Second meeting with Damien

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Teni was on her way home from work when her car's engine started generating strange sounds. The car was overheating as well so she quickly maneuvered it off the road and parked it by the road side. She went to check the bonnet but she didn't even know where to touch. She did a few things she had seen Collins do and then went back to start the car but it refused to be ignited. Teni tried over and over again but it didn't kick off. She went back to check the bonnet. She needed no one to tell her that she had touched something she shouldn't have but she didn't know where exactly it was. She decided to start undoing everything she did previously. "Excuse me, do you mind if I lend a helping hand?" She heard a somewhat familiar voice behind her back. It seems distant but familiar, who could it be?. She decided to solve the puzzle and turned around to face him but was very much surprised to see the man from the grocery store in front of her. "I knew it was you" Damien said half smiling. Teni gave him a questioning look so he quickly added "no offence and I wasn't trailing you as well but I happened to see you coming out of the car while I was also stepping out of the building over there" Teni's eyes followed the direction of his hands and she nodded her head. So he continued "was there to see a friend, I didn't see your face clearly but I knew you looked familiar so I decided to check it out. Nice meeting you again Teni" She flashed him a smile and took the hands he stretched out for an handshake. "Nice meeting you too Mr..." She dragged the words as she didn't remember his name. "Damien" the man said calmly. He was slightly disappointed that the woman he had been dreaming and daydreaming about for the past few days didn't even remember his name. "Oh sorry Mr Damien..." Teni was saying but he cut her off. "It's just Damien please. Teni quit the formalities for Pete's sake". " Oh okay, sorry about that" Teni said and gave an apologetic smile." So what's wrong with your boy? "Damien asked as he bent over to examine the car." I don't know what went wrong but it started making noise and then it began to overheat so I stopped it and parked it here. I checked the bonnet but I don't know if I touched something I shouldn't have because when I came to start it again, it refused to start. Damien listened to her complaints patiently before turning to face her. "It developed some engine problem. I can give it a temporary repair but it can't last long and I don't know how long the distance you're going is so I suggest you call your mechanic". Teni sighed and checked her watch " how long do you think it will take for the car to get repaired?" " Nothing less than four hours, are you in an hurry? " Damien asked. She nodded her head and said "sure, but don't worry, I'll just hail a cab. Thank you so much Damien I really appreciate" " I could drop you off" Damien insisted but she shook her head," I won't bother you anymore Damien, thanks for your concern, I really appreciate" " but I don't see any cab coming, I insist on helping you. I want to drop by  the grocery store to get foodstuffs, you can tag along" Damien said. Teni smiled and said" Sure,I'm also heading there, thank you" "I won" Damien said with a smirk while she rolled her eyes playfully.
Damien drove to the grocery store and parked the car. Together, they both walked into the store. They chatted together freely and laughed together a few times. Like the previous day, Teni assisted him in picking up necessary food items. Just then, Teni felt an intense gaze on her from behind. She turned back and saw a figure scurrying into a small corner. She looked confused and it bothered Damien. "Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes full of concern and she nodded her head but her gaze never left that corner so Damien looked in the direction of her gaze but saw nothing and yet she was looking worried so held her shoulders firmly and asked if she was okay again. He scrutinized her facial expressions which seems to be that of anxiety but she gave him an halfhearted smile and said. "I'm okay, just that I think I saw someone familiar" Damien looked back again but saw no one. "It might be an hallucination though, it's no big deal, let's move" she gave a warm smile this time. Damien nodded his head and they continued their shopping. He offered to pay her bills but she declined politely. The man wouldn't give up so he asked to offer her a ride home, Teni obliged this time but she decided not to let him drop her at her house exactly. She would alight from the car just when she is few blocks away from her house and besides Collins was on a business trip and Ammie would be busy watching her favourite Tv show as her daily  routine permits her. With this conclusion, she entered Damien's car. Seated in the car, she felt an intense gaze on her again so she turned back and saw a figure standing at the entrance of the store staring in their direction but before she could make out his face, Damien ignited the engine and drove off. She shrugged and decided to put it off her mind. It was no big deal since nobody confronted her.

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