Chapter 9: Once Broken Now Healed

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Shiryu was looking around upstairs and picked out a room for himself.

"So, you took the opportunity to claim the biggest bed for yourself." Zarc stated with a smirk.

"Damn right." Shiryu said. "Can't fight me for it if they're to busy talking with each other."

"Smart thinking." Zarc said in approval.

Shiryu put his bag on the ground and flopped on his bed while letting out a sigh.

"This has been a long day." Shiryu said.

"Not surprising since you've been awake for nearly 48 hours." Albaz said appearing.

It wasn't just him as Ecclesia, Kitt and Fleurdelis also appeared. Fleurdelis was in a more casual outfit.

"Are you sure you're okay Shiryu?" Ecclesia asked in concern.

"Yeah, especially in your duel against that creep Yuri." Kitt said, remembering how he looked when she was summoned to the field.

"You need to take better care of yourself Shiryu." Fleurdelis scolded the young adult like an older sister.

"Yeah, yeah." Shiryu said with a small smile.

Shiryu was really happy to have gained the ability to speak with Duel Spirits because it gave him the chance to talk to others about things. He has Zarc sure, don't get him wrong cause he likes having a partner. 

It's just nice having others' opinions and different viewpoints to discuss about while also getting advice. For the male Spirits, it gave him plenty of "guy time" to relax about things. As for the female Spirits, it gave Shiryu the opportunity to try and be a better boyfriend for Serena. 

Shiryu then looked out the window towards the moon. Thinking about his friends back in the Fusion Dimension.

'I hope they were able to get to the mainland and met Yusho safely.' Shiryu thought.

"Shiryu!" Serena's voice was heard. "We're done talking! Come and make us dinner!"

"Eh?! Shiryu can cook?!" Rin exclaimed in surprise.

"That's surprising." Ruri was heard. "Not many guys learn how to cook."

"Well now the other 2 know." Shiryu sighed. "No doubt they'll want me to be their personal chief."

"At least you'll be getting brownie points from them." Zarc said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Shiryu said as he got up and opened the door. "The reason I learned to cook was because Serena blew up the kitchen the first and last time she tried to!"

"Shut up Shiryu!" Serena yelled in embarrassment. "You Baka!"

The Spirits all faded when Shiryu left the room. The camera pans toward the moon and closes in on it before retracting to show the scene had changed with a different person looking at the moon. That person being an Asuka, who was sitting on top of a building in the shipping yard.

"It's been 2 years since that day." Asuka said to herself. "When we fled from Academia and learned the truth about Leo Akaba."

She then takes a card out of her pocket and looks at it.

"Why didn't I listen to you and Shiryu." Asuka asked herself. "Because of my foolishness, you paid the price."

The picture on the card was that of her friend that begged them to escape with her.

(Flash Back 2 Years Ago)

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