Chapter 4: Escaping the Clutches of Academia Part 1

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"Serena... he doesn't see these girls as people." Shiryu said. "Just "things" that stole the life of his real daughter. He built a machine, not sure what it's called but the energy source is what makes me think this guy is insane."

"Why?" Serena asked.

"It's the reason he ordered all the Xyz dimension people to be carded Serena." Shiryu said slowly.

"You mean..." Serena said as her eyes widened.

"The carded people ARE the fuel source for his machine." Shiryu said.

Serena couldn't stay standing, so she sat on Shiryu's bed.

"That's not the worst of it." Shiryu informed his girlfriend.

"What could be worst then using PEOPLE as fuel?!" Serena demanded.

"How about what the machine is used for?" Shiryu asked.

Her only response was to gulp.

"Remember how I said he doesn't see these girls as people." Shiryu stated. "The machine is going to fuse the four back into his daughter. Bringing Ray back to life."

"Fuse... them?" Serena asked.

"Serena... he's going to kill you and not even give a fuck." Shiryu revealed.

"Oh Kami..." Serena whispered.

She then realized something about what Shiryu just said.

"Shiryu... why did you say "you"... as in me?" Serena asked.

Shiryu tapped a key on his laptop and brought up a picture of her.

"It's because Serena... you are Ray's fusion counter part." he answered.

Serena looked at her picture in horror. She realized what this meant.

"Then all this time..." Serena started to say.

"The reason Leo wanted you to stay on the island and not fighting was to keep you close." Shiryu finished for her. "When he gets your sisters, he will fuse you all together."

Serena said nothing for a minute... before rushing to the trash can Shiryu had in his room and vomited into it. Shiryu quickly made his way over to her and gently rubbed circles on her back after grabbing a water bottle.

"There, there. Let it all out my dancer." Shiryu eased her.

When she was done, he handed her the bottle for her to wash her mouth out with. After Serena emptied it, she started crying on his shoulder. Shiryu just continued to rub her back.

"T-T-This whole time, he n-never saw me as a person!" Serena said as she wept.

"I know you saw him as a father figure sweetie." Shiryu said softly. "I'm sorry."

"*sniff* H-Hold on." Serena said as she tried to calm down. "You said he has two other girls already and you called them my sister's. Why?"

"Well, if you think about it, they are aren't they." Shiryu said. "You four were "born" from the same person. That means you have a family. One that needs saving."

Serena thought it over and slowly began to see he was right.

"You're right." Serena whispered before becoming excited. "You're right Shiryu! Oh, you're the best boyfriend ever!"

She then kisses him and stands up.

"We need to go rescue the two that are here." she said. "But how will we get out?"

"I already have a plan in mind." Shiryu said as he took the bag from under his bed and pulled out the white (his) and the light blue (her) duel disks while passing the latter to her. "Here you go my dear."

Yugioh Arc-V: The Spirit KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora