Radio Killed The Video Star

Start from the beginning

Karma: Eh I've seen better

Alastor: Ha well if all that's true you'd think I'd have heard of you

Pentious: I attacked you literally last week

Alastor tilted his head

Pentious: We've done battle like... 20 times!

Alastor: Well you must have been really bad at this

Pentious: Silence! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge ME as their equal!

Nifty: Ooh! Wait who are the Vees?

Alastor: Oh nobody important

Karma: Really?

Karma thinking: either he's down or hiding something


Meanwhile Vox made it to Valentino's tower

Valentino: Fucking FINALLY! Can you believe what that piece of shit did?! The ungrateful whore!

He threw his drink and Vox but he moved out of the way

Vox: Uh which whore are we talking about this time?

Valentino: Fucking Angel Dust! Who the hell else would I be talking about?! That fucking SLUT walked out on me! ME! I fucking made him! Without me he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes

Vox: Oh! Angel quit?

Valentino: NO! He didn't fucking quit! It's worse! He MOVED!!! He thinks he can just walk in here work and then go home somewhere else?! Can you FUCKING believe that?! He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter! And some retired yet powerful stripper!

Vox: Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter? And what stripper?

Valentino: YEAH! That BITCH Chalkie or Chandler or I dunno! Something manish like that she's got this hotel and the stripper Kira or Kim or something!

He held a yellow and pink gun

Valentino: which one of these makes me look sexier?

Vox: Heh what are you doing Val? You're not going over there

Valentino: That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shit hole I swear to god! Maybe get that other bitch to work for me!

Vox grabbed Valentino

Vox: VAL!

He calmed down and let him go

Vox: Think about it Our brand is perfection and what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?

Valentino: Um... fuck it up?

Vox: Right! Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?

Valentino: No!

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