Episode 1: Pilot

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Somewhere in Favonius Cathedral, a blonde-haired girl walks out.

Melody: Goodbye!

Favonius Guard: Bye Ms Melody.

Melody: No need to be so formal.

After a bit, she teleports to Liyue where the twins are walking around.

Chyou: Li Jie if you do anything that could get us in trouble know how mom will be.

Li Jie: I know, I haven't used the Jade Chamber for a party when our parents were gone for a while. If anything I'm surprised I haven't broken it yet.

Chyou: Ummm...

Li Jie: And the worst part is the fact that I don't have anything else to do minus our responsibility, you know.

Chyou: (Sighing) Whatever.

Melody: Hey, Chyou, Li Jie, we have training in Sumeru.

They teleport to Sumeru Akademiya to meet Lesser Lord Kusanagi. They come once per week for Archon training. After a bit...

Melody: So I know I can create wind currents, but I didn't know it can knock stuff down.

Li Jie: (Curiously) How did you not know that?

Melody: Remember my dad like yours is retired from the Archon position. At least you and Chyou are close to the Qixing. With that, how is Qi-yi doing?

Chyou: She's doing good last time I checked, she met Selene and it helped her to understand why Ei is overprotective of her.

Meanwhile, in Inazuma City, we meet Qi-yi outside with two people.

Koto: (Puts Mora on the front of the ship) That is 10,000 Mora and thank you.

Qi-yi: Thank you for helping me out, me and More pricing don't exactly go hand in hand.

Sinno: (Arms crossed) At least one of your parents isn't challenging the other to constant sparring matches.

Qi-yi: Yeah... (Realizing the time) Koto don't you have shrine maiden duties to attend to?

Koto: (Pulling out Gohei) Follow me.

They go to the Grand Narukami Shrine.

Selene: (Collecting some materials) Listen I hear Kominya Express is doing a program where people from other nations deliver. I hear that Pirate will be volunteering.

Qi-yi: (Walking up the stairs tired) Hello... (gasping for air) Selene... how's life treating you?

Selene: Good, Aunt. (Noticing Koto and Sinno) Greetings Kitsune, Yokai.

Sinno: Can you please stop doing nicknames? We are just here so Koto can do her part-time shrine maiden business.

Koto: (Goes directly past the building) See you later (Noticing Heiki hanging around on the top) You can come down!

Heiki: (Looking down) Sorry... I was just playing with my Kendama! I kinda forgot about my investigation of other realms.

Koto: (Irritated) Hopefully the other Archons are having it better.

Back at the Akademiya training grounds.

Melody: (Creating a wind vortex) For some reason I want to call that more of a black hole.

Nahida: Let's save that for later.

Li Jie: (Pulling out his sword) Hey Teach! Me and Chyou are going to use our meteors at the same time.

Chyou: (Pointing towards him) It was his idea.

They got the trading dummy with their meteors with Chyou's from below and Li Jie's hitting sideways making it fly off into the distance. Meanwhile at Mondstadt.

Jasmine: (Pointing to her scar over her eye) And that's how I got this.

Aster: Good story... did you remember to do your commissions?

Jasmine: (Checks Map) Oh... right gotta go. (She teleports to Liyue.)

Aster: I hear there is an inventor who wants to create a portal to other dimensions in Sumeru.

Filma: Well the whims of fate would... (Gets hit by the training dummy from before) I'm still alive!

Addelynne: Well I thinks Filma cursed.

Aster: (Recounting) She got from her dad so the luck seems to be hereditary.

Filma: (Getting up) The great Filma is still in your presence. Even the Fatui of Snezhnaya is aware of everything, everywhere, all at once.

At Snezhnaya in the Alé's office.

Fatui Agent: (Gives paper to Alé then bows on one knee) Here is our report.

Alé: (Looks at the paper) This is a coloring page, you imbecile.

Fatui Agent: (Takes it back) I'll be back. (Exits the room)

Alé: (Sighing) The Fatui needs to work on hiring practices. Agents are dumb and one of the harbingers is a literal 13-year-old!

Meanwhile, in a random spot in the middle of the night, a figure falls out from a portal.

???: Goddamnit that hurt!

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