Episode 3: One Day in the Chasm Part 1

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In the Chasm we see Svetlana.

Svetlana: Of course the first thing the Qixing wants me to do is in the Chasm.

Outside the Chasm Fang, Furong, and Long are outside.

Furong: Ling, why did you want us to go into the chasm?

Ling: Easy it is the main mining place in Liyue.

Fang: I mainly wanted to see if there are any monsters I can exercise

Furong: What is the chance of that happening?

Fang: No idea.

Alé: Privet.

Ling: Ah, what the heck.

Alé: What's your problem? I am here so I won't be surrounded by idiots as a Schneznayan General.

Furong: Wait, you from Snezhnaya?

Alé: Yes, what about that is hard to understand? Anyway. Who's diving in first?

Furong: Let's get this over with.

All of them jump in the Chasm.

Svetlana: At least it is quiet

She hears a loud thud.

Alé: Ow why couldn't we have teleported?

Everyone points at Ling.

Ling: Why am I always the punching bag?

Svetlana: I wanted to do this quickly but...

Alé: Hey, fellow Hydro user how is it down there?

Svetlana: For Pete's sake all I wanted for the mission was just to do this quickly and quietly.

The training archons and Nahida appear from a teleport wave point.

Li Jie: Buer why make our trip in the Chasm?

Nahida: I like you asking questions.

Furong: Can everyone stop asking questions!?
Melody: Yeesh, talk about anger issues.

Chyou: Wait a minute... I see some Noctilucous Jade. Those things are very rare there is like 46 per cycle for a local specialty.

Heiki and Selene are walking around the Chasm.

Heiki: And that is the story of my first case as a detective.

Selene: Ah well, Ninja anyway have you seen the Dog Dude... and he is there with the Pirate.

Heiki: Seems like the main mining area.

After that Tomo appears from a mountain with others viewing from below.

Tomo: And that is how you do an electric dive from a skill can do.

Qi-yi: Why in the world do we share an element and weapon type?

Tomo: No idea.

Hinata: Ah well I share element and weapon type with Naganohara Yomiya.

Koto: I am going to check below oh hey a couple of people are down here.

Sinno: Why is everyone going to the Chasm?

Svetlana: That's it next area (Still gotta find that Ruin Serpent).

The Akedemiya gang with Fahm, Jasmine, and everyone else teleport to the chasm

Fahm: Why do I let you drag me into this?

Aslan: Easy, it's a way to test your skills outside a forest.

Zain: Huh, we aren't the only ones exploring the Chasm today.

Jasmine: I just came here to see what's happening.

Vanessa: Speaking of which let's go.

All of them go to the main mining area.

Aster: Is it just me or do I feel like this was a really bad idea?

Addelynne: I never think about anything. Oh, look glowing rocks.

Jasmine: Wait this ore can help light the area around it. I recommend picking it up.

Filma: This shouldn't be too hard and...

For a bunch of times, it keeps slipping out of her hand.

Filma: My luck is a curse from the gods!

Tomo: Twins anything you know about the Chasm.

Chyou and Li Jie: The main mining site in Liyue holds a Ruin Serpent which is an ancient technology from Khaenri'ah.

Li Jie: Though if you ask me the cave system isn't too far we just have to find a tunnel.

Qi-yi: Does anyone have a good idea what to do with these?

Alé: As being surrounded by idiots in my job has told me. Be prepared at all times.

Vreni: Does anyone know what this is?

Heiki: That is Oozing Concentration it is very weak to light and should not be stepped on with a low power source. I read too many books for my good.

Selene: So Mr. General what do you think we should do.?
In Alé's thoughts: I do not like this situation right now. I have spent so much time in Schneznaya that I forgot how to answer anyone else's questions.

Alé: I (cough) believe we should...

Jasmine: Alé, are you okay or...

Alé: Uhhh....

Jasmine: Though it's been a while I don't think he is good with social cues.

Alé: Let's just find the tunnel twins lead the way.

Chyou & Li Jie: Follow us

To be continued

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