "And what orders he gives, we follow.

It was at this moment she realized what kind of man Leo Akaba truly was and Shiryu was right not to have trusted him. But before the Enforcers could do anything else, they were suddenly attacked. 

Their monsters that were had been shining the lights on them were destroyed and the Enforcers knocked into the water. Asuka, Syrus, Rei and Johan looked behind them as they watch.

"Hey! Are you 4 okay?" A voice asked them.

This caused them to look up at the top of the stairs, they say 2 people. The first person, who owned the monster that attacked the Enforcers, was wearing a red jacket with a purple lining and red pants over an orange waistcoat with a blue collar and lined with yellow.

 A purple top hat with green goggles on the bottom side with feathers on its side rests on top of his black hair with inky-green shading. He also wears a handkerchief around his neck. Hanging from his belt is a red staff topped with a blue orb. This was Yusho Sakaki. The second person was –

(Flash Back End)

"Hey! There you are." the same voice spoke up behind Asuka.

Looking behind her, Asuka smiled. Standing there was the person that was with Yusho. He wore a dark red jacket over a black t-shirt, blue jeans with red boots. His hair it 2 different tones of brown with the top being lighter. A red old style Fusion Dimension Duel Disk is strapped to his arm. This is the hero from the Yu-Gi-Oh GX series, Judai Yuki.

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