Job proposal

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Teni watched him leave. She had this uncomfortable feeling in her chest that ran down to her stomach. She wanted to break down in tears but now wasn't the right time. She had to clean up the dining room as well. He wouldn't eat the "better meal" if the table and surrounding is messy. She consoled herself and hurried into the kitchen to prepare his best meal, maybe that would soften his heart a little.
Her mind kept on recalling the event that just happened. This wasn't the first time she would be serving him rice on a Tuesday evening. Infact, he had written and given her his meal timetable. The fact is that he had been picking on her and he gets infuriated over her little mistakes that could have been overlooked. Most times she couldn't even place her hands on what she did wrong, yet she suffered for everything. Sometimes he would hit her like today, rain abusive words on her and even threaten to divorce her.
If there was anything she feared, it was being threatened with divorce. She couldn't afford to part ways with Collins. Their marriage was barely two years, where would she go if he divorced her since she was an helpless orphan with no family. She was squatting with one of her colleagues in her former place of work before she met Collins and this colleague of hers was now married. She couldn't bear to divorce him, where would she go?, to avoid this situation, she had to try her best to please him all way round.
She managed to take her mind off the issue and prepared another 'better meal' for her aggressive husband which he came down to eat thirty minutes later.
Two days later, she made up her mind to present her proposal to him. Maybe if she stopped lazing around the house all day, he would stop picking on her.
As soon as he got back from work, she set his food on the dining table as usual. She waited for him as he went upstairs to take his shower. He came downstairs ten minutes later and began to eat meekly.
A small smile danced on the corner of his lip as he ate his food heartily. She knew she was a good cook but the smile on his face had been there since he came back from his office so it definitely had something to do with his work and not her or the delicious meal. When last did he appreciate how well she cooked?
Teni had been watching him keenly since he got back from his office but he just noticed her presence, he raised a questioning brow at her and she shrank back in fear. "What do you want?" he asked as he motioned for her to come forward.
Teni took a seat opposite him where she could easily dodge if at anytime he attempts to hit her. "You want to say something?" Collins asked again. She pursed her lips and nodded her head gently. "I...I wish to resume back to my place of work" she said almost in a whisper.
He stopped the spoon that was going into his mouth halfway and dropped it with a loud bang that startled Teni. She quietly moved her chair back in fear as she anticipated his next action.
Collins pretended not to notice her uneasiness, he replied"and where will you put Jenna?"
Jenna was their six months old baby. "There's a nursery down the road and our neighbors have told me so many things about it, it's a nice place to put our child." Teni replied calmly."so what about breakfast and dinner, you'll work at it's expense?" he asked, his brows slightly furrowed.
Teni had been expecting this question. She knew if it wasn't the first question, it would be the second. Collins doesn't joke with his stomach but thank goodness he put their child first."I'll prepare breakfast as early as possible before leaving for work, I'll be closing one hour earlier than you, before you drive home, dinner would have been ready" Teni said calculatively.
Collins bowed his head slightly and joined his palms together as if he was praying or thinking. This gesture gave Teni some hopes but it all crumbled when she heard his thick voice. "No!, you're not going to resume and that's final" he said and walked out of the room.
Teni groaned in frustration. He didn't even give a chance for further negotiations, he was halfway through his meal, she packed it up because he wouldn't come back to it.

Watch out for chapter three, it's full of suspense, the story is getting more interesting, support your authoress with more votes and comment your view in the comment section.
Thank you, Joel cares.

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