Chapter 6: Forces Align

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In Academia, everything was a bit hectic, as the systems were still under the effects of Shiryu's virus. In the Professor's room (aka throne room), we see the man himself looking at the kneeling forms of Apollo and Diana.

"I gave you a task and you failed," Leo said.

"Our apologies Professor," Apollo said.

"The traitor was stronger than we thought," Diana said. "He dismantled our combos before we could use them. It's like he knew moves before we did them!"

"Speak for yourself." Apollo countered looking at her. "At least I used mine."

"And how long did that last?" Diana retorted looking at him.

"Enough!" Leo snapped.

Both guardians stopped fighting and looked down again. Leo stands up from his throne and puts his duel disk on his arm, activating it.

"I have no use for failures." Leo said.

The guardians looked up at him in shock.

"P-Please Professor! Give us another chance!" Apollo begged in fear.

"Yes, I-If we both face the traitor together, then we can d-definitely beat him!" Diana pleaded with fear.

The Professor only narrowed his eye's.

"If you couldn't beat Shiryu Busujima when he was holding back, what makes you think you can beat him when he isn't?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Before the two could say anything else, a purple light came from Leo's disk, causing Apollo and Diana to scream. When it died down, they were turned into cards with expressions of frozen horror.

Leo sighed and sat back down. He didn't even look to the voice that spoke.

"Truly a pity though." Doktor said from Leo's side. "To think we had a talented individual in our ranks and didn't even notice."

"It's because he played the part of the fool perfectly." Leo said. "He hid his abilities by putting in the least bit of effort but enough to stay afloat and not draw attention to himself. Not to mention the virus that was implanted for who knows how long."

Leo starts to remember everything that happened last night. He called Doktor to run the final checks for the implantment of the parasites into his beloved daughter Ray's Synchro and Xyz pieces. 

After green lighting everything, Doktor was about to leave and get things ready, only for the doors to seal shut to their surprise. Doktor began trying to open them but to no avail. He investigated the network to see what was wrong, only to find a virus that was hidden in their own coding. 

Before he could remove it, much to both of their shock, the systems own firewalls protected it and codes changed, making their master access worthless. Doktor began to hack into them manually. Luckily Leo has a separate system that gives him control of the cameras and lets him make direct calls or send messages. 

While Doktor worked on the virus, Leo started to try and find the one responsible for this. He looked outside the school for any intruders but found none. He was a little puzzled, wouldn't this be the perfect time for someone to sneak in... or to sneak out! Upon that realization, Leo pulled up the cameras directed at the towers only to see both guardians beaten, and the doors open. 

He immediately looked through all the halls that lead to the towers until he found the girls and to his shock two other teenagers he knew. Ray's Fusion piece and her watcher; Shiryu Busujima! They had just stopped at the doors that led to Doktors lab and only Shiryu entered. Seeing this Leo called for the man's attention to show him. 

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