Baby Jenna

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Teni opened the house door, relief flushed through her as she didn't sight her husband's car in the compound. All hell would have been let loose had it been he got home before her. She could still recall his warning before he left for his office in the morning.

He had informed her earlier on that he would be bringing few of his colleague home with him to have lunch. The men were to check out a site not too far from Collins' house so instead of going back to the office for lunch after their supervision, he 'collins' would come to his house to eat lunch after all his wife was a good cook.
Teni had gone to the grocery store to get all she would be needing to prepare a delicious lunch for her husband and his colleagues. She got back home and started making all necessary preparations, dicing,
freezing, slicing, peeling, washing, cutting and all.
Ten minutes into her preparation, she heard a shrill cry she would recognize anywhere from their bedroom upstairs. She stopped whatever she was doing and ran upstairs, her heart was pounding against her chest loudly. She stumbled a few times on the stairs as she made her way into her baby's room. Panic struck her when she saw the child convulsing.
In a fit of nervousness, she carried the baby in her hands, ready to apply first aid but the child suddenly went numb in her hands. Teni was deadpanned for almost a minute before she rushed downstairs with the child again. Worry mixed with fear and confusion engulfed her as she put the baby in the baby seat and drove to the nearest hospital like a maniac.
Hours went by but Teni could not care about that at all. Her eyes were fixed on the door to the emergency ward anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out and tell her about her child's condition. Someone came to pat her back from behind. It was Hana her best and only friend. "It's well, she'll be fine. My first child made me panic as well when something similar to this happened to him years back, but he came out safe and sound. Jenna would be alright, okay? just have faith" Hana reassured her and Teni nodded her head absent-mindedly. "You said Collins sent you on an errand and you haven't done it" Hana said remembering what Teni told her when she called." Yes but it can wait, we are talking about my child's life here, I won't even be able to focus on it", Teni said tiredly." Leave the child to me Teni, I'll take care of her, go and do what Collins asked you to do, you know he is very grumpy, don't provoke him" but Teni shook her head dismissively. Hana quickly hugged her and patted her back when she saw that Teni was on the verge of crying. "Don't stress yourself too much, it's a small issue, I'm talking to you out of experience. Trust God on this, trust the doctors, trust me too. I'm telling you the situation is not as bad as you think. I'll stay here with Jenna and I'll call you once the doctors are done, besides your house is only a three minutes drive from here. Put your mind at ease okay?".Teni nodded her head simply, she couldn't argue further, she would trust God to help her this time. She took her phone and keys and went back home prepare lunch for Collins and his colleagues.
           End of flashback.
Relief flooded through Teni when she didn't see her husband's car in the parking lot, that could only mean one thing, they were yet to come.
She quickly made her way into the kitchen and continued from where she stopped but she couldn't concentrate, her mind was on her baby. Lost in thoughts, she didn't notice that someone had come inside the kitchen untill she heard a cold voice that sent shivers down her spine. "What do you think you are doing?" His voice made her unsteady. The knife in her hands dropped abruptly. She trembled in fear and her lips quivered as she turned to face him. She met with his murderous gaze. She wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth, she couldn't help but think of the worst. "Cat cut your tongue?" Collins threw her a savage glare and began taking off his belt.
Teni stepped back in fear, "Collins I can explain, it's... it's not what you think." The man have her a mocking laughter and sneered at her. Suddenly, he grabbed her neck, deliberately choking her. "It's obviously not what I think, what do you think I would think? Uh?, do you know how much ridiculed I was today?, all my life I've never been as embarrassed as this. I boasted to everyone about how well you cook, made everyone's mouth to water, drove them here, ushered them in to the dinning room. It was empty, I didn't bother just thought you were too exhausted to dish out the meal so I apologized and came into the kitchen to dish the food out myself but what did I see?, raw meats, unsliced vegetables, unwashed pepper!
I dialled your line severally but you didn't even pick it up as if you didn't know it was ringing, couldn't you have waited for us to get divorced before running off with your lover?
You know the shame I felt when my colleagues threw me confused stares when I came out of the kitchen empty handed?, they got the message and started leaving one by one. You this dowdy whore, how dare you disobey my orders?"
His grip on her neck loosened as he began to beat her mercilessly with the belts, Teni cried and pleaded for mercy but she could barely hear herself. Tears were pouring out of her eyes heavily as the belt didn't miss any part of her body. Her head was already throbbing with headache, she hissed in pain. She couldn't take it anymore, if he didn't stop she will faint or might just die. But then a phone call interrupted the scenario, Collins stopped hitting her with the belt. Before picking up the phone, he said "seems your lover can't get enough of you".
Teni was too weak to reply him, she only looked at him as he received the call. Her instincts told her the caller was Hana.
Collins brow knitted in surprise and then he looked down at Teni, "where's Jenna?" panic emitted from his husky voice.
"Hospital" Teni managed to say as she struggled to get up. Collins made to assist her but she ignored him and staggered out of the kitchen. She picked up her car keys but Collins grabbed it from her hands"you can't drive in this condition, just tell me the address, I'll take us there" Teni rolled her eyes at him 'so he could care about her condition when he was the one who inflicted pain on her?'but that was the least of her problem, she needed to see her daughter.

Please comment your thoughts about the story in the comment box, I'm sorry I couldn't post yesterday.
Joel cares.

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