Can't Be Trusted Alone

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I do not own KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I wince as they stitch up the third stab wound and the nurse looks at me. "You're doing well for not having any numbing." She says and I chuckle.

"I've got a big pain tolerance, and I've been through worse." I say and wince as Dad walks in.

"You alright kiddo?" He asks and I smile.

"Yeah." I say and the nurse scoffs.

"If you call almost getting stabbed in the lungs alright." She says and I chuckle nervously.

"Grey. I told you that you need to come train with me. Now that you're dating those girls you also need a gun." Dad says and I groan.

"I don't need a gun. The environment is my weapon." I say and flex my muscles through the pain.

"Yeah. But what if the mall gets attacked by Terrorists or some psychos?" He asks and I scoff.

"Then I'll do what I need to do Dad." I say and he punches the wall as he looks down.

"Damn it Grey! I lost your brother because I wasn't around to train him about perceiving threats! If I had just gotten him to train -" He says and I sigh.

"But what if his reaction would be to jerk the car left?" I ask and Dad shakes his head. The nurse quickly leaves after stitching up my wounds. "Either way Dad. It was Jeremy or Me. I regret that he sacrificed his life for me, do you think I like knowing he died to protect me? How do you think I feel knowing every day I wake up I killed him?" I ask and Dad looks up with tears in his eyes. I'm completely shocked as I've never seen him cry before.

"Never say that again. Jeremy knew what he was doing. I just...I can't lose another Son...your Mother can't lose you...and your sisters would be devastated if you died. Please." He says and I sigh.

"Alright. I'll train with you." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you. It'll keep your old man's heart at ease." He says and I get up to hit his chest gently.

"Are you getting soft on me Old Man?" I ask and he laughs as he ruffles my hair.

"Maybe kiddo. Come on let's go to the shooting range. We'll start with small arms and reacting to multiple hostiles." He says and I nod as he hands me a loose button up. I text Omega what happened and that I'm with my Dad now. I also told him how I tried to contact the girls but they didn't answer.

-Omega POV-

I clean my hands of blood as I get a text.  I frown seeing that the girls didn't pick up for him. "Shadow. Can you finish up here?" I ask as I look at my partner.

"Yeah Bro. Everything good?" He asks  as he begins to pour gasoline on the girl.

"Grey was goaded into a fight and the guy stabbed him three to four times. He's out with his Dad right now." I say and the girl looks at me.

"G-Grey?" She asks and Shadow kicks her onto the ground.

"Did he tell the girls? Why isn't he going home with them?" He asks as he pours more gasoline around her.

"Apparently they didn't answer. I'm headed to the studio to tell them." I say as I grab my keys.

"Got you." He says as we head upstairs as he pours gasoline up the stairs. I step over the corpse of the bitches boyfriend. I look at the picture on the wall and frown. "To think this bitch still had a picture of her and Grey." He says and I scoff. I grab it and toss it downstairs with her.

"Don't waste too much time. You've got an hour at most." I say and he nods.

"I've got the gas ready to leak in an hour. So their neighbors will think it was a gas leak." He says and I nod before going to my car and driving to the studio.

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